Customer Support and Encompass Design staff will not troubleshoot or recommend changes to improve emails deployed using the Advanced HTML workflow.
Getting Started
From the Email Home Drafts area, you will see an option to Build From HTML for General Campaigns.
If you do NOT have the Advanced HTML Email Author right, you will receive an error message. Your only option is to use a Template.
If you have the Advanced HTML Email Author right, you will be moved along to the Edit Content step.
Edit Content
There are two different areas you must work with: HTML and Text.
Save and View (inside of More Options) will be used to save and view your email in a browser.
Save will save the work done in both the HTML and Text areas.
Send Preview will save your work and move you to the Preview step.
Exit will exit you from the editing area and any changes made from the last save will be lost.
*NOTE - you must include the Sender Tokens in your HTML and Text versions.
Pre-Header Token
For HTML emails, you must add the ##PREHEADER## token in order for the system to utilize the Pre-Header provided in the Email Details. If this token isn't added, then the Pre-Header in Email Details will be ignored.
To insert the ##PREHEADER## token, we recommend you follow these steps.
1. Go to the uppermost opening Table tag.
2. Insert the following HTML. Please note that the ##PREHEADER## token is also included for your convenience.
<tr style="display:none !important; visibility:hidden; mso-hide:all; font-size:1px; color:#ffffff; line-height:1px; max-height:0px; max-width:0px; opacity:0; overflow:hidden;"> <td style="display:none !important; visibility:hidden; mso-hide:all; font-size:1px; color:#ffffff; line-height:1px; max-height:0px; max-width:0px; opacity:0; overflow:hidden;"> ##PREHEADER## </td> </tr>
Below is an image of what it looks like in the editor.
Unsubscribe Token
For the unsubscribe link in the HTML version, you will need to use the following token: ##Unsubscribe##. ##Unsubscribe## will be replaced with the word "Unsubscribe" hyperlinked with a unique URL for each recipient.
Do NOT place this token in a hyperlinked element!
Below is an example of what it would look like:
For the unsubscribe link the Text version, you will need to use the following case sensitive token: ##Unsubscribe_URL##. The token will be replaced with the URL that allows users to unsubscribe. You should not place it in a href tags for the Text version.
View in Browser Token
NOTE - this token should NOT be used in the Pre-Header or Subject areas of Email Details.
For the view in browser link in the HTML version, you could use the following token: ##Webview##. ##Webview## will be replaced with View in Browser.
Another option is ##TroubleViewingLink##. This can be a hyperlinked element so you can control the wording around it (Example - View in a webpage).
For View in Browser link the Text version, you will need to use the following case sensitive token: ##TroubleViewingLink##. The token will be replaced with the URL. You should not place it in a href tags for the Text version.
Making Changes
Once HTML has been chosen for a General Campaign and "save" has been used, the Draft area will indicate HTML is being used.
NOTE: You can convert an HTML General Campaign to an A/B Testing Campaign.