Once an email campaign is started, an item will display on the Drafts tab. Pagination will be utilized once there are over 20 emails in the Drafts area. Each page will display 20 emails.
There are several actions you can take.
Email Name, Subject, Define Subject Line, or x/x Subject Lines Defined - clicking on the Email Name or Subject for a General Campaign will move you to the Email Details so you can edit any of the details. For a Segmented Campaign, you would click on x/x Subject Lines Defined to move to Segmented Campaign Home. Clicking on the Email Name or Subject for an A/B Testing Campaign will move you to the Email Details.
Build from Template | HTML or Edit Content or x/x Content Created- clicking Template will allow you to select the template you want to use for the campaign and then edit the content for a General Campaign or A/B Testing Campaign. Clicking on HTML (dependent upon administrative rights) will allow you to work with an empty box for HTML for a General Campaign. Edit Content will be shown after you make the Template or HTML decision for a General Campaign. Edit Content will be shown after you choose the Template for an A/B Testing Campaign. For a Segmented Campaign, clicking x/x Content Created will move you to Segmented Campaign Home.
Add Sender, the Sender Name, or x/x Senders Defined- clicking on Add Sender or the Sender Name for a General Campaign will move you to the Email Details so you can select a Sender or edit other details. For a Segmented Campaign, you would click on x/x Senders Defined to move to Segmented Campaign Home. Clicking on Add Sender or the Sender Name for an A/B Testing Campaign will move you to the Email Details.
Add Audience, Edit Audience, or x/x Audiences Defined - clicking on the Audience link for a General Campaign will move you to the Audience area where you will be able to select previously created Lists and Segments or upload an ID CSV file. For a Segmented Campaign, you would click x/x Audiences Defined to move to Segmented Campaign Home. For an A/B Testing Campaign, you will be moved to the Audience area.
Created By, Created Date - After a user creates a General/Segmented/AB Testing Campaign, the user's name who has created the campaign with the campaign created date and time will be populated. The Created By name will be displayed as First Name Last Name. The format of the Date Time is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss am/pm.
Schedule, the date(s) shown, or x/x Schedules Defined - clicking on Schedule for a General Campaign will move you to the scheduling area so you can determine when you want your message sent as well as the frequency. For a Segmented Campaign, clicking x/x Schedules Defined will move you to Segmented Campaign Home. For an A/B Testing Campaign, you will be moved to the A/B Split screen.
Release - the Release option is available in the gear icon as soon as you start a campaign. If you click the Release option and all of the required items aren't completed, a message will display letting you know which items you need to work with (see example below).
More Options
- Check a box for a campaign. Multiple boxes can be checked.
- Click the More Options button.
- Click Delete.
- Confirm or cancel when you see the confirmation window.
NOTE: once a campaign is deleted, it cannot be restored.
- Click Copy
- A new campaign will be added that is a copy of the campaign that the box was checked for.
Convert to Segmented Campaign
NOTE - this option will only be available for General Campaigns
- Click Convert to Segmented Campaign.
- You will be moved to the Global Campaign Details.
Convert to A/B Testing Campaign
NOTE - this option will only be available for General Campaigns
- Click Convert to A/B Testing Campaign.
- You will be moved to the Email Details.