Form Build Order
Map out Form before build: i.e. diagram, whiteboard, etc
- Steps
- Categories
- Fields
- Existing Fields
- New Fields
- Roles (if needed)
- Custom Design
- Admin Test
- User Test
- Launch
Documentation: Form Build Checklist
Questions to ask before each build
This list can apply to Forms, Events, Donations, and Memberships.
- Who am I building this for? (Audience)
- How do they enter the Form?
- Is there a total limit to the number of registrations? A per person limit?
- Will tickets be sold?
- Are there limits to the number of tickets sold?
- Will ticket purchases be driving registration?
- Will a guest list be displayed?
- Are there additional commerce fields needed that do not drive registration?
- Do you need a quantity field to drive registration?
- Will tickets have individual or group limits on sale?
- Are Admin only fields needed?
- Donation Opportunity offered?
- How do constituents exit the Form?
- Will a confirmation email be used, and what will it say?
- Will Identity Checkpoint be used?
Use the answers to these questions to create a road map for your Form before building.
Forms Vocabulary
General Forms
Steps: Page display in the Form. You can create additional steps to break up the information collection flow.
Categories: The containers that hold and sort your data fields. Categories can be used as filters in reporting and can collapse fields from view in a form.
Fields: The tool used to collect the data for storage in your database
Existing Fields: Fields that have been created in your database or mapped over from your back end database (example: profile member fields)
New Fields: A new field is created because it does not exist in your database. DO NOT create new fields when an existing field is present. (For example: the phone number field is existing because it is a member field used often, whereas a field requesting someone’s favorite color would be unique and specific to the Form it lives in. This would be a new field.)
Suggested Naming conventions
Building Fields - nameoftheform_nameofthefield
(example: class2004reunion_dinnerselection)
Building Roles - nameoftheform_nameofthefield_nameofthevalue
For your reference: Glossary of iModules Terms