Event with a Detail Page (No Registration or RSVP)

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To create a new Event with Detail page (No Registration or RSVP) in the Content Management system (based upon administrative rights), click by the calendar to which you want to add the item.

Items shaded in gray will only be visible when you toggle to Advanced Mode.

1. Event Name: Enter the Event Name.

2. Event Listing/Calendar:  Select the Calendar(s) on which you’d like to put this item.  Use Control or Shift to select multiple items.

3. Select the Display Audience you want to see this content.  You can allow everyone or only certain members to view the information.

      • Everyone - Audience does not need to be logged in to view this content.
      • Logged In - Members must be logged in to view this content.
      • Role - Only members who fit the criteria for a certain role (i.e., Class of 1992, Current Students, or Female alumni) will be able to see this content.
        Choose from the previously created list of roles in the dual list box and use the 
        arrows to select. 
        • Deny Access to the following:  You may also exclude certain groups from the Audience by using this checkbox.  Then, choose from the previously created list of roles and use the arrows to select a group to exclude. 
          For example, you could include Everyone in the Audience except the Class of 2014:
              - Select Everyone in the first list box.
              - Click the checkbox to Deny Access to the following.
              - Select Class of 2014 in the second list box.

4. Allow users to comment: Select this option to allow constituents to comment on this content.   Users will see a comment box below the content for them to enter text.  The comment will be displayed on the page and the user can also choose to display the comment on Facebook.  Constituents will be asked to login to Facebook if they are not already logged in.

NOTE: this option won't show to all customers.

5. Enter the Start Date and End Date. Times are optional depending on your event.

  • Time Zone:  The default is the time zone setting on your computer.
  • This is a recurring event:  If you check the box, a calendar will appear to allow you to choose the appropriate dates.

 NOTE: Recurring items must contain exactly the same information (example: same summary text, same times, etc.).

6. Display Range:  Since the content item is going to be displayed on a calendar listing, a Display Range can be set. The Display Range controls the beginning and ending date of when the content will be seen on the calendar. By setting an end date, the content can be removed from view when the event is over, for example.

7. Upload Image allows you to upload a thumbnail image.

NOTE: this option won't show to all customers.

8. Event Type:  Select Event with Detail Page.

9. Select the Event Layout.

10. Create content as unique page:  This will add the item as a unique hidden page to the Site Map. By default it is not selected.  NOTE:  If you leave this option unchecked (choose not to create content as a unique page), the content is added to a shared system page named View Content on the site map.  The page name can be edited.

11. Click Create.

12. The content editor labeled Event Preview should be used for teaser or summary text of the event.  It will appear under the event name if the modules is configured to display it.

13. In the content editor labeled Event Description, enter body text, images, etc. 

14. There is room for Contact 1 and Contact 2.

15. There are optional Location Name and Direction areas provided.

16. Click Next.

Edit the Listing/Calendar Item

1. Click  to edit the item. Click Save to save your changes.
2. Click   to delete the item.
3. Click to add the item to your calendar. This is an icon that will be visible to people visiting the site. It allows them to add the item to Outlook or a similar application.

NOTE:  This type of Event will not appear in the Events Homepage grid.