Release Notes - 3 June 2019

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Product Enhancements

Email Marketing

Email Sends/History

To improve email deliverability we will generate a text version of emails built in the drag and drop editor.   This should help with emails being sent to spam folders since those type of messages do not typically contain a text version.  Text will not need to be provided by your admins for these types of emails as this will be auto-generated on send and any recurring emails you have already established will also have it's respective text version accompanying these emails.  

Email Info & Success Messages

Info and success messages found through various parts of email marketing will fade away after being visible for three seconds.  Alerts will remain on the page for your admin to acknowledge but to free up some real estate, we have enabled toast notifications to display at the bottom right of your screen.

Email Marketing Reporting

Who did we send this to?

Very exciting add to reporting as your admins can now see which lists/segments were used to build an audience. The Assigned Audience(s) will be available in all drill down views.


As for populating Audience Assignment on previous sends, we will be back populating this data for all emails unless the Email List or Segment has been deleted from your site. In the event that it has, you will see the below message in reporting.


Email Reporting

Drill-Down - Time Range Increase

Ability to view drill-down data in Email Reporting has been increased from 400 days to 460 days.


Email Marketing

Tokens, tokens, tokens

##Full Name## system token has been resolved and will work in email communications. (ENC-36808)

Membership tokens are also supported in new email marketing.  (ENC-36885)




Addressed an issue where Email Name is n/a.  Past emails in this state cannot be resolved; however, going forward we will include the email_name for which the category unsubscribe occurred.  Keep in mind n/a will still display if constituents opted out from their profile versus an email. (ENC-35282)



Addressed an issue where Super Admins were able to access an "iModules Only" step on the constituent profile form, which should only be visible to coders and client services. (ENC-37626)


Addressed an issue where values that were being populated by constituents in a dropdown field on a giving form, were not being populated correctly in the confirmation email. (ENC-35737)

Corrected an issue where promo codes were being stripped from the URL (and not auto-populating) when the promo code was not asked for in the first step. Now, the URL keeps the promo code throughout the form - from first page to billing page. (ENC-35193)


Corrected an issue where negative values could display for an affiliation when no submissions were made with that value. (ENC-37143)


Corrected an issue where the Manage articles modal would show an infinite spinner when a value is not entered for the column. A null check has been added to allow changes to custom fields. (ENC-37014)

Resolved an issue where PCB article sorting was being adjusted after editing and saving of each article. Articles were being forced to be first in the sort order after a save event, requiring resorting of that item each time. (ENC-32012)

Web Services API

Addressed an issue where duplicates of transactions and designations were occurring if the timeframe for the query included both a failure and a success for a recurring payment. (ENC-36552)