System Status Fields for Constituent Records

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Below are the system status fields that may appear on your community's profile form. Some communities may have all of these status fields, and some may only have selected ones.


Non-member (is_non-member)

The is_non-member flag gets set when you create a record.

  • When a non-logged in user fills out a form or
  • From an email recipient list (email address upload and custom list only)

By default, non-members do not have access to many areas, such as the profile page, directory search, and other community elements that tie to the profile.

Lost Constituent (is_lost)

This is usually a computed field tied to a field from a client's offline database that indicates address and contact information which are missing for that member. Text or a question mark ? icon can display on member records that "are lost" to encourage other members to contact an admin if they have information about the “lost” member. Users will not be able to email them from the profile.

Deceased Constituent (is_deceased)

This computed field ties to a field from a client's offline database. If you mark is_deceased, the system will not send any emails. You can still see these records and have text, or a yellow ribbon icon displayed. Also, you can add a token to the profile header pattern that will display on the profile page; it can be either text or an image indicating the member is deceased. 

Disabled Record (is_disabled)

Setting a record to disabled prevents the constituent from logging in or using/appearing in any front-end features or views. Admins will still look up disabled records and see the constituent's data and history.

Disabling a record is like deleting a record without actually deleting it. Records with this flag do not get sent Email Marketing emails, and the user can not log in. Disabled Records do not get returned for regular users in first-time login results in search results.  

Records with this flag indicate "inactive" on the Email Exception Report.

Deleted Record (Is_deleted)

Admins can Edit or Delete a Member on the profile form. Records with this flag do not get sent Marketing emails, and the user can not log in. Deleted Records do not return in search results for regular users and in first-time login results. Records that get deleted no longer appear for any user in the Directory or admin searches.

NOTE:  Emails sent to deleted members containing a pre-populated link, such as editing their credit card or event information, will not allow the member to auto-authenticate into your website. The system will ask these members to log in to complete the task.

Hidden from the Directory (is_directory hidden)

The Is Directory Hidden field allows administrators to designate people who should not return in the Directory Search. The "Is Directory Hidden" checkbox allows site administrators to disable individual constituents from appearing in the Directory Search without disabling other constituent features or capabilities. This field is not as restrictive as marking them as "Is Hidden" (see below) or as a Privacy Protected Records and Hidden Records.

NOTE: The Is Directory Hidden field can be found in the existing fields for use when creating a profile form. You should place it on the Admin Only tab of the profile.  - except if you are in a sub-community and have never added to a form at GID1.

Hidden Records (is_hidden)

The Is Hidden field allows administrators to designate people whose records they want to hide. A record with "Is Hidden" hides the constituent from directory search, and all their activities in the community. This option provides the complete way to hide a constituent's information. For example, you can use this as a way to prevent famous constituents from displaying on your site.

The Is Hidden option completely removes the user from appearing on the site. Only Super admins can find those records in a search and is not visible to regular members in the directory display, search results, or profile page display. The hidden member can interact with any member-facing systems, i.e. message boards, class notes, etc.

NOTE:  You can find the Is Hidden field in the list of existing fields for use when creating a profile form. You should use this field on the Admin Only tab of the profile.

Privacy Protected Records and Hidden Records (is_PPR)

Checking the PPR box on a Profile form will protect a constituent's record, and only Super Admins and PPR admins have access to the constituent's data. Limiting access to certain records is useful for famous constituents and student data. 

When you tag a record as PPR, the following conditions apply for both constituents and admins (except Super admins and PPR admins):

  • By default, it is NOT included in data viewer queries to build an email marketing constituent list.
  • It is NOT displayed in an admin search of the directory.
  • it is NOT displayed in constituent directory search.
  • It is NOT included in queries to create Groups.
  • It is NOT included in queries to populate sub-communities

NOTE:  The setting is cloned as part of the profile to all sealed sub-communities. If you set PPR is on a member record on the top level, the behavior associated with PPR is applicable in the sealed sub-community.