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Affiliation helps you connect and inspire your alumni and supporters through a visual breakdown of participation groups (parents, alumni, friends, etc.) for the Donation campaigns, Events, and Membership campaigns.

Roles and Privileges

Content Super Admin - To add the module to a content page.

From Gold Key Menu:

Super Admin


Campaigns Admin - To add the Scoreboards Affiliation field to the applicable donation forms.

Events Admin - To add the Scoreboards Affiliation field to the applicable event forms.

Membership Admin - To add the Scoreboards Affiliation field to the applicable membership forms.

Campaigns Reporting Admin - To see Affiliation responses in donation reporting.

Events Reporting Admin - To see Affiliation responses in events reporting.

Membership Reporting Admin - To see Affiliation responses in Membership reporting.

Enabling the Affiliation Field

You can use the Affiliation field once per Event, Donation, or Membership form.

To add Affiliation to the existing form:

  1. Go to Events > Events Home.


    Donations > Donations Home.


    Memberships > Memberships Home.

  2. Click on the created Event / Donation / Membership form from the list. Make sure you are on Build Form Mode.

  3. Click Manage Category > Add Existing Fields. This opens up Add Existing Fields window.


  4. Select the Scoreboards folder in the left pane. This shows the fields available under Available Fields.

  5. Select the Affiliation field from the middle pane. Selecting the Affiliation field moves it to the right selected fields pane.

  6. Click Add Selected Fields to add the Affiliation field to the respective form.


Modifying the Affiliation List

The Affiliation list is editable, and you can modify this based on your need.

To modify the Affiliation list:

  1. Go to Events > Events Home.


    Donations > Donations Home.


    Memberships > Memberships Home.

  2. Click on the created Event / Donation / Membership form from the list. Make sure you are on Build Form Mode.

  3. Identify the Affiliation field. Next to the field, click Edit List. This opens up the Edit Field Options window, where you can modify the list.


  4. Add the required details under the Field Option Display Names field and click Save. Save closes the window and takes you back to the admin view of the form.


  • There are default values provided (Alumni, Student, Parent, Faculty & Staff, and Friend) for Affiliation. Any changes to these values affect all these field instances across the Events / Donation / Memberships forms. If you want, you can change the field name label as well.

  • These fields can be queried via Data Viewer and added to Reconciliation Reports.

Adding Affiliation Content Modules

To add Affiliation from Content Modules:

  1. Click on the Content tab from the top toolbar. You can see a Content toolbar appears.

  2. Hover your mouse over Content Modules from the Content toolbar. A context menu appears.

  3. From the context menu, hover your mouse over Scoreboards module. A fly-out menu appears.

  4. From the fly-out menu, drag and drop Affiliation to your page.


Note: You can also add/remove Affiliation by enabling Content Builder mode.

Configuring Affiliation

To configure the Affiliation module, go to the Affiliation module created on the page. You can see two options to work with:

We are going to discuss both options in this section.

Keep Existing Settings

  1. Go to the Affiliation module created on the page.

  2. Click Configure Control gear icon mceclip1.png for the module. This opens the Configure Affiliation page.

  3. Under the Attributes tab, select Keep Existing Settings radio button.

  4. Provide a Title. The Subtitle is optional.

  5. Set a Display From and a Display To date. These determine when the content becomes visible. Display To is optional. If you do not enter a Display To date, the content continues to be visible until you enter an end date.

  6. Set the Time Zone. The default is the time zone set on your computer.

  7. Click Next to proceed to the next page, Source.


  8. Set the Transactions From and the Transactions To dates. These determine the time frame of data to include.

  9. Set the Primary Commerce Source from the list. In the drop-down list you can see Event, Giving, and Membership. Selecting them opens up respective Available Form(s).

  10. You need to work with the Available Form(s) to select the form(s) that is going to provide the data to populate the Affiliation module. Use the arrow buttons to move form(s) from the left box to the right box. Only those in the right box are in use.

  11. Click Next to proceed to the next page, Style.


  12. Define the Styles for various elements. You also have an option to work with Advanced CSS Styling.


  13. Click Save. Save closes the window and takes you back to the Content page.

    Note: Affiliations that are included to display on a content page will always add up to 100%.

Saving Affiliation Template

You can save the Affiliation Template so that you can use the saved template next time without creating the similar one from scratch.

When you create a New Affiliation, click Save as Template option at the bottom of the page. This will prompt you to enter the Template Name and then click Save.


Note: When you try to save the Affiliation Template with a duplicate name, Encompass will not accept and throws up an Error.

Update from Template

After you save Affiliation Template, you can see two options when you go to Configure Affiliation next time. Use Update from Template if you want to reuse your already saved Template.

  1. Go to the respective Affiliation from your Content Module.

  2. Click Configure Control gear icon mceclip1.png for the module. This opens the Configure Affiliation page.

  3. Select the Update from Template radio button. This enable the options to select the saved Template.

  4. Select a saved template from the Template drop-down menu. You can see all the existing fields get updated with the predefined values present in the Template.


  5. Provide Affiliation Title.

  6. Click Save to complete the configuration.

    Note: You can make changes to the selected Template. If you want to keep the changes, click Save as Template or Click Save to continue without saving the changes in the Template. Your changes will get reflected in the Affiliation which you have configured.

Scoreboards 101 On-Demand Topical Training in the Academy

To know more about Affiliation, you can go to Scoreboards 101 On-Demand Topical Training in the Academy.