Online Giving Form Build Order
Map out Form before build: i.e. diagram, whiteboard, etc
- Build Designations
- Build Collections
- Build the Form and enable a collection
- Steps
- Categories
- Fields
- Existing Fields
- New Fields
- Reusable Instance Fields
- Roles (if needed)
- Customize URL's (if needed)
- Add Appeal Codes
- Custom Design
- Admin Test
- User Test
- Launch
Documentation: Giving Form Build | Giving Form Build Checklist
Forms Vocabulary
General Forms
Steps: Page display in the form. You can create additional steps to break up information collection flow.
Categories: The containers the hold and sort your data fields. Categories can be used as filters in reporting and can collapse fields from view in a form.
Fields: The tool used to collect the data for storage in your database
Existing Fields: Fields that have been created in your database or mapped over from your back end database (example: profile member fields)
New Fields: A new field that is created because it does not exist in your database. DO NOT create new fields when an existing field is present. (example: phone number field is existing because it is a member field used often, whereas a field requesting someone’s favorite color would be unique and specific to the form it lives in. This would be a new field.)
Giving Forms
Donations: The giving form is also called Campaigns, or Donations, they are all the same type of form with commerce collection fields.
Designations: These are the holding containers or labels where monies are applied through the giving form.
Collections: The presentation of the designations inside the form. There are two primary collection displays: the simple (all on the page in a listing) and advanced (presented in a collection pop up window)
Form Build: The form is separate from the collection display in giving. The form is like the picture frame which holds the collection as a picture. This means that a collection can be moved from giving form to giving form.
Suggested Naming conventions
Building Fields - nameoftheform_nameofthefield
(example: class2004reunion_dinnerselection)
Building Roles - nameoftheform_nameofthefield_nameofthevalue
For your reference: Vocabulary and Suggested Naming Convention documents.