Event Attendance Export - collects all attendee activity. Each row represents an event attendee - including registrants, guests, and walk ups (offline attendees).
NOTE: This report can be useful to build an Email List to communicate with people after the Event. It's ideal to collect walk up attendee email addresses via Attendee Check-In.
There are several ways to access Event Reports/Exports.
1. From the Events homepage, use the gear icon by the event you want to pull reports for and choose Create Reports.
2. While working in the Event as an admin, choose Form Reporting from Manage Form. Click Create New Export. This will move you directly into the reporting options for the specific event you are working in.
3. From the Events menu, choose Reporting. From the Single Event Reports dropdown, select your event.
4. From the Events homepage, click on the Reports tab.
From the Single Event Reports dropdown, select your event.
Click the Create New Export button under the Optimized Event Exports heading.
Custom Event Data Export: From the Export Type dropdown, you will select Event Attendance Export.
When should this export be run: The only option is On-Demand. This option allows the admin to generate and save an export without scheduling the export. When this option is selected, there will not be a 'File Retrieval' option to select because the export is not scheduled.
Click Next to save and move on.
Configure Data
There won't be any options for you to work with on this screen, so click the Next button to move on.
You will have the following options:
Click Download Export File in order to access the file.
Export Columns
The columns included in the export are intended to provide key attendance information.
No additional columns can be added to this export.
There is no opportunity to arrange the columns prior to export.
Columns included and their order:
Constituent ID (will be empty for non-member records that don't have an ID as well as walk up attendees added via Attendee Check-In)
Member ID (will be empty for walk up attendees added via Attendee Check-In)
Offline Attendee ID (will be empty for attendees who exist in Encompass as constituents or non-members)
First Name
Maiden Name
Last Name
Class Year
Email Address
checked_in (will show a 1 for a person who has been checked in)
checked_in_by (will show the name of the person who checked the individual in)
last_updated (will show the last time the attendance was worked with for the individual)
A sample export is shown below and assumes the Attendee Check-In module was used.