Release Notes - April 2018

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Please note that product releases are scheduled as followed by environment: 
Beta Email Template Editor = Tuesday Morning All Environments
Events and Commerce = Tuesday evening
Email Reporting = Friday Evening

April 9, 2018 - Product Functionality

Beta Email Template Editor

Dynamic Content News Feed

  • Choose to show between 1 and 25 articles.
  • Sort Chronologically or Reverse Chronologically.
  • Choose one or all content types.
  • If no articles match your selected criteria, Lorem Ipsum placeholders will be added to your template.


  • Event forms utilizing registration limits will now have more consistent form load times and form submission times even as the event approaches the total registration limit.


  • Forms containing commerce items utilizing limits will now have more consistent form load times and form submission times even as the commerce items approach the total commerce item limit.

April 16, 2018 - Issue Resolution

Full-Site SSL Information Gold Key Page

ENC-31381 Resolves issue where some clients were not able to view the Full-Site SSL Information page in the Gold Key area of Encompass. This page displays a list of configured domains for the site, and if a SSL certificate is recommended. Please see the Full-Site SSL Overview Support Center page for more information about converting to Full-Site SSL.

April 23, 2018 - Product Functionality

New Email Marketing

Sender Identities

Sender Identities is the next feature being introduces as a part of New Email Marketing. The senders administrators create today will be used as a part of the email sending workflow that launches in August 2018.

  • Sender Identities allow administrators to create consistent, uniform identities which designate the following email attributes:
    • From Name
    • From Email
    • Sender tokens
  • Sender tokens facilitate CAN-SPAM compliance and include:
    • ##Sender_Org## (Required)
    • ##Sender_Address## (Required)
    • ##Sender_Address_2##
    • ##Sender_City## (Required)
    • ##Sender_State## (Required)
    • ##Sender_Postal##
    • ##Sender_Country##
  • Administrators can choose have sender tokens populate in preview emails sent from Beta Template Editor
  • Learn how to create Sender Identities in Email Marketing
  • Learn how to use Sender Tokens in Email Marketing

Membership Forms

In Form Membership Role Basing

  • Membership forms now allow for steps, categories, and fields to be role based off of the membership level selected at the beginning of the form session.
  • Role names assigned to membership levels can now be edited after creation

Membership Form Renderer

  • Admin view for creating membership forms allows users to toggle between Build Form and Data Entry Modes

Profile Forms

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Status Field

  • A new field, "GDPR Status" has been added to all profile forms under the "Admin Only" tab.  This field contains three values: "Unknown",  "Applicable" and "Not Applicable".  The field will be defaulted to "Unknown" for all members.  
  • If the ‘GDPR_Status” field does not automatically generate within Encompass, you may have changed the name of your “Admin Only Information” category. Please submit a ticket to the Support Center as the iModules team will need to manually add the field and the role to your catalog. 

  • Please see the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) Support Center page for more information about this new field and other GDPR related articles.

April 23, 2018 - Issue Resolution

Commerce Item Limits

ENC-31992 For Commerce Forms that are accessed from the Forms module, Commerce Item Fields no longer have a Registrant Limit field as this is not a supported workflow.

First Time Login

ENC-31948 and ENC-31856 Resolves a rare issue where First Time Login displays an error message when used on certain templates configurations. 


ENC-27574 Resolves an issue where LDAP authentication fails but Encompass login succeeds, and the user is not returned to the appropriate URL after login is completed.

Web Services

ENC-31893 Resolves an issue where tokens are not being returned correctly for certain records by the ValidateConsitutuentID web service query.

Online Giving

ENC-27827 Resolves an issue where a giving form URL with &bledit and &dids URL customizations where not functioning properly in certain workflows. When these customizations are used, and if the designations specified by &dids are not part of the form configuration, then the customizations are removed if the user selects the back button on the form or browser. See The Power of URL Customizations Support Center page for more information. 


ENC-30395 Resolves an issue where Membership confirmation emails were displaying the incorrect expiration date. 

April 30, 2018 - Product Functionality

Email Reporting

  • Beta email reporting will become the production / primary record of email metrics. 
  • The change will be reflected with an update to the blue administrative navigation.
  • Starting May 1, no new data will be written to legacy reporting even if new opens, clicks or conversions take place. Legacy Reporting will be available in the navigation for those who wish to reference historic data.

April 30, 2018 - Issue Resolution


ENC-32819 Resolves an issue where Group pages result in a system error upon page load.


ENC-32839 Resolves a rare issue where forms with the Email Forwarding field cause a system error when the user tries to navigate to the next step.