Please note the product releases for the environments are scheduled as follows:
Australian = 31st Aug, Tuesday Morning | Canadian = 13th Sep, Monday Evening | U.S. = 13th Sep, Monday Evening
Product Enhancements
Ambassador Challenge
Making Donations for Similar Designations Across Initiatives
This feature helps you to identify the donation amount raised for a specific Designation across all the Initiatives. When a donation is made to a Designation-based Challenge, the donated amount is reflected in all the Challenges provided the same Designations are used and the Start Date and the End Date range are met.
Digital Wallet
Canceling Recurring Billing (Digital Wallet PayPal) when Respective Payment Gateway is Deleted
When Deleting a Digital Wallet PayPal Payment Gateway account, a new warning message now gets displayed.
The system is now going to ask for deletion confirmation twice. First, when you click Delete, a browser validation pop-up message gets displayed.
On confirming OK, a final Warning pop-up message gets displayed.
This warning pop-up is going to appear when you are trying to delete Digital Wallet PayPal ONLY (both Primary and secondary Gateways).
Clicking the OK button deletes the associated PayPal Payment Gateway account, and cancels all the existing active Digital Wallet PayPal recurring transactions for the respective form.
Canceled PayPal recurring transactions cannot be restarted. To restart, Admin needs to create the same Gateway account again with the same configuration of Primary and Secondary Gateway and the donor needs to resubmit the donation form again.
Token Validation
- A Token with a length of greater than 30 and contains special characters (apart from space and underscore) is considered as BAD TOKEN. BAD TOKEN does not hold any value and it will be displayed as a string value. If an email is sent with BAD TOKEN, the value of the Token will not be delivered, and the end-user will see the token value as a string.
- Added on 07th Sep 2021 - Added a new validation message when the users upload Email List (Merge Fields) with:
- Special characters (apart from Underscore (_) and Space) in the column header.
- More than 100 characters in the column header.
- Added on 07th Sep 2021 - The Save button is now disabled if you upload an invalid Email List (Merge Fields).
Members (Added on 07th Sep 2021)
Token Validation
- Added a new validation message when the user adds a Token Name in the Edit Member/New Member module when:
- Special characters (apart from Underscore (_) and Spaces) in the Token Name.
- If the Token Name length is more than 100 characters, the token will truncate to 100 characters.
General Encompass (Modified on 07th Sep 2021)
- Several verbiages are changed in Ambassador Challenge, Create Initiative, Create Challenge, and View Stats pages.
- In the HEP Data Portal, now you can see the transactions with Transaction ID in the Aux2 column.
Please note: The Redis Client version upgrade has been removed from this release. As we were finalizing the release we identified the need for some additional testing. This will be included in a future release.
- Resolved issue for Email List (Merge Fields) feature, when a token value is numeric (with spaces) and inserted from a merge list, the system will truncate the spaces and send the email.
- Resolved the issue of error messages appearing when sending email previews if the email contains URLs and hyperlinks with "?" or "/" at the end.
- The commerce form report now shows billing email and phone number values as blank when no values are present in Stripe (Primary or Secondary).
- Added on 07th Sep 2021 - Resolved an issue of the Email template editor cutting off the Template Settings menu options.