Release Notes - August 19, 2019

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Welcome New Fonts to the Email Editor

We are happy to announce the addition of the following fonts to the email editor:

  • Roboto
  • Open Sans
  • Oswald
  • Segoe (Regular and Semi-bold)
  • Nunito Sans
  • Raleway
  • Spectral
  • Montserrat
  • Lora
  • Google Sans

With the addition of these fonts we hope to allow your email designers to be more creative with their communications; however, we want to set proper expectations with using such web fonts for email.

What is a web font?

There are two different types of fonts available to email designers for their emails—web safe fonts and web fonts.

  • Web safe fonts
    Arial, Times New Roman, or Georgia are examples of web safe fonts. These fonts are considered safe as they are likely to be installed on the vast majority of computers.
  • Web fonts
    Examples of web font would be Roboto or Oswald.  Web fonts allow designers to use custom fonts that aren’t available as part of the default fonts for computers.  These fonts will not need to be installed and where supported will get called up and loaded into the message. 


Email Marketing and Web Fonts

Web fonts are not globally supported across all email clients and will use predefined fallback fonts when not available.  Below are email clients where one, some, or all of the new web fonts are supported:

  • Apple Mail
  • Google Android (Google Sans and Roboto Only)
  • iOS Mail
  • Outlook for Mac
  • Samsung Mail (Android 8.0)

Supported Fonts Across Email Clients
as of August 23, 2019

Email Client Google Sans Lora


Nunito Sans

Open Sans

Apple Mail X X X X X
Google Android X        
iOS Mail X X X X X
Outlook for Mac   X X X X
Samsung Mail (Android 8.0) TBD X        


Email Client Oswald


Roboto Segoe Spectral
Apple Mail X X X X X
Google Android     X    
iOS Mail X X X X X
Outlook for Mac X X X   X
Samsung Mail (Android 8.0)      X    


While this may not look like much, according to Litmus Email Client Market Share, many of these are in the top 10.  

NOTE:  If you are really concerned about custom fonts not displaying in various email clients, you can use Roboto and hit close to 90% support of the top 10 email clients.  As of April 2018, two popular web fonts were added to Gmail so while other web fonts may not be supported, Roboto and Google Sans will render in Gmail.