Release Notes: January 19, 2021

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Product Enhancements


Email Marketing

A/B Testing Campaign Enhancements

The following features are now available for A/B Testing Campaigns.

  • Copy an A/B Testing Campaign from the More Options Menu and the Gear Icon
  • View Template from the Content Page in the workflow
  • Navigation Buttons added to Email Editor Page
  • Convert HTML general campaign to an A/B testing Campaign

Email Preview

Admins are now able to view and/or send an email preview from the Drafts, Queued, and History tabs as well as from email reporting with our new preview modal.  Send Preview in Email Editor will also take on this new look. 

Note: This Preview is approximate. Please use Send Preview to view the actual email in the email client(s) of your choice.


This is the first step into providing an efficient process to help you test and evaluate your design before you send to your recipients. Look for future enhancements as we continue to build on this exciting new feature.

  • Available for all campaign types: General, Segmented and A/B Testing Campaigns
  • Email Editor - Preview will now be found under the "More Options" menu
  • Reporting (individual message level only)

Token Manager

A new option is now available when editing email content called Token Manager.  There will be several iterations of this new feature.  Round one will give you access to Token Manager in the Email and Template Editors with the following Email System Tokens.





List of Email System Tokens

  • ##Sender_Org##
  • ##Sender_Address##
  • ##Sender_Address_2##
  • ##Sender_City##
  • ##Sender_State##
  • ##Sender_Postal##
  • ##Sender_Country##
  • ##Unsubscribe##
  • ##Unsubscribe_URL##
  • ##Webview##
  • ##Community Name##
  • ##Group Name##
  • ##Date##
  • ##Now##

Look for future enhancements such as availability in the HTML editor, additional tokens and more.


Email Reporting Rates

Rates within email reporting that are more than 0% but less than 1% will no longer show as 0%.  Admins will now see <1% in situations where there are metrics but the rate is not above 1%.



Email Marketing/Reporting

  • Updated the recipient reporting detail to display emails as far back as January 2018. (ENC-41296, ADO-1203718)
  • Fixed an issue where Dynamic Content stopped pulling news articles set to publish and archive on the same date. (ADO-1226852)
  • Fixed an issue in the Reporting Campaign Details section for an A/B Testing Campaign where the label for Winner was inconsistent. (ENC-41658, ADO-1204076)
  • Fixed an issue with Segmented Campaigns where the campaign moved back to the drafts page instead of remaining on the queued page. (ADO-1234632, ADO-1234632)
  • Fixed an issue where the Sender test variable for an A/B Testing Campaign was always sending version A regardless if version B was the winner. (ADO-1242179, 1224647, 1245345, 1224651, 1231709)

Editor Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where bulleted lists displayed incorrectly in Outlook (ADO 1250994, 1250999, 1251229, 1251233, 1250995, 1250998, 1251230)
  • Fixed an issue where fluid on mobile setting for buttons should control button display on mobile devices (ADO 1201351/ENC-38847)
  • Fixed an issue where certain characters in mail to link subject lines do not render correctly (ADO 1203709)
  • Fixed an issue where the font settings in the text element for bulleted lists did not display in Outlook correctly (ADO 1201307/ENC-38801)

General Encompass

  • Members who have values within a directory search field that contain pipes will now return correctly when the field was searched. (1224219)
  • Resolved an issue within the Event Check-in App where attendees are being checked in but the check in app does not reflect this update but they do show as checked in on the reporting tool. (1224648)