Why is it important to admins?
Tokens are a valuable feature that enable content to be relevant and engaging to a user based on a known information about the site, a form, and a member. An example of a helpful from token could be [Itinerary Summary] on a confirmation email. In this scenario, the token placeholder will be replaced in the confirmation email with a breakdown of the respective event or activity information for future reference.
Token Manager enables super admins and web design admins to change the static text, layout, and inner tokens that determine what is put in a token's place when rendered to the user. This enables customers to ensure that the information provided by a token is aligned with institutional brand, styling, and adopted best practices.
NOTE: the enhanced tokens will not be used for recurring payment confirmation emails.
Who benefits?
Super admins and web design admins will benefit in that they will no longer have to engage with iModules Customer Support to change how their tokens look.
All admins will benefit in that their Member Confirmations, Admin Confirmations, Review pages, and Finish pages can now reflect only the content they feel is relevant, and do so in a more engaging way.
In order to access Token Manager, users will require either Super Admin, or the newly created Notification Manager admin right.
What is the goal of the work?
The goal of this work is to provide a new view that allows super admins and design admins to:
- View a listing of all tokens that contain HTML markup and are used on Member Confirmations, Admin Confirmations, Review pages, and Finish pages
- View and modify the HTML markup for a specific token. The elements within the markup include:
- Static text such as the label for a value
- Inner tokens, such as [Next Payment Amount] which can be used in the [Payment Options] token to show the dollar amount of the next payment
- Styling and formatting to control how static content and replacement tokens appear when rendered on the page or in an email
- View a preview of how the token would render based on the markup
Taking the [Itinerary Summary] example a step further, this token is made up of a static text, layouts, and inner tokens that will repeat depending on the type of event and amount of information documented.
The center section of Token Manager pictured below contains the HTML markup that determines the static content, inner tokens, layout, and formatting that will be applied in the rendered content. Below that section is a preview of how that HTML definition will look.
The right hand section shows a list of available inner tokens that are supported by the parent [Itinerary Summary] token.
Where can more information be found?
Related Encompass areas
- Customizing Admin and Member Confirmation Email Tokens
- Tokens for Confirmation Emails, Review/Finish Pages
- Using the Content Editor
- Creating and Using Tokens
Updated: 13 September 2018