Engagement Dashboard

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From the Decision Analytics menu, choose Engagement Dashboard.

NOTE: Only Super Admins and the Engagement Metrics Admin will have access to this menu option.

Working with the Engagement Dashboard

By default, the Engagement Dashboard will be calculating all site/GID activity within the site/GID you are in.

If you are at GID1, there will be an option to roll up all activity for all GIDs. This includes the export and will change some of those NO values to YES for respective records. 

Start and End Date allows admins to to look at shorter time frames. Max scoring will cap at one year; however, you can look at specific date ranges to see if your strategies worked for a specific event and specific groups (Reunions or Giving Day).

Population is a multi-select option, so you can pick multiple class years in the dropdown, if desired. There is also an option for "Has a Class Year Value".

Click the Apply Filters button to have results returned.


Information around the total constituency will be shown as well as the engagement percentage. Various engagement dimensions will also be scored.


Event Registrations & Revenue are calculated different ways depending on if you are scoring members only or member and non-member records. A main registrants total amount paid is summed, then the average is based on that total divided by the number of distinct registrations found within that Class Year(s) and time frame applied.  This will be no different if the main registrant has guests, because the event total is paid by the registrant; however, if non-members are included in your dashboard then the Registrations count will include guests that have been added to a registration.

Gift Count & Avg Gift Amount will also change depending on if you are scoring members only or member and non-member records... albeit a bit more simpler than events.  One time gifts will be summed accordingly; however, scheduled and perpetual will only count as one within the defined time frame.  Money donated regardless of one time, scheduled or perpetual will be summed to help calculate the average gift amount.



Engagement Dimensions

These scores are calculated based off the existing population engaged versus not engaged.  The following dimensions are tracking these actions. 

Hovering over each item provides a tooltip about how the item is calculated.

NOTE:  We have excluded admin records for the all Engagement Dimensions.

NOTE: If the engagement percentage falls between .49 and greater than 0, we will display less than 1% for those applicable dimensions.

  • Emails:  Email engagement is calculated based off of opens during the specified time frame.
  • Events:  Event engagement is calculated off of registrations made during the specified time frame. If registration for the record is changed to false, they will no longer be counted as engaged.
  • Giving:  Giving engagement is calculated based off of gifts made during the specified time frame.
  • Membership:  Membership engagement is calculated based off of any "current" memberships during the specified time frame.
  • Online Usage:  Online engagement is calculated based off logins, pre-populate, profile updates, and form submissions made during the specified time frame. 
  • Volunteerism: this item doesn't have a tooltip since each institution may look at volunteerism differently. Unless you upload a file, the value will be 0%.

Volunteerism Upload

In order to have Volunteerism populate with a percentage, you will need to upload a file of your offline volunteerism data. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Click on the import icon in the Volunteerism area.

  2. There are three column headers you must have for your file: Constituent ID, Start Date, and End Date. All rows must have values for Constituent ID and Start Date.


    NOTE: There is no file size limit or row limit for the file.

    NOTE: You can only have one uploaded file active at a time. If you need to add new data, you must append the updates to the original file and re-upload it.

    NOTE: You must make sure ID numbers are an exact match in order for a value to populate. If the system can't match the data to a constituent record that has a class year, the data will be ignored.

    NOTE: The Constituent IDs in the file must exist and live within the site / GID.   In the event where the system is unable to match invalid IDs, the upload will fail and an error message will be presented. A file will be generated that can be downloaded to display the list of invalid Constituent IDs and their respective reason. 

  3. Once the file is uploaded, you will see the file name and import date.


  4. Once you close the window and set the filters, Volunteerism may populate with a value (assuming matches were found).

Peer Comparison by Quarter

This chart compares the percent of constituents who have engaged during a 12-month period to that of other institutions to provide comparative data.  An individual is counted as engaged if they have taken any measurable action during the 12 month period across any of the dimensions (Email, Events, Giving, Membership, Online Usage, and Volunteerism).

By hovering over the percent engaged, the Minimum and Maximum Percent Engaged for the peer group is also displayed.

NOTE:  iModules has developed new peer groups to create better comparison opportunities for institutions with similar types and size of institutions. These peer groups have been based on the newest Carnegie classifications and also consider institutional data from IPEDS, as well as US university rankings. 



The time frame and class year applied will export those records (both engaged and not engaged) so you have the data. Non-members may or may not be included in the export based upon the checkbox in the Settings menu for the dashboard.

Each dimension will show a Yes or No depending on whether or not the person took an action within the time frame applied.

The columns included in the export are:











Sample of what the export will look like with data populated:
