Donor Roll

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Donor Roll strengthens the relationship and appreciates your alumni and supporters by individually acknowledging them on your webpage. This module displays a running list of donors and donation amounts for your campaigns.

Roles and Privileges

  • Content Super Admin - To add the module to a content page.

    From Gold Key Menu:

  • Super Admin


  • Campaigns Admin - To add the Scoreboards Donor Roll field to the applicable donation forms and see the response in reporting.

  • Campaigns Reporting Admin - Only to be able to see Donor Roll responses in reporting.

Enabling the Donor Roll Field

You can use the Donor Roll field once per the Donation form.

To add Donor Roll to the existing form:

  1. Go to Donations > Donations Home.

  2. Click on the created Donation form from the list. Make sure you are on Build Form Mode.

  3. Click Manage Category > Add Existing Fields. This opens up Add Existing Field window.


  4. Select the Scoreboards folder in the left column. This shows the fields available under Available Fields.

  5. Select the Donor Roll from the middle pane. Selecting the Donor Roll field moves it to the right selected fields pane.

  6. Click Add Selected Fields to add the Donor Roll field to the respective form.


    Note: Reusable Instance and Donor Roll fields can be queried via Data Viewer and added to Reconciliation Reports.

Modifying the Donor Roll Field Display Name

Donor Roll field title is editable, and you can modify it based on your need.

To modify the Donor Roll field title:

  1. Go to Donations > Donations Home.

  2. Click on the created Donation form from the list. Make sure you are on Build Form Mode.

  3. Identify the Donor Roll field. Next to the field click Edit Field. This opens up the Edit Field window where you can modify the Display Name.


  4. Modify the Donor Roll name under the Display Name field and click Next>>. This closes the window and takes you back to the admin view of the form.

    Note: The check box options cannot be changed and allow donors to opt in to publish their name and /or donation amount.


Adding the Donor Roll Content Module

To add Donor Roll from Content Modules:

  1. Click on the Content tab from the top toolbar. You can see a Content toolbar appears.

  2. Hover your mouse over Content Modules from the Content toolbar. A context menu appears.

  3. From the context menu, hover your mouse over the Scoreboards module. A fly-out menu appears.

  4. From the fly-out menu, drag and drop Donor Roll to your page.


Note: You can also add / remove Donor Roll by enabling Content Builder mode.

Configuring Donor Roll Using Designations

To configure Donor Roll go to the Donor Roll module created on the page. You can see two options to work with:

We are going to discuss both the options in this section.

Note: When the designations are added the given amount of the latest transaction is displayed according to the amount allocated for each selected designation.

Keep Existing Settings

  1. Go to the Donor Roll module created on the page.
  2. Click Configure Control gear icon mceclip1.png for the module. This opens the Configure Donor Roll page.
  3. Under the Attributes tab, select Keep Existing Settings radio button.
  4. Provide a Title. The Subtitle is optional.
  5. Set a Display From and a Display To date. These determine when the content gets visible. Display To is optional. If you do not enter a Display To date, the content continues to be visible until you enter an end date.
  6. Set the Time Zone. The default is the time zone set on your computer.
  7. Click Next to proceed to the next page, Source.

  8. Set the Transactions From and the Transactions To dates. These determine the time frame of data to include.
    Note: For Donor Roll, Primary Commerce Source will default to Giving.
  9. You need to work with the Available Form(s) to select the form(s) that is going to provide the data to populate the Donor Roll. Use the arrow buttons to move form(s) from the left box to the right box. Only those in the right box are in use.
  10. Under Filter Data Based On, you have the option to select Designations.
  11. Selecting Designations enables the Available Designation(s) section. To select the Designation(s) that will provide the data to populate the Donor Roll, use the arrow buttons to move Designation(s) from the left box to the right box. Only those in the right box are in use.
  12. Display Limit defaults to 25, and can be changed. This determines the number of donors to display initially.
  13. Show More Verbiage allows admins to customize what users get to see when they want to see more than the display limit allows.
    Note: Donor Roll displays a maximum of 300 most recent names at a time.
  14. Click Next to proceed to the next page Style.
  15. Define the Styles for various elements.
  16. Under Additional Options, determine if you want to enable Include Designation Name.
  17. Set the Verbiage you want to use for the information to display.
  18. Set the Donor Avatar. This is optional and can be set to No Image; however, the drop-down defaults to First Initial Avatar. An admin can also upload their own 50 KB image.
  19. You have an option to work with Advanced CSS Styling. Enable Advance CSS Styling to write custom CSS.
  20. Click Save. Save closes the window and takes you back to the Content page.



  • Donor Roll will not pull in a member's profile picture.

  • Offline donations are supported as long as the constituent form submission is completed by skipping billing on the admin side. In this example, Donor Roll pulls from the First and Last Name as long as the record has a value.

  • Imported gifts are supported as long as the constituent records have a value in Home State and Country.

  • Scheduled Payment gifts are recognized for the full promised amount on the Donor Roll.

  • Subsequent Perpetual payments cause a new row to be added to the donor roll. The new row shows the amount charged today (not the total charged to date).

Saving Donor Roll Template

You can save the Donor Roll Template so that you can use the saved template next time without creating the similar one from scratch.

When you create a New Donor Roll, click Save as Template option at the bottom of the page. This will prompt you to enter the Template Name and then click Save.


Note: When you try to save the Donor Roll Template with a duplicate name, Encompass will not accept and throws up an Error.

Update from Template

After you save the Donor Roll Template, you can see two options when you go to Configure Donor Roll next time. Use Update from Template if you want to reuse your already saved Template.

  1. Go to the respective Donor Roll from your Content Module.

  2. Click Configure Control gear icon mceclip1.png for the module. This opens the Configure Donor Roll page.

  3. Select the Update from Template radio button. This enable the options to select the saved Template.

  4. Select a saved template from the Template drop-down menu. You can see all the existing fields get updated with the predefined values present in the Template.


  5. Provide Donor Roll Title.

  6. Click Save to complete the configuration.

    Note: You can make changes to the selected Template. If you want to keep the changes, click Save as Template or Click Save to continue without saving the changes in the Template. Your changes will get reflected in the Donor Roll that you have configured.

Configuring Donor Roll Using Custom Data Point

To configure Donor Roll go to the Donor Roll module created on the page. You can see two options to work with:

We are going to discuss both options in this section.

Keep Existing Settings

  1. Go to the Donor Roll module created on the page.
  2. Click Configure Control gear icon mceclip1.png for the module. This opens the Configure Donor Roll page.
  3. Under the Attributes tab, select the Keep Existing Settings radio button.
  4. Provide a Title. The Subtitle is optional.
  5. Set a Display From and a Display To date. These determine when the content gets visible. Display To is optional. If you do not enter a Display To date, the content continues to be visible until you enter an end date.
  6. Set the Time Zone. The default is the time zone set on your computer.
  7. Click Next to proceed to the next page, Source.
  8. Set the Transactions From and the Transactions To dates. These determine the time frame of data to include.
    Note: For Donor Roll, Primary Commerce Source will default to Giving.
  9. You need to work with the Available Form(s) to select the form(s) that is going to provide the data to populate the Donor Roll, use the arrow buttons to move form(s) from the left box to the right box. Only those in the right box are in use.
  10. Under Filter Data Based On, you have the option to select Custom Data Point.
  11. Selecting Custom Data Point enables the Custom Field section. Select the Custom Field that will provide the data to populate the Donor Roll, use the arrow buttons to move Custom Field from the left box to the right box. Only those in the right box are in use.
  12. Display Limit defaults to 25 and can be changed. This determines the number of donors to display initially.
  13. Show More Verbiage allows admins to customize what users get to see when they want to see more than the display limit allows.
    Note: Donor Roll displays a maximum of 300 most recent names at a time.
  14. Click Next to proceed to the next page Style.
  15. Define the Styles for various elements.
  16. Under Additional Options, determine if you want to enable Include Designation Name.
  17. Set the Verbiage you want to use for the information to display.
  18. Set the Donor Avatar. This is optional and can be set to No Image; however, the drop-down defaults to First Initial Avatar. An admin can also upload their own 50 KB image.
  19. You have an option to work with Advanced CSS Styling. Enable Advance CSS Styling to write custom CSS.
  20. Click Save. Save closes the window and takes you back to the Content page.
  • Donor Roll will not pull in a member's profile picture.
  • Offline donations are supported as long as the constituent form submission is completed by skipping billing on the admin side. In this example, Donor Roll pulls from the First and Last Name as long as the record has a value.
  • Imported gifts are supported as long as the constituent records have a value in Home State and Country.
  • Scheduled Payment gifts are recognized for the full promised amount on the Donor Roll.
  • Subsequent Perpetual payments cause a new row to be added to the donor roll. The new row shows the amount charged today (not the total charged to date).

Saving Donor Roll Template

You can save the Donor Roll Template so that you can use the saved template next time without creating the similar one from scratch.

When you create a New Donor Roll, click Save as Template option at the bottom of the page. This will prompt you to enter the Template Name and then click Save.


Note: When you try to save the Donor Roll Template with a duplicate name, will not accept and throws up an Error.


Update from Template

After you save the Donor Roll Template, you can see two options when you go to Configure Donor Roll next time. Use Update from Template if you want to reuse your already saved Template.

  1. Go to the respective Donor Roll from your Content Module.

  2. Click Configure Control gear icon for the module. This opens the Configure Donor Roll page.

  3. Select the Update from Template radio button. This enables the option to select the saved Template.

  4. Select a saved template from the Template drop-down menu. You can see all the existing fields get updated with the predefined values present in the Template.


  5. Provide Donor Roll Title.

  6. Click Save to complete the configuration.
    Note: You can make changes to the selected Template. If you want to keep the changes, click Save as Template or Click Save to continue without saving the changes in the Template. Your changes will get reflected in the Donor Roll that you have configured.

Importing Data into Donor Roll

The import tool is helpful for offline transactions, which you would like to include in your Donor Roll.

To import data into Donor Roll:

  1. Click on the Content module from the top toolbar.

  2. Identify the previously added Donor Roll module from the page.

  3. Click on the truck icon  for the Donor Roll you want to import into. You are redirected to the Import Offline Transactions page.


  4. You can simply copy / paste the column headers provided on the Import Offline Transactions page into your file.


    • This tool is designed to allow you to upload a .csv file containing offline transactions.

    • You are limited to 10,000 rows of data in the file.

    • Donor_Name: This is the name that will appear on the Donor Roll. Entering a value is optional. If no value is entered, it will be anonymous.

    • Amount: Dollar amount that a donor has given. Entering a value is optional. If no value is entered, it will be anonymous.

    • Date_Added: The Date_Added column header must be present, but data is optional. The Format for the column should be MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm AM/PM. Use this to import transactions that will show up at a future time. If left blank, it will default to the current time and show up immediately.


    • If you need assistance in determining how to build the file, click on the green circle icon above the sample column headers.

  5. Upload or drag and drop the created file. Once the file is successfully uploaded, the file name displays in a green success indicator.


  6. You can delete the imports; however, the data also gets removed from the Donor Roll. Use the X icon to the left of a file name to remove.

    Note: There is no confirmation message. Once you click the X icon to the left of the file name, the file gets deleted immediately.


  7. Click the Back to move back to the Content page.


  • You can only import CSV files.

  • Imported files only impact the specific Donor Roll that you imported into.

  • Column headers are case-sensitive. Please use what is shown in the sample file.

  • If Date_Added is not present, then the system adds the current date/time. If an admin only puts MM/DD/YYYY (no time), then the system adds midnight.

Scoreboards 101 On-Demand Topical Training in the Academy

To know more about Donor Roll, you can go to Scoreboards 101 On-Demand Topical Training in the Academy.