- Form Build Order
- Campaigns Build Order
- Membership Build Order
- Form-Driven Event Build Order
- Fee-Driven Event Build Order
- Activity-Driven Event Build Order
- Simple RSVP Event Build Order
- Questions to ask before each build
- Questions used to determine if activities are needed (Event Form Build Only)
- Forms Vocabulary
Form Build Order
Map out Form before build: i.e. diagram, whiteboard, etc
- Steps
- Categories
- Fields
- Existing Fields
- New Fields
- Roles (if needed)
- Custom Design
- Admin Test
- User Test
- Launch
Documentation: Form Build | Form Build Checklist
Campaigns Build Order
Map out Form before build: i.e. diagram, whiteboard, etc
- Build Designations
- Build Collections
- Build the Form and enable a collection
- Steps
- Categories
- Fields
- Existing Fields
- New Fields
- Roles (if needed)
- Customize URL's (if needed)
- Add Appeal Codes
- Custom Design
- Admin Test
- User Test
- Launch
Documentation: Giving Form Build | Giving Form Build Checklist
Membership Build Order
Map out Form before build: i.e. diagram, whiteboard, etc
- Membership Levels
- Steps
- Categories
- Fields
- Existing Fields
- New Fields
- Roles (if needed)
- Custom Design
- Admin Test
- User Test
- Launch
Documentation: Membership Form Build | Membership Form Build Checklist
Form-Driven Event Build Order
Map out Form before build: i.e. diagram, whiteboard, etc
- Choose Form Driven in Properties
- Option to enable guest collection step
- Advanced Mode – Customize Finish Page, and Confirmation Emails
- Steps
- Edit Guest Step (if needed)
- Activity Steps can be added (if needed)
- Categories
- Activities (if needed)
- Fields
- RSVP Field or Fee Control (one is required)
- Commerce Fields (if needed)
- Existing Fields
- New Fields
- Repeat 7. Fields for All Activities
- Roles (if needed)
- Custom Design
- Admin Test
- User Test
- Launch Form
Documentation: Form Driven Event | Form Driven Event Build Checklist
Fee-Driven Event Build Order
Map out Form before build: i.e. diagram, whiteboard, etc
- Choose Fee Driven in Properties
- Option to enable guest collection step
- Advanced Mode – Customize Finish Page, and Confirmation Emails
- Steps
- Edit Guest Step (if needed)
- Activity Steps can be added (if needed)
- Categories
- Activities (if needed)
- Fields
- Fee Control* (one is required for the event)
- Commerce Fields (if needed)
- Existing Fields
- New Fields
- Repeat 7. Fields for All Activities (as necessary)
- Add a Donation Category* (if needed)
- Roles (if needed)
- Custom Design
- Admin Test
- User Test
- Launch Form
*A fee control driving registration is required to add a donation category to the form
Documentation: Fee Driven Event | Fee Driven Event Build Checklist
Activity-Driven Event Build Order
Map out Form before build: i.e. diagram, whiteboard, etc
- Choose Activity Driven in Properties
- Option to enable guest collection step
- Build Activity or Activities*
- Advanced Mode – Customize Finish Page, and Confirmation Emails
- Steps
- Edit Guest Step (if needed)
- Additional Activity Steps can be added (if needed)
- Categories
- Activities (if needed in addition to any built in 3)
- Fields
- RSVP Field or Fee Control (one is required for the event)
- Commerce Fields (if needed)
- Existing Fields
- New Fields
- Repeat 7. Fields for All Activities (as necessary)
- Roles (if needed)
- Custom Design
- Admin Test
- User Test
- Launch Form
*Activities are created as part of the build process following the properties pages
Documentation: Activity Driven Event | Activity Driven Event Build Checklist
Simple RSVP Event Build Order
Map out Form before build: i.e. diagram, whiteboard, etc
- Choose Simple RSVP in Properties
- Option to enable guest collection step
- Advanced Mode – Customize Finish Page, and Confirmation Emails
- Steps
- Edit guest step (if needed)
- Categories
- Fields
- RSVP Field (required)
- Existing Fields
- New Fields
- Roles (if needed)
- Custom Design & Custom URL's (Appeal Code, Promo Code if needed)
- Admin Test
- User Test
- Launch Form
Documentation: Simple RSVP Event | Simple RSVP Event Checklist
Questions to ask before each build
- Who am I building this for? (Audience)
- How do they enter the form?
- Is there a total limit to the number of registrations? A per person limit?
- Will tickets be sold?
- Are there limits to the number of tickets sold?
- Will ticket purchases be driving registration?
- Will a guest list be displayed?
- Are there additional commerce fields needed that do not drive registration?
- Do you need a quantity field to drive registration?
- Will tickets have individual or group limits on sale?
- Are Admin only fields needed?
- Donation Opportunity offered?
- How do constituents exit the form?
- Will a confirmation email be used and what will it say?
- Will Identity Checkpoint be used?
Use the answers to these questions to create a road map for your form prior to building.
Questions used to determine if activities are needed (Event Form Build Only)
- Is separate registration required for something during the event? (i.e. smaller event, time slots, room availability)
- Will separate tickets be sold to something inside the event or separate from event tickets?
- Are there separate limitations to the number of registrants to an activity during an event? per person limit?
- Are there separate ticket purchase limitations to the number of registrants during an event? per person limit?
- Will a separate guest list be used for this activity?
- Will I need to sort activity registrants independently from the event registrants in reporting?
Answering "Yes" to any of these questions be indicate that an activity should be created as opposed to a category with similar fields.
Forms Vocabulary
General Forms
Steps: Page display in the form. You can create additional steps to break up information collection flow.
Categories: The containers the hold and sort your data fields. Categories can be used as filters in reporting and can collapse fields from view in a form.
Fields: The tool used to collect the data for storage in your database
Existing Fields: Fields that have been created in your database or mapped over from your back end database (example: profile member fields)
New Fields: A new field that is created because it does not exist in your database. DO NOT create new fields when an existing field is present. (example: phone number field is existing because it is a member field used often, whereas a field requesting someone’s favorite color would be unique and specific to the form it lives in. This would be a new field.)
Giving Forms
Donations: The giving form is also called Campaigns, or Donations, they are all the same type of form with commerce collection fields.
Designations: These are the holding containers or labels where monies are applied through the giving form.
Collections: The presentation of the designations inside the form. There are two primary collection displays: the simple (all on the page in a listing) and advanced (presented in a collection pop up window)
Form Build: The form is separate from the collection display in giving. The form is like the picture frame which holds the collection as a picture. This means that a collection can be moved from giving form to giving form.
Membership Forms
Levels: Purchase options for a membership form. There is no limit to the number of levels and pricing options you can create for a form.
Membership Type:
- Limited Term: This membership type begins on a defined date or a date of purchased. The price can be fixed or pro-rated based on the effective date.
- Lifetime: This membership has no end date
Auto Renewal: this can be made an option for a level, or as a requirement based on purchase.
Promotional Code: The codes can change pricing for levels or cause hidden levels to become visible.
Event Registration Forms
Simple RSVP: Users are required to RSVP for the event to be registered. Activities cannot be added to the event.
Form Driven: Users who complete the event form will be registered as attending. Fee and activity are not required. Activities can be added with or without fees.
Fee Driven: Users are required to pay a registration fee on the main event to register. Events with donations supported in this model. Activities with or without fees can be added.
Activity Driven: Users who register for any activity are registered for the event. Fees can be collected on activities.
Fee Control: field is the default method and is a best practice for collecting fees for event attendance. It is the standard type of interface used for selling "tickets". It is a multi-price commerce item control presented in a dropdown list so that a specific fee can be directly tied to the registrant or specific guest.
The Event Registration Fee field can’t be used in Events for anything other than collecting Event fees – it is by definition the field that drives registration for the Event or Activity it is used on. It cannot be used as a non-registration field.
Commerce Field: should be used for any other merchandise being sold on the event form. This is a quantity field with or without a fixed price displayed next to the box.
Suggested Naming conventions
Building Fields - nameoftheform_nameofthefield
(example: class2004reunion_dinnerselection)
Building Roles - nameoftheform_nameofthefield_nameofthevalue
For your reference: Vocabulary and Suggested Naming Convention documents.