Why is it important to admins?
Tokens are a valuable feature that enable content to be relevant and engaging to a user based on a known information about the site, a form, and a member. These enhanced tokens will allow admins to have more flexibility in controlling the dynamic content that populates on Review pages, Finish pages, and Confirmation emails.
NOTE: the enhanced tokens will not be used for recurring payment confirmation emails.
Who benefits?
Any admin that is involved with the creation of Member Confirmations, Admin Confirmations, Review pages, and Finish pages.
What new tokens are available?
Token Name | Description | Form Type | Content Type |
[Campaign Charge Displayed As] |
Display value to indicate how giving related charges will be reflected on a credit card statement. The value used to replace the token is defined by going to Gold Key > Payment Gateways > Select to Edit Account > Enter the text in the "Charge Displayed As" field Example: Overland State University |
Giving |
Confirmation Email Finish Page |
[Charge Displayed As] | Display value to indicate how charges will be reflected on a credit card statement.
The value used to replace the token is defined by going to Gold Key > Payment Gateways > Select to Edit Account > Enter the text in the "Charge Displayed As" field Example: Overland State University |
Commerce Forms Membership |
Confirmation Email Finish Page |
[Campaign Reference Number] |
Specific transaction number returned from the payment gateway for giving related payments. Example: AHD212434DH |
Giving |
Confirmation Email Finish Page |
[Campaign Transaction Total] |
Total amount of all commerce items related to an giving form. Example: $12.50 |
[Contact Email] | Email address for Contact 1 defined in the form's Content Properties.
Example: |
Giving Membership |
Confirmation Email Finish Page Review Page |
[Contact Full Name] | First Name + Last Name of Contact 1 defined in the form's Content Properties.
Example: Reunion Registration |
Events Giving Membership |
Confirmation Email Finish Page Review Page |
[Contact Phone Number] | Phone Number for Contact 1 defined in the form's Content Properties.
Example: (816) 123-2222 |
Events Giving Membership |
Confirmation Email Finish Page Review Page |
[Edit Registration] |
URL that returns users to event form and to edit all non-commerce related values entered on the original registration. The text hyperlinked to the URL can be modified by going to Gold Key > Token Manager. Note: The [Edit Registration] token or [EditLink] token needs to be in the confirmation email or the system will add it back in by default. We recommend placing the token where you would like it to go so you have more control. |
Events | Confirmation Email |
[Event Charge Displayed As] |
Display value to indicate how event registration charges will be reflected on a credit card statement. The value used to replace the token is defined by going to Gold Key > Payment Gateways > Select to Edit Account > Enter the text in the "Charge Displayed As" field Example: "Overland State University" |
Events |
Confirmation Email Finish Page |
[Event Reference Number] |
Specific transaction number returned from the payment gateway for event related payments. Example: AHD212434DH |
Events |
Confirmation Email Finish Page |
[Event Transaction Total] |
Total amount of all commerce items related to an event registration. Example: $12.50 |
Events |
Confirmation Email Finish Page Review Page |
[Last Four Of Credit Card] |
Last four digits of the credit card number provided for the transaction. Note: For PayPal transactions, the Last Four of Credit Card will be blank. Example: 4514 |
Commerce Forms Events Giving Membership |
Confirmation Email Finish Page Review Page
[List Commerce Fields] |
List of all of the commerce items involved in a form submission and their related attributes such as item cost, quantity, fair market value, and total transaction amount. Note: This token contains contains markup that controls the static texts, inner tokens, styling, and formatting use to replace the token. This markup can by modified by going to Gold Key > Token Manager. Example: |
Commerce Forms Events Giving Membership
Confirmation Email Finish Page Review Page
[Payment Method] |
The type of credit card or payment account used for the transaction. Example: Visa |
Commerce Forms Events Giving Membership |
Confirmation Email Finish Page Review Page |
[Payment Options] |
Information related to the specific payment option selected. One time gifts will not render information for this token. Only scheduled payments and perpetual payments each have specific values that are returned and align with the option selected by the constituent. Note: This token contains contains markup that controls the static texts, inner tokens, styling, and formatting use to replace the token. This markup can by modified by going to Gold Key > Token Manager. Example: |
Commerce Forms Events Giving Membership |
Confirmation Email Finish Page Review Page |
[Reference Number] |
Specific transaction number returned from the payment gateway for the payment respective to the form submission. Example: AHD212434DH |
Commerce Forms Events Giving Membership
Confirmation Email Finish Page |
[Amount Given] |
The total amount entered in the default commerce amount field on a campaign form. Example: $40.00 |
Giving |
Finish page Review Page Confirmation Email |
[Designations Inline] |
Displays all funds given to in the form submission for use with a sentence of static text. Note: This token adjusts depending on the number of funds selected in the form submission so that it it has appropriate comma separators and placement of "and" before the last fund listed. Example: Athletic Fund, Joe Smith Architecture Fund, and Bob Lee Scholarship Award |
Giving |
Finish page Review Page Confirmation Email
[Designations List] |
Displays all funds given to in the form submission in a repeated pattern. Gift amount and percentages are configurable for display. Note: This token contains contains markup that controls the static texts, inner tokens, styling, and formatting use to replace the token. This markup can by modified by going to Gold Key > Token Manager. Example: Athletic Fund - $100 (50%) Joe Smith Architecture Fund - $50 (25%) Bob Lee Scholarship Award - $50 (25%) |
Giving |
Finish page Review Page Confirmation Email
[View Submission Details in Browser] |
Displays hyperlinked text that allows the user to return to the finish page. This can be used to display more details than what were included in a confirmation email. Note: This token contains contains markup that controls the static texts, inner tokens, styling, and formatting use to replace the token. This markup can by modified by going to Gold Key > Token Manager. |
Commerce Forms Events Giving Membership Standard Forms |
Confirmation Email |
[Itinerary Summary] |
Displays the activity information from the event registration. Activity information is grouped by registrant, activity step, and then activity. Guest itinerary information will display on the primary registrant confirmation. On the guest confirmation, only itinerary information related to that registrant displays. Note: This token contains markup that controls the static texts, inner tokens, styling, and formatting use to replace the token. This markup can by modified by going to Gold Key > Token Manager. |
Events |
Finish page Review Page Confirmation Email |
How was this handled previously?
Prior to this enhancement work, admins were limited in their ability to pick and choose the data from the form submission that they would like to include in Member Confirmations, Admin Confirmations, Review pages, and Finish pages.
Where can more information be found?
Related Encompass areas
Updated: 13 September 2018