In this section, we are going to discuss how to create a challenge.
- From the Initiative Menu click Create Challenge.
- You do not have to create challenges along with an initiative. You can just have ambassadors create their own challenges; however, at this time, Initiatives will not show on a content page until there is at least one challenge created. You can create as many challenges as you like.
- First, enter a Challenge Name.
- Then enter a Challenge Description
- An image is optional and follows the same file extension and size guidelines as the Initiative. Currently, the image will display when the challenge is shared on social media.
- Embedding a video is also optional. You can embed videos to challenges by simply pasting in a Facebook, YouTube, or Vimeo link.
- On Behalf of is required, but the entity can remain anonymous and not show on the website by checking the To remain anonymous checkbox.
The Fundraising Initiative defaults to the initiative you created the challenge from.
- Next, choose the Challenge Type.
Types may be grayed out and disabled if the giving form or forms associated with the overall initiative does not have the applicable field to match the type.
- Affiliation is based on the Scoreboards field for the Affiliation module. This field must be added on the giving forms being tied to the initiative.
With Affiliation selected, you will select the affiliation type from the next dropdown. - With Class Year selected, select Year(s) from the next dropdown. You can start typing to narrow down the list. The profile Class Year field must be on the giving form linked to the initiative.
- To use Custom Data Point you will need to a have the Scoreboards Custom Data Point field configured on your giving forms. Currently, this option will display even if you do not have a Custom Data Point created on any of your associated donation forms.
With Custom Data Point selected from the dropdown, select the Custom Data Point field in the next dropdown. You will then need to select the value or values for your challenge.
If the parent form for the initiative does not have the selected Custom Data Point field, the Alternate Parent Form dropdown will list all the forms in your initiative that currently have the selected Custom Data Point field. This will be used as the primary giving form for this one challenge within the initiative. -
When Designation is selected as a Challenge Type, you can start typing to narrow down the list, also you can multi-select designations from the Designations field.
To select all the Designations from the list, click Select All. This selects and adds all the Designations. To modify any added designation, you can either click Clear All or remove the desired Designations from the selected list.
To change the Designations after creating a Challenge, you can Edit the Challenge and modify the Designations.
Remember, Ambassadors can see only those Designations which Admin have selected while creating the Initiative.
- General allows you to create a basic challenge. Any donation made to any giving forms tied to the initiative, regardless of who makes it or what designation they give to, will count toward the challenge.
- Finally, Geographic allows you to select the country or region and narrow down by state or province. The state or province dropdown allows you to multi-select for a regional challenge. This is tied to the billing address for the giving form.
- Affiliation is based on the Scoreboards field for the Affiliation module. This field must be added on the giving forms being tied to the initiative.
- Next, we need to set a goal for either dollar amount or participation.
- The Ambassador Commitment is a dollar amount and means the ambassador is committing to giving this amount to the institution in addition to driving the fundraising challenge to meet the overall goal amount.
- Enter a start date and time for the challenge. It does not need to match the Initiative start date and time.
- Enter an end date and time.
- The time zone will default to the time zone set on your computer but can be adjusted.
- Ambassadors are not required for challenges but can be added by clicking the Add Ambassador button.
- If you add an Ambassador at the Initiative level, it doesn’t automatically add them to any challenges. If you add an Ambassador to a challenge, it automatically adds them at the Initiative level.
- Search for and select the Ambassadors for this challenge and click the Add to challenge button.
- When you are ready, click the Save Challenge button.
The challenge is now showing on the Challenges page. There is a button to create additional challenges at the top.
For an individual Challenge, an Admin can share on social media or click the eclipses to edit the Challenge details or delete the Challenge.
The challenge type and start date cannot be edited after you save them. To change these, you will need to delete the challenge and recreate it.
This screen will show both admin-created challenges and Ambassador-created challenges. Admins will be able to edit or delete challenges created by Ambassadors, but there is no approval process at this time.
Click the X next to the Challenges title to get back to the Initiatives screen.
Ambassador Challenges: Creating Challenges by Ambassadors
Ambassadors can now create their Challenges if Admin has given them the access to create.
When Admin creates an Initiative and check the option Allow ambassadors to create their own challenges, and the Challenge Type, Ambassadors can create the Challenges on their own with the selected Challenge Type.
If Admin unchecked Allow ambassadors to create their own challenges box, Ambassadors can not create any Challenges.
Ambassadors can create the Challenge by:
- Log in to your Ambassador account.
- Go to Ambassador Challenges.
- Under the Active Fundraising Initiatives tab, you can see the Initiatives which are assigned to you as an Ambassador.
- Click on the ellipsis on the Initiative card.
- Click Create Challenge.
Ambassadors can use only those Challenge Types which are selected during Initiative creation. Unchecked Challenge Types by the Admins are grayed out and are disabled.
Making Donations for Similar Designations Across Initiatives
The Designation Donation logic helps you identify the donation amount raised for a specific Designation across all the Initiatives. When donors make any donations to a Designation-based Challenge, the donated amount reflects in all the Challenges when the Challenges has the same Designations, the Start Date, Start Time, and the End Date and End Time range and with matching Time Zone.
The Designation logic does not depend on the Initiative's Start Date and Start Time or End Date and End Time. When you have different Designation Collections selected in Different Challenges, but the Designations value(s) are similar along with the Date and Time range with other Challenges, the amount gets reflected in all the Challenges that meet these criteria. If any requirements do not match, the Donated amount is updated only on that specific Challenge, the Initiative Card, and the View Stats page.
This Designation logic also does not depend on the Form selected while creating the Initiative. This logic is valid even when you use multiple Forms in multiple Initiatives, but the Designations present in those Forms are the same.
After a donation, the system identifies similar Designations across all the Initiative irrespective of the Forms used. If the Challenges' Start Date and End Date range are the same, the amount gets reflected in the Challenges, the Initiative Cards, View Stats page, and the Scoreboard Initiatives.
Note: Challenge progress bar in the Ambassador Challenge page updates only when you donated for that specific Challenge. This has to be added to the Challenges logic page and with the.
Making Donations for Similar Affiliation Across Initiatives
This Affiliation Donation logic helps you identify the donation amount raised for a specific Affiliation across all the Initiatives. When donors make any donations to an Affiliation-based Challenge, the donated amount reflects in all the Challenges when the Challenges has the same Affiliation, the Start Date, Start Time, and the End Date and End Time range and with matching Time Zone.
This Affiliation logic does not depend on the Initiative's Start Date and Start Time or End Date and End Time. When you have different Affiliation selected in Different Challenges, but the Affiliation value is similar to the Date and Time range with other Challenges, the amount gets reflected in all the Challenges that meet these criteria. If any requirements do not match, the Donated amount will get updated only on that specific Challenge and the Initiative Card.