Email Marketing Release Notes - 18 September 2018

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Defect Corrections

Assign Audience / List and Segment Management

  • ENC-34923: Segment is released for deletion after associated messages are released.
  • ENC-34764: Audience can be saved when combining multiple types: segments and CSV of IDs.


  • ENC-34888: Ensure send exceptions are consistently represented in export files.
  • ENC-34363: Show an error message to administrators with only email author rights as to why they cannot release an email.
  • ENC-34377 If an admin starts an email draft while viewing the queued or sent tab, they will be redirected to drafts upon save
  • ENC-35022 Validate email address syntax.


  • ENC-34372 Make sure form custom URL link names show up in reporting.


  • ENC-35023: Prevent tokens from expanding subject and pre-header beyond character limits.
  • ENC-35082: Ensure automated out of office replies are directed to the “reply to” address not the sender address.