Release Notes: October 1, 2019

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Product Enhancements


Email Reporting

Constituent ID and Member ID added to All Recipient Search Criteria

Easily find your recipients in the All Recipients table by searching First Name, Last Name, Email Address AND now by Constituent or Member ID.  Woot woot!  This should help immensely when trying to find specific member and non-member records. 

NOTE:  In order to improve performance and search capabilities of this grid you must type in a minimum of two characters before your search will be conducted.  Also, all non alpha numeric characters will being converted to spaces unless they are recognized as part of an email address or URL (i.e. 


View more than 5 Recently Deployed emails

At last more than five emails will display under the Recently Deployed section.  Now ALL emails within the selected date range will be available with the latest 10 showing by default and users will be able to page through additional emails 10 at a time.  Very cool add to reporting and thank you all for your feedback around this! 


Track Tokenized URLs

Clicks on a tokenized URL within a message will now be tracked.  When admins view click activity for a campaign that includes a tokenized URL, those actions will display as a "Tokenized URL" in the Link Name and the URL column will show the full url string.Screen_Shot_2019-09-16_at_8.50.49_AM.png

Email History Tab links to Reporting

Access email metrics quicker and easier using the hyperlinks found on the Email History tab.  Now admins are able to jump directly to a messages send metrics by clicking on the email name,  jump to the roll up of a campaign by clicking on the campaign name hyperlink or view the recipients list by clicking on the Actual Recipient hyperlink.  All three links will take admins directly to the desired metrics reducing the need to search for the campaign within Email Reporting.

All Email Search Criteria

Finding a recent email campaign just became a little easier with the addition of the date range and subscription category filters and search to the all email list. Admins are now able to narrow down the email list based on a date range, the subscription category or by searching the email name.  Admins at the GID 1 level will also have the option to display emails for all sub-communities in the list.




WCAG Updates

Job posting -  Details page tables now have attribute = presentation

Message board - Search field now has an associated label

Classifieds - Sort by control now has appropriate alt text 

Classifieds - Details page tables now have attribute = presentation

Member Photo - Details page tables now have attribute = presentation

Networking Groups - Search field now has an associated label

Networking Groups - Edit Event Start/End times now has an associated label

Profile - Link that controls profile accordion now appropriately labelled


Added ARIA labels to continue/close buttons on designations pop-up

Added a tab index to the cancel link in the designations grid

In the Profile, we added the ability to tab and hit enter on step names to open/close widgets successfully.

Image rotator content modules now have a start/stop button


Email Marketing

Resolved an issue where View in Browser link would present a very pesky object moved error.  (ENC-35756)


Fixed an issue where registrations were showing duplicates when someone edits their submission. (ENC-38193)

Updates made to connect to LinkedIn's new API. Due to the low adoption rate of the DataPull, this functionality has been removed this from the API. Moving forward, oAuth functionality will be re-established using the new API, so users can still use their LinkedIn accounts to log into Encompass, however data changes within your LinkedIn profile will not sync over to your Encompass profile. (ENC-38063)

Placeholder images are now resolved in all of the email templates where last edited = Email Team.  Enjoy beautiful images of people, puppies and places and since we took a gamble and serve them up from another source, be sure to tell us if this was a bad, bad, baaaaad idea!  (ENC-37185)