Updating a COVID-19 Alert Banner

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The instructions below walk you through how to update the text, background color, and text color of your COVID-19 alert banner.


  1. Open the Content Block that contains the COVID-19 alert banner.
    Screenshot showing this step.

  2. Toggle from Design to HTML mode.
    Screenshot showing this step.

 Changing the Background Color

  1. Locate the line of code that controls the background color (e.g., background-color: #222;)
    Screenshot showing this step.

  2. Replace the hex code (222 in this example) with hex code of the desired color. Make sure there is still a hashtag (#) and a semi-colon (;) before and after the hex code, respectively.
    Screenshot showing this step.

  3. Click Save if this is the only change you need to make. If you need to make additional changes, continue working.

Changing the Text Color

  1. If you need to change the color of the text, paste the following snippet directly below the .imodAlert code section, after the closing bracket ( } ), and above the end style tag ( </style> ).

    Example of what the code will look like:

    .imodAlert, .imodAlert h1, .imodAlert a { 
    color: #222 !important;

    Screenshot showing this step.

  2. Replace the hex code (222 in this example) with the hex code of the desired color. Common text colors include white (fff) and black (000).

  3. Click Save if this is the only change you need to make. If you need to make additional changes, continue working.

Changing the Text

  1. To update the text in the alert banner, replace the text between the opening ( <p> ) and closing ( </p> ) paragraph tags.

    Screenshot showing this step.

  2. Click Save if this is the only change you need to make. If you need to make additional changes, continue working.