Lists and Segments

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The Lists and Segments landing page will house both Lists and Segments. Lists are uploaded files containing email addresses. Segments are saved Data Viewer queries that have been marked to be an Email Segment.

Only Super Admins will have access to this area by default. The Email List and Segment Manager admin right can be assigned to anyone who needs access to this functionality.


From the Email menu, choose Lists and Segments.



The grid will display all of the Lists and Segments that exist and identify them in the Type column.

There is a search option available to easily narrow down the list.

The green gear icon provides additional options.

For a List, the options are:


Edit List will move you back to the screen where the list was uploaded and named. This won't be an option if the List is in use.

Download List allows you to download the file.

Delete will delete the item. This won't be an option if the List is in use.

For a Segment, the options are:


Edit in DataViewer will move you back to the Data Viewer area to add, edit, or remove fields and set values.

Delete will delete the segment from the grid; however, the saved query will still exist in Encompass. This won't be an option if the Segment is in use.

The Name will be the name of the saved query.

Description will be the description of the saved query.

Creator will be the name of the admin who marked the box to create the Email Segment.

The "In Use" column will show an indicator light if the item being used for a message.

Audience Size will show the estimated number of recipients. If needed, click Refresh to get an updated value.

Add List

  1. Click Add List.

  2. You will be moved to a screen where you will choose the type of Email List you want to upload.

Email List

  1. The Email List radio button is selected by default.

Upload the file and provide a name and description.

NOTE - The column headers are provided and you can simply copy/paste from this window.

NOTE - The column headers are the token names and are case sensitive.

NOTE - The file must be 15MB of smaller.

NOTE - It would be best if you remove duplicate addresses before attempting to upload or the file won't be accepted.

NOTE - Recommended to use CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimmited)(*.csv) files to support accented characters


  1. Once a file has been uploaded, additional information will be provided.


    NOTE - Estimated Recipient Count will sum the successful rows. Missing or invalid emails won't be summed in the count.

  2. Click Save.

  3. The Email List will be placed in the Lists and Segments grid.

  4. The file can be downloaded by using the gear icon.

NOTE - the system will attempt to match the email address to an existing record at GID1 at the time of email send. If no match is found, a new non-member (guest) record is created. The First Name and Last Name in the file will be used in creating the new record. If the system matches to an existing record, token population will be driven off of the matching record and not the data in the List file.

Email List (Merge Fields)

Watch this video to see a sample file and how the tokens are used in a message.


  1. Select the Email List (Merge Fields) radio button.

  2. Upload the file and provide a name and description.

    Header Notes:

    NOTE - The first three required column headers are provided and you can simply copy/paste from this window. To create your merge fields, add additional custom token names as column headers (no ##) and provide the data.

    NOTE - HTML in merge field values will be ignored

    NOTE - The file must contain at least four columns of information. If you don't have a fourth value you want to tokenize, you will still need to provide a header. You don't need to use the token for this column in your message.

    NOTE - The column headers are the token names and are case sensitive.

    NOTE - Data must be present for every individual since this is the only data source being used.

    NOTE - The file must be 15MB of smaller. We also recommend 15 or fewer columns.

    - It would be best if you remove duplicate addresses before attempting to upload or the file won't be accepted.

    NOTE - Preview and View in Browser are unable to retrieve tokens from the merge file. For Previews, the token will be rendered so you are aware of the placement. For View in Browser,  a custom message will be shown and the tokens will display (view an example).

NOTE - Recommended to use CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimmited)(*.csv) files to support accented characters


  1. Once a file has been uploaded, additional information will be provided.

    NOTE -
    Estimated Recipient Count will sum the successful rows. Missing or invalid emails won't be summed in the count.

  2. Click Save.

  3. The Email List (Merge Fields) will be placed in the Lists and Segments grid.

  4. The file can be downloaded by using the gear icon.

    NOTE - the system will attempt to match the email address to an existing record at the time of email send. If no match is found, a new non-member (guest) record is created. The First Name and Last Name in the file will be used in creating the new record. If the system matches to an existing record, token population will be driven off of the data in Email List (Merge Fields) file. No data will be overwritten in the constituent record.

Add Segment

  1. Click Add Segment.

  2. You will be moved to Data Viewer. You will follow the normal query building steps.

  3. When you reach the screen to save the query, a new checkbox for Create New Email Segment will be available. You need to check the box if you want this query to be available as a Segment.


  4. Once a name is provided and the Create New Email Segment box is checked, click Go.

  5. The query will be saved. It will be placed in the Lists and Segments grid.