Anthology Academy – Logging In and Getting Started

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We are excited to inform you the Anthology Academy is launched and waiting for you!

With Anthology Academy you get to benefit from expert training and on-demand webinars to improve skills and ensure your team is getting the best Anthology experience possible.

Logging In to Anthology Academy

Logging into Anthology Academy is very simple, follow the below steps to log in to Academy.

  1. Go to Anthology Academy and click on Customer Login.
  2. Complete one of the following:

    a. Existing customers can log in with their credentials (email and password). If you forget your password, you can reset your password with the Forgot Password link
    b. New users will need to click the Create new account button and complete the new account form to create a new account. Click Create my new account after you finish adding all the required fields.
  3. Once you are logged in, click Course Catalog in the left navigation.
  4. Click on the Anthology Encompass tile/card. 
  5. Use the dropdown list to select the area you would like to view materials for. You can also search for your specific content if you are aware of that in the Search bar.