Navigating between steps
Use the options in the upper right to navigate in the template editor.
More Options provides Choose Template and Save and View options.
NOTE: Please make sure you save changes to the template before navigating away so the changes aren't lost.
Navigating within the Editor
Scroll Bars
There are scroll bars that appear when a template or menu cannot be fully viewed on the height of the screen.
The innermost scroll bar controls the email pane.
The far right scroll bar adjusts the element tabs (Default and Control).
NOTE: Click + to expand an element editing box. Click - to collapse an element editing box.
Action Menu
Undo the last action -
Redo the last action -
Duplicate the selected element -
Delete the selected element -
NOTE: a dotted line indicates the section you are actively editing.
The Defaults tab controls the major background (color or image) for the template. You must click on an element in the template to activate the Content tab menu.
Click Save or Save and View often while you are editing the template.
Breadcrumb Navigation
As admins select an element within an email, the breadcrumb navigation updates to reveal how the selected element is nested within other editable elements.
NOTE: If you are having trouble selecting an item, click as close to it as you can and use the breadcrumb to advance upward in the nesting.