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Product Enhancements
Email Marketing
Email Preview now supports comments.. as mentioned and voted on in Product Portal!

Include comments for your staff who need to review or proof any communication you or your staff are sending.
Certainly a welcomed addition to Email Marketing and look for this addition when sending a preview from Template Editor as well!
Add Audience - Updates and Exclusions
Add Audience
- When selecting an audience (segment or list) in the drop down, the audience is instantly added (WHAT!)
- ‘Add’ button has been removed
- ‘Upload CSV of IDs’ button moved next to the audience record drop down
Narrow your audience by excluding or suppressing a specific subset of constituents from your recipient list.
- Exclusion Audience Type Section will appear upon selecting the check box “I would like to exclude records”
- Excludes all members with the email addresses in the list or segment when the email sends
- Estimated Audience Count: At this time the estimated audience will only include audience inclusions; NOT exclusions
- You cannot add the same audience to the Inclusion window AND the Exclusion window
The following are valid exclusions:
- Segments
- Email Lists
- CSV of IDS
The following is NOT a valid exclusion:
- Email Lists with Merge Fields
- The exclusion list will not be available. In order to exclude recipients, you will need to remove them from the list.
- The exclusion list will not be available. In order to exclude recipients, you will need to remove them from the list.
Email Reporting
In addition to the recently added Assigned Audience(s) your admins can now see Excluded Audience(s) displaying which lists/segments were used to build an audience.
New Admin "Error Resolution" page
When activated, this new page can be found by hovering over the Gold Key icon in the top right of the application. It will provide Admins with detailed information regarding failed Commerce transactions, as well as a way of extracting that information from the system to provide to your payment gateway for quicker error resolution on their side.
Note: At this time, the Admin Error Resolution Page is only available to our customers who use Payflow Pro as their payment gateway.
A new support page has been added for this feature, and more detailed information can be found here.
Breakpoint Maps
In addition to creating gradient maps, customers now have the ability to create Breakpoint Maps. These provide customers with more flexibility when creating the maps they need. Whereas gradient maps choose the color gradient based off of the scale you decide to use, the Breakpoint map provides the admin with full control over where to add breakpoints and the color that each group should represent on the map (example below).
Customers can use this to either create their own custom gradient, or to create a map using their own school colors. The addition of a Legend also allows end users to easily understand what each color represents.
Email Marketing
Tokens, tokens, tokens
##Full Name## system token has been designed to concatenate values from your First and Last Name fields and if you happen to create your own field using this token, we will prefer the computed field over that. (ENC-37768)
Sender Identities
Provided additional validation around the format of a Sender Identities From Email Address value. (ENC-37619)
Gradient Maps
Issue has been fixed where gradient maps displayed no visible color for low numbers when using donor count. This update more accurately displays different gradients within a map. This is now done by selecting a gradient scale within the configuration (see below). The scale ranges from 3 to 100 depending on how many gradients you would like to see. (ENC-37046)
Dual Dropdown Values Error
New error message will display when there are an unequal amount of custom database values for each display option. Also, if any white space exists after the custom db values, the code should now ignore this and let the user move to the next step. (ENC-37651)