Release Notes - July 16, 2018

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Please note that product releases are scheduled as followed by environment:
Canadian = Monday evening | Australian = Tuesday morning | U.S. = Tuesday evening |
Beta Template Editor / New Email Editor = Monday Morning

Product Functionality

Platform: ENC-32645 When using PayPal admin are now able to set the default currency to a currency other than USD.

PayPal for all commerce forms is now available!!  To find more about setup and general FAQ, please click here.

Issue Resolution


Community Content

Networking Groups: ENC-33185 Admin is able to make a group member an owner when added to the group via a Data Viewer query.

Data Management

Member Merge: ENC-32815 Form sessions that do not have user progression after ten minutes no longer receive timeout modal.

Online Giving

Online Giving: ENC-31904 Accessibility features have been updated for the designations popup window.

Online Giving: ENC-31905 Alt Text for expandable/collapsible icons have been updated to include "Expand to view funds for <designation name" and "Collapse funds for <designation name"