Admin Dashboard
The Administrative Dashboard provides administrators direct access to important Encompass tools for faster and more convenient community management.
The Dashboard serves as an administrative home page with access to key components of your community. The Dashboard not only offers an “at a glance” look at your events, donation campaigns, and e-mails, but also serves as a launching point for frequent actions including creating an e-mail, adding a campaign, adding photos, adding members, and more. In addition, you’ll receive important announcements from Encompass and have your institution’s personal Encompass contact information all in one location.
Based on individual administrative rights, modules can be added from the Add Modules bar. Additionally, modules can be deleted from the layout (when deleted, the module returns to the Add Modules bar and can be added again at any time). The administrator can move the modules to any preferred layout arrangement.
Customize Your Dashboard
Click Customize Dashboard to see your options.
Add Modules
(The modules displayed are customized based on admin rights.) The default modules on the Admin Dashboard are Encompass Announcements and Client Services.
Click on the various modules to add them to your dashboard.
Once they are on the dashboard you can drag and drop the modules anywhere you would like.
Click to collapse or
to reveal a module.
Click to remove a module from your dashboard.
Click to search for a particular item.
Click Return to View Mode when you are finished making changes.
NOTE: The Admin Dashboard page will be refreshed every 15 minutes. For example, if a new Event is added it would not show up in the Events module until after the system refresh.
The Activity widget displays a number of data points comparing you to your peers (your peer tier is based on the number of constituent records in your community or sub-community database). You can compare with past years, and you can also email or print the data using the icons presented on the left side of the widget display.
This widget shows your organization's total for each data point:
- Emails Sent: Number of emails sent in the time period.
- Content Updates: Content created or edited in Content Management in the time period.
- Date Exchanged: Number of data exports, whether manual or scheduled, in the period. (This does not include web services.)
- Active Events: Number of active events in time period.
- Online Giving Dollars: Total amount of online giving dollars for the time period.
Tier Average is a peer benchmark average for those data points.
Rank is your relative ranking (low / average / high) among your peers.
Click on the time periods (30 day, 60 day, 90 day, 12 months) to see data for that period.
Site Stats
The Site Statistics widget displays a selection of member and site tracking information by year. The right-hand column always shows the current year totals, which you can compare with past years. You can also email or print the data. Hovering over the titles on the left side of the widget display will give you a brief description of what each number represents. This data is compiled daily in an overnight process (US Central Time).
The Site Stats widget also displays the total number of Constituents Records and the total number of Non-Member records in your database.
Client Issue Tracker
This module will display a list of all issues that have your organization's name listed as an affected client on the ticket. Any admin with access to the Admin Dashboard will have the ability to add or remove this module from their dashboard. The issues that are pulled in will display the ticket number (ENC - xxxxxx), a summary of the issue, and the status of the ticket. Tickets with a status of "Released" will be displayed for 7 days.
NOTE: The issues are tracked at the top level community and are not specific to a sub-community. So, admins in a sub-community would see the same issues as in the top-level community.
Priority Issue Tracker (Previously the Encompass Issue Tracker)
The Encompass Issue Tracker widget allows you to see critical system bugs as they are reported to our Application Support team. You will be able to follow the progress of these bugs through the development, testing, and release phases.
RSS Feed
The XML/RSS Feed widget lets you add one or more feeds to anything you would like (off-site content and information) directly on your Dashboard.
Just enter the URL for the feed into the text box, select the number of items you would like displayed and click Save.
What do you want to do?
This module provides shortcuts which link you to several common tasks. (A link is only active if the administrator has the appropriate administrative rights.)
- Add an Event (Super Admin and Events Admin) - Links to Encompass Events home page / listing
- Add a Campaign (Super Admin and Campaigns Admin) - Links to Encompass Campaigns home page / listing
- Create an Email (Super Admin and Communications Admin) - Links to Encompass Email Marketing home page
- Go to Email Reporting (Super Admin and Communications Admin) - Links to Encompass Email Marketing Reporting home page / listing
- Create a Form (Super Admin and Forms Admin) - Links to Encompass Forms home page / listing
- Add Photos (Super Admin and Photos Admin) - Links to Encompass Manage Group Photo Albums home page
- Add a Member (Super Admin and Member Admin) - Links to a new Encompass Profile Form
- Create an Export (Super Admin and Member Admin) - Links to the Encompass Export Member Data home page / Step 1
Email Marketing
This module displays two sections:
- A listing of your next five Upcoming Encompass Emails (from your Released Emails)
- A listing of your most Recently Sent Encompass Emails (from your Email History).
Both sections display the number of Recipients and the Next Run / Last Run date. The data in this module will refresh every 15 minutes.
NOTES: Total Emails Sent (on the dashboard) will include emails that have been deleted. This number can be different than total emails Sent in email reporting, since that tool only shows emails that have not been deleted. The email reporting grid is capturing any email that gets "scheduled" in 2014 as "sent" in 2014, but an email might not necessarily be sent in the same year as it gets scheduled. The dashboard does not get updated daily once the year ends (the reporting number is updated every day, but the dashboard no longer updates for 2014 after 12/31/14.
This module displays a listing of your current Encompass Events by name, along with a snapshot of the number of registrations and event revenue for each event (if applicable). If there are related activities under an event, the number of registrations shown will reflect the number of unique registrations for the overall event and any related activities. The data in this module will refresh every 15 minutes.
This module displays a listing of your current Encompass Campaigns by name, along with a snapshot of the number of transactions and the revenue for each campaign. The data in this module will refresh every 15 minutes.
Encompass Announcements
This module displays news and important information posted by Encompass. This module cannot be removed from the layout, but it can be positioned in any desired location within the layout. Announcements will continue to display in the Encompass Announcements layout module until removed by Encompass.
Additionally, announcements will also appear in a panel at the top of the Dashboard layout. Announcements will display one at a time, and clicking the arrow to the right of the announcement will remove it from the top display area and advance the administrator to the next announcement. Each individual announcement will remain in the top display area until the arrow is clicked by an administrator or removed from the layout module by Encompass.
Client Services
This module displays your Encompass representative’s picture and contact information, as well as contact information for our Application Support team. All email addresses appear as links.