Australian = Monday morning | Canadian = Monday Evening | U.S. = Monday Evening
Product Enhancements
Email Marketing
A/B Testing Campaigns
HTML Selection Now Available
If you are an Admin with the Advanced HTML Email Author and the Email A/B Testing Author rights you will now be able to create HTML content when building your A/B Testing Campaign.
You must have the following administrative rights for this option to be available.
- Email Author or Communications
- Advanced HTML Email Author
- Email A/B Testing Author
Create Email Campaign Module Update
We added a little reminder that the A/B Testing Campaign feature is available if you have the "A/B Testing Email author Right". This administrative right added to the Email Author or Communications administrative right will allow the individual to create an A/B Testing Campaign.
Segmented Campaigns
Email Notifications
Your email notifications will now display the segmented campaign name with the version name when emails have been completed sending or failed to send.
Online Giving
Scoreboards - Ambassador Challenges
Initiative Goal
Admins now have the ability to add an "Initiative Goal" and track how their overall initiative is doing (above and beyond their challenges). The amount entered on the initiative setup form is displayed on the initiative card, and the progress bar fills in to display $'s raised or donor count to goal, across all forms within the initiative.
Admin Stats
A new stats page has been added to the admin portal to offer admins a better look into how their initiatives are doing. For May, we have implemented 3 stats. Firstly, a graph which breaks down all challenges within an initiative. Admins are able to quickly switch between $ and participation based challenges.
Secondly, we have a breakdown of donations by affiliation type. This uses the Scoreboards Affiliation field. If a donor doesn't enter a value here, then their gift will be marked as an "Unknown" affiliation type.
Lastly, we have added a list of Top Donors. This section will display the donors who donated the largest amount across all challenges. For this section of the stats page, Admins will need an additional admin right (Advanced Ambassador Challenges Admin) in order to see the $ amount. If this right is not applied to a user, then they will see the list of names, but not the $ amount attached to them.
Ended/Achieved Challenge Labels
For better visibility into the status of challenges within an initiative we have added 2 labels. When a challenge has ended, a red "Ended" label will appear above the "Remaining" countdown. Additionally, a green "Achieved" label will appear above the goal amount, when the goal has been reached.
Challenge Countdown
The challenge countdown has been made more granular, to offer a better view into how much time is left on a challenge. Now, when the challenge is in its last day the countdown changes to hours, and when it's in its last hour it changes to minutes.
General Encompass
Updates have been made to align with the April 26th announcement regarding the Anthology product renaming and branding. These updates include replacing the iModules logo with the new Anthology Encompass logo and updating verbiage throughout the site. These updates will continue over the next several releases.
General Encompass
- Resolved issue where Greek letters and other special characters and emojis were not displaying correctly in reporting or the web service API
- Updated the way field data is handled in the ICP grid for non-member merge process so submitted values would not be blanked out
- Fixed an issue when hitting enter on the directory search would open a LinkedIn Window instead of kicking off a search.