To start working with initiatives and challenges, hover over the Donations menu in the top toolbar and select Ambassador Challenges. This will launch a new tab or window.
Super Admins can create an Initiative by default if Scoreboards are active on the site. If additional users need to access Ambassador Challenges, assign the Ambassador Management Admin right.
The Ambassador Challenges home page will show Active Fundraising Initiatives by default. You can click the tabs at the top to view and work with Upcoming Initiatives and view historical initiatives.
The page will default to a grid view, but you can click the button to move to a list view.
To create a new Initiative:
- Click the Create Initiative button in the upper right.
- Give an Initiative Name.
- Next, enter the Initiative Description that will display with the initiative.
- Initiative Goal can either be set for a $ Goal Amount or Participation.
- Once your select the Goal type ($ or Donors) enter an overall goal for the Initiative. Each challenge has its own smaller Goals that feed into the larger Initiative Goal.
- A thumbnail image is optional. Image file extensions and image size can be found by hovering over the information icon.
- Enter the Start Date and Start Time for the Initiative. These dates are used to determine what transactions get updated in the Initiative and Challenges.
- The End Date and End Time are optional.
- Check Allow Ambassadors To Create Their Own Challenges. This is optional.
If Admin decides and allows Ambassadors to create their Challenges, Admin can simply check/uncheck the Allow Ambassadors To Create Their Own Challenges box. Unchecking disables Ambassadors to create any Challenges on their own for the specific Initiative. Checking enables various Challenge Types, where Admin can further check/uncheck in which Challenge Types Ambassadors can create their Challenges. Ambassadors can create their challenges based on the available Challenge Type. - The Time Zone defaults to the time zone set on your computer and can be changed.
At the bottom, there are two tabs to work with. The first tab allows you to assign Donation Forms to this initiative.
- Click the Add Donation Forms button. The pop-up box will only show those giving forms that have the checkbox enabled to show in Ambassador Challenges in the properties within this site or GID.
- You can use the search in the upper left or scroll to find the forms you need. Multiselect using the checkbox icon to the left of the donation forms.
- Use the radio button to the right of the forms to select a parent form to direct donations from the Ambassador Challenges module.
- Once the donation forms are selected and a parent form is selected, click Add to Initiative.
The next tab is Ambassadors.
It is not required to add Ambassadors at this time. This can either be done later or as Challenges are created.
- Click the Add Ambassadors button.
- The pop-up box will show all constituents who have the Is Ambassador checkbox checked on their profile. You can search in the upper left or scroll to find the ambassadors you need.
- Check the boxes next to the ambassadors you need for this initiative. This will allow them to visit the Initiative and give them access to create their own challenges. The Ambassador experience will be reviewed in Scoreboards 103: Ambassador Challenges - Ambassador Experience.
There is no maximum number of Ambassadors that can be added to an initiative or challenge.
- Once you have the ambassadors selected, click Add to Initiative.
- If you didn’t want to create the initiative at this time, you would Cancel.
Once an Initiative has been created it will populate in the Active or Upcoming tab depending on the dates selected.
In the upper right of each Initiative, you can see ellipses that expand a management menu.
- Create Challenge - To create a Challenge, click Create Challenge. To know more visit here.
- Delete - To delete the entire Initiative, click Delete.
- Edit - To edit the Initiative, click Edit.
- Manage Ambassadors - To Add/Remove ambassadors, you can click Manage Ambassadors.
- View Challenge - Clicking on View Challenges, takes you to the area where you can view existing challenges and Create Challenges.
- View Stats - This takes you to a new page to see the specific Initiative and Challenge progress. To know more visit here.
Initiative Card
After the successful creation of an Initiative, an Initiative Card gets created. You can access the Initiative card from the Donations Ambassador Challenges page.
The Initiative Card shows:
- Initiative duration
- Number of Challenges in an Initiative
- Raised amount
- Goal amount
- Initiative Name
- Initiative Description
- Initiative Progress bar
- Percentage of Funded
- Number of Donors
- Remaining days for the Initiative closure
Initiative Goal
Admins now can add an "Initiative Goal" and track how their overall initiative is doing. The amount entered on the initiative setup form is displayed on the Initiative Card, and the progress bar fills in to display $'s raised or donor count to goal, across all forms within the initiative.
If the created Initiative Goal is based on the Participation, Initiative Goal shows the number of donors.