Canadian = Monday evening | Australian = Tuesday morning | U.S. = Tuesday evening
UPDATED NOTE 10/18: The items in the October 17 Email Marketing release were deployed to Australian-hosted clients October 18. All other clients will receive the items October 22-23.
Product Enhancements
Refreshed Token List & Editor Window - Review/Finish Pages
ENC-34016 The Token List dropdown in the Review and Finish page configuration for each form type now has the refreshed user interface, and is now consistently located on the content editor menu bar. Please see the Refreshed Token List & Editor Window - Confirmation Emails section of the 13 August Release Notes for more information.
Enhanced Tokens for Review/Finish Pages & Confirmation Emails
ENC-33372 There are now additional tokens available for Review Pages, Finish Pages, and Confirmation Emails. These are more granular tokens for data that are already included in the larger Form Data and Form No Blanks tokens. Please see the Enhanced Tokens (Oct 2018) page under the Admin Life Help Topic category for more information.
New: Token Manager
ENC-34004 Users with the Super Admins or Notification Manager admin rights now have a new view available referred to as Notification Token Manager. Token Manager can be used to change the static text, formatting, and inner tokens for event and commerce related tokens. Please see the Notification Token Manager (Oct 2018) page for more information.
New: Confirmation Email Template Manager (Beta)
ENC-33358 Users with the Super Admins or Notification Manager admin rights now have a new view available referred to as Notification Template Manager. Notification Template Manager can be used to create templates that align with specific Member and Admin Confirmation Email needs. Once published, these templates are available for selection within the Confirmation Email configuration. Please see the Notification Template Manager (Oct 2018 - Beta Only) page for more information.
Note: The beta Notification Template Manager is available by default to Early Adopter Program clients. Clients who are interested in learning more about Notification Template Manager and having it turned on for their site should contact iModules Application Support.
Free RSVP Events will display in the Map's Available Forms list and guests count as a part of participation count.
Parent/Child designation support in Leaderboards
Schools that want to have donations grouped under a certain initiative can now utilize Parent/Child designations.
Appeal Code support in Leaderboards
Schools who want to measure how effective a given leaderboard is in donations may use Appeal Code for tracking.
New Email - Releasing October 15th and 16th
- Save Event Attendee List as Segment replicates "send to email marketing" as a quick way to collect event or activity registrants into a segment for sending.
New Email - Releasing October 22nd and 23rd for US and CA
- Email details load full page (no longer in a modal) for easier viewing and navigation between fields
- Override "from name" in email marketing
- Up to this point, the from name has been set by the sender identity. It is now possible to swap out the from name in email details.
- When an email with a modified "from name" is reused from drafts or sent, the default sender setting IS NOT restored.
- Search Email Home: On drafts, released, and sent tabs filter visible messages by email name or description.
- Email Calendar:
- Email calendar for new email in the following views: month, week, day, and agenda.
- Ability to view by current sub-community or all communities
Defect Corrections
Identity Checkpoint & Member Merge
ENC-30264 Corrects an issue related to sites that use both Identity Check Point enabled, and Identity Checkpoint disabled forms. Prior to this correction, if a user completed a form that had Identity Checkpoint disabled, and then completed a form that had Identity Checkpoint enabled, then the Identity Checkpoint matched submission would not display in the Identity Checkpoint Merge Grid. Instead, to be merged with the constituent record, it had to go through the manual non-member merge import process.
Going forward Identity Checkpoint matched members will always display in the Identity Checkpoint Merge Grid for review instead of requiring admins to complete the Import Non-Member Merge File process.
For more information, see the Import Non-Member Merge File and Identity Checkpoint - Merge Member Grid Support Center pages.
Email Marketing
Images in Emails (releasing October 22)
ENC-35515 Images in Emails for Full Site SSL clients are broken in Microsoft Outlook. This fix will address emails in a Draft or New state. Emails sent prior to the fix scheduled for the 17th will not be resolved with this push.
Attendee Lists
ENC-33633 The attendee list dropdown on activity driven events now has an associated label so that the name of the dropdown is announced to screen reader users. This is a WCAG compliance change.
Event Listings
ENC-29334 Corrects an issue where the events displayed on an event listing display the incorrect month's events when a user changes the month using the calendar control. This issue only occurred under certain rare user flow scenarios.
Event Reporting
ENC-34287 Corrects an issue were certain adjustment workflows would cause an error to be thrown when an admin tries to generate an Audit/Transactional Report.
Event Detail Pages
ENC-30667 Corrects an issue where the Registration is erroneously unavailable after certain form properties are modified and saved. This was caused by the event location timezone not being honored appropriately.
Event Limits
ENC-28152 Corrects an issue where events with limits displays an error when a registration with guests is edited. This was caused by the limit count not being adjusted for guest removals before attempting to add other registrants. Editing registration will now account for the number of registrants to be removed before determining if the number of registrants to add will surpass the defined limit.
Payment Options
ENC-32025 the Perpetual Payment Options inputs now appropriately uses ARIA tagging to convey the status and purpose of the inputs to assistive technology users. This is a WCAG compliance change.
Membership Forms
ENC-34103 The promo code query string parameter (&pc=XXXXX) now functions appropriately regardless if the promo code field is listed before, or after, the Membership Level selection field. Previously, the promo code query string parameter would not appropriately apply to the form if the promo code field was listed before the Membership Level field.
For more information, see the Promotion Codes - Memberships, and Populating Promotion Codes via a URL Customization Support Center pages.
ENC-33401 & ENC-34252 Corrects an issue where a user who is not logged in (ie, non-member), purchases a membership, and then their membership is not reflected after the merge process takes place.
ENC-33286 & ENC-32088 Corrects an issue where a malicious actor could either submit a page load request without knowledge or approval of the user, or redirect the user to a fraudulent domain.
ENC-34769 Corrects an issue where special characters were not rendering appropriately in the browser tab labeling.