Australian = Monday morning | Canadian = Monday evening | U.S. = Monday evening
Product Enhancements
Online Giving
New Digital Wallet Gateway
If you are looking for easier and more modern ways to let your constituents pay through Encompass while leveraging new connection methods that are both PCI and SCA compliant, then Digital Wallet is the answer.
All Digital Wallet offerings now live under this new "Digital Wallet" Gateway. Currently, this includes 2 merchants; PayPal and Stripe.
- Digital Wallet PayPal provides constituents the ability to pay using their PayPal or Venmo accounts.
- Digital Wallet Stripe provides constituents the ability to pay using Apple Pay, Google Pay, and payment methods attached to the browser's autofill options (in Chrome and Edge).
NOTE: All current Stripe Checkout customers will be migrated and have to re-connect their Stripe account using the new “Digital Wallet” gateway and the “Connect to Stripe” button. You need Admin rights for this task.
To successfully implement Digital Wallet, both Encompass and Customers have certain tasks to perform. On the day of release:
- Encompass team runs the script to successfully merge legacy Stripe Checkout with Digital Wallet.
- Encompass team (Customer Support) adds the URI link https://XYZ/iDBMS/StripeConnectWebhook.aspx, where XYZ is the University base URL that needs to be added in order to connect the Digital Wallet Stripe account for the production URL.
Note: Stripe only support HTTPS. - After a successful merger, Stripe Checkout gets replaced with Digital Wallet in the Gateway Account dropdown.
- Existing customers using Stripe Checkout have to go to the Gold Key Menu > Manage Payment Gateway > Accounts and find the existing Stripe Checkout gateways.
- Click Edit. This opens up the Create a Payment Gateway Account you can see the Payment Gateway is already changed to Digital Wallet.
- Click Enable Stripe, and click Save. Save closes the window.
Note: Saving the Payment Gateway before connecting to Stripe is MANDATORY. - Find the same Digital Wallet Payment Gateway Account Name from the list and click Edit at the top right of the Payment Gateway Accounts configuration tab.
- Click Connect with Stripe to connect with your respective Stripe account. This opens up the Stripe page.
- After a successful connection, you are redirected back to Encompass. You see the Connected message next to the Connect with Stripe.
- Click Save, now, you are successfully migrated to the new Digital Wallet.
For more details refer to Configuring Digital Wallet as a Payment Gateway in Encompass.
Learn more about Digital Wallets here.
Scoreboards - Ambassador Challenges
Admin Stats
Ambassador Challenge brings you an all-new option to view Initiative progress and track the progress in a new way. Admins and Ambassadors can access the View Stats option by clicking on the ellipsis in the top right of the initiative card.
View Stats page provides you the below details:
- Challenges progress bar.
- Challenge completion status.
- Affiliation Totals.
- Top donations.
- An Initiative overall progress bar.
- Daily and Total count of gifts across all Challenges.
- Social web source breakdown across all Challenges.
- Sort option for Challenge chart.
Ambassador Profile Details
Account information on the Ambassador Challenges page now gives you the ability to add and view the Ambassador's profile information. Under the Account tab you can:
- Upload Photo – The Ambassador can upload a photo for their profile.
- Name – This is the Ambassador’s name gets auto-populated from the Members record within Encompass. This is a non-editable field and can not be edited in the Account tab.
- Preferred Name – This is the Ambassador's preferred name and is optional. Ambassadors can modify this field. The Ambassador Scoreboard Module shows the Preferred Name if the field is populated.
- Class Year - This is the Ambassador’s Class Year and gets auto-populated from the Members record in Encompass. This is a non-editable field and can not be edited in the Account tab.
- Degree - This is the Ambassador’s educational Degree and this gets auto-populated from the Members record in Encompass. This is a non-editable field and can not be edited in the Account tab.
- Embed Video - Ambassadors can embed a video by pasting a Facebook, YouTube, or Vimeo link. Embedding a video is optional.
- Bio – Ambassadors can write their Bio.
Learn More about Ambassador Challenges: Admin Stats here.
Ambassador - Challenge Setup
- If the ambassador creates a challenge, the ambassador's name appears next to the Challenge name as a link to their Profile.
- If the admin enters a name in the "On Behalf of" field, and "anonymous" is NOT selected, this name appears in the scoreboards module.
- If the challenge is designation-based, the admin now can select or deselect all designations from the list.
- Admins can now allow Ambassadors to create their own challenges.
Admin Settings
- If an admin has Super Admin or Ambassador Management Admin rights the Settings tab is now visible.
This will allow the admin to set up the following:
- Upload a Logo - the image should be 1MB or under and be in JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF format.
- Set a color scheme
- Primary Color - sets the color for all buttons that are currently blue.
- Secondary Color - sets the color for all progress bars.
- Select Text Color.
Note: Changes made to the Settings page do not reflect anywhere within Ambassador Challenges. Further development on this page is in progress and you will get additional features in the upcoming release.
General Encompass
- Resolved an issue where the 'Send an Email' option on the community profile was hidden when the member's last name included an apostrophe.
- Resolved an issue where Event Date with Timezone token was not displaying timezone in the confirmation email.
- Resolved an issue with reconciliation reports where the transactions that happen late in the day get were not getting picked up correctly.
- Corrected scenario when Events with Donations include an optional Double the Donation gift match option and the donation is null, the transaction is not sent to DtD for processing.
- Resolved an issue with the ICP Grid where data entered into profile review merge fields was not being saved properly.
- Resolved an issue where the billing phone number for the following reports was not displaying accurately.
- Donations - GTE report
- Membership reports
- Events reports
- Resolved an issue when clicking pay with a card (in Firefox), the user was not directed to the TouchNet T-link site for payment.
- Resolved an issue where GPay/Pay now was not disabled in the form when multiple designation fields were not provided.
- Ambassador Challenges - Resolved an issue where Super Admins did not have the Advanced Admin rights by default.
- Resolved an issue where the is_email_valid field was not capturing system updates in the data change history.
- Resolved the issue where selecting the help icon "i" presented an error message. It will now redirect to
- Directory - resolved an issue where only the first 100 directory results are loading.
- CPI - Fixed an issue where the CPI goal value would still be present even if the goal type changes.
- Resolved Privacy Issue for Email Address not hiding in directory search results when the user chooses to hide It.