Categories - Forms

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A category is a container that holds fields. You can have multiple Categories in a Step.


Add New Category

1. From Manage Form, choose Add New Category.

2. Enter a name for the Category and click .

3. The new Category will be added to the form.

Add Existing Category

Using an existing category saves the admin's time building out fields that already exist on other forms. This also prevents creating duplicate fields and saves members time filling out information that they have already provided. Also, using existing fields/categories will update those fields wherever they exist.

1. From Manage Form, choose Add Existing Category.

2. The Data Viewer will display in a new window showing existing forms and categories. Click  to open up the form you want and keep clicking on the   to drill down to the desired Category.

3. Click on the Category you want to use.

4. There are different options to use the existing Category:

  • Copy (Reuse) - Copy reuses the existing Category and fields, and saves any changes made on the Form on the original. Reuse a category if you want to use the same Category and have any change that members make on one change the original (useful in profiles, where Categories from their account profile may also be in their account lookup or sign up Form). The fields are pre-populated for people who logged in.
  • Clone (Save As) - Clone saves the Category under a new name without affecting the original Category. Click on the checkbox to indicate if you want to include the fields. Cloning existing categories allows you to customize the Category without affecting the original (adding fields, deleting fields from Form).
  • Move category - This Moves the Category off of the Form which is currently on and place it on the Form which you are building. 

5. Make your selection and click Add Category.

6. The Category will be added to the form.

Category Settings

Define the audience role(s) for this specific Category, and also manage the Category help verbiage and display headers (if enabled).

 Audience:  Specify the audience who can see this Category. You can allow everyone or only certain members to view the information in the Category.

  • Everyone – Audience does not need to be logged in to view this Category.
  • Logged In - Members must be logged in to view this Category.
  • Role - Only members who fit the criteria for a certain role (i.e., Class of 1992, Current Students, or Female alumni) will be able to see this Category. Choose from the previously created list of roles in the dual list box and use the arrows to select. 
    • Roles customizes what people see in a form. When you choose that role(s), you indicating that only those groups of people will be able to see/not see in the form. It also lets you target a specific group in your system based on a value they have for a particular field.
      • Deny Access to the following:  You may also exclude certain groups from the Audience by using this checkbox. Then, choose from the previously created list of roles and use the arrows to select a group to exclude.
      •  For example, you could include Everyone in the Audience except the Class of 2008: 
                       - Select Everyone in the first list box.
                       - Click the checkbox to Deny Access to the following. 
                       - Select Class of 2008 in the second list box.

NOTE:  To customize content on steps for different types of members, fields, and categories can be role-based.  

For example, you can design a form/campaign/event so only accountants would see information on an accounting seminar, only information technology people would see a software class, etc. However, to create a good user experience, you need to ensure everyone sees something on every step (so some roles are not taken to a blank page).


Who is allowed to view this Category? (Profile form only)
Allows admin control over visibility of member profile information. Admins can set who will be able to view the Category when used with OpenProfile.
(For example, allowing you to protect member information from displaying to non-members who have site logins)

    Everyone - Anyone can view this Category of information for a constituent.

    Role  - Only certain roles can view this Category of information for a constituent

Category Header - Check the box to Enable Category Header.  
If you enable the Category Header you may specify a specific title for the Category. (The Category has a different title from the main event title.)

Make the Category Header collapsible - Select this option to make the header collapsible by the user.

    • Include Help text AND Category data fields in collapsible panel - Select this option to make the whole Category collapsible. (If you do not select this option and there is no instruction/help text and do not include the fields, you can collapse only the header.)
    • Set the collapsible Category Header to "closed" by default - Select this option to have the category header displayed as collapsed by default when the user comes to the Form.

Instructions: Check Enable Category Instructions to enter explanatory text for the Category.  
For help using the Text Editor, click on the blue question mark on the far right side of the menu bar which pops up.

You may also use the Token List to personalize the information. For example, you could add a member's first name or graduation year with a token.

        Token List - Select tokens in two ways:

Select from quick fields: Select from an alphabetical listing of existing fields from your previously created forms.

Select from a tree view: Select from a list of existing fields by searching the tree view of previously created forms to find the desired field.  

Click on the plus sign (+)  to drill down in the hierarchy. you can see the information in the following order:

                 + Type of Form
                     + Form
                         + Step (Tab)
                             - Fields
Click on the Field to select. 

Editing Categories  

  • Click Manage Category and choose Category Settings (Audience, Category Header, etc.).
  • To add text, click Manage Category and then choose Add Rich Text.
  • To remove a Category, click Manage Category and then choose Remove Category.