Creating Roles

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Creating Roles

You can customize Roles that constituents see in a Form and let you target a specific group in your system based on a value they have for a particular field. You can create roles based on responses to questions (fields) to determine what a member sees as they fill out a form, register for an event, etc.  When you apply a role to a future step of the form, it creates a conditional logic. Roles also allow you to target people for queries and segments for email marketing audiences.

You can use Roles in multiple places:

  • An audience of a page
  • An audience of a piece of content
  • An audience (segments) for an email
  • An audience for content within an email (Legacy Email only)
  • An audience for fields and categories in a form, event, donation, or membership campaign

For example, if users are looking for seminars, you may want only to show them the dates and times of the particular seminars in which they express interest.

NOTE: The options you see may vary depending on the field type you choose.

1. Decide which questions will determine what the member will see later in the form (since events are form-based, the following information also applies to event registration forms).

    Example: You have three seminars that members can attend: Investing for Dummies, Local Day Trips, and Volunteer Opportunities.

  • You want to show ONLY the dates and times for the seminars in the next tab (step) as users show interest in the first tab (step).
  • To create a role, you design a question that asks the member to select which seminar he / she is interested in and assign a role to it. The answer to this question determines what the user sees later.
NOTE:  The field that drives the roles must be a step before the categories or fields that change depending on the member’s Role. In the example above, the question asking the members which seminars they would like to attend should be on the first step (tab), and the fields asking them to choose the date/time of the selected seminar should be on the second step (tab).  Applying a role to a future step of the driving field will create conditional logic for your form.


2. When you create a field that will drive a role, you must check the box Associate a role with this field.

Not every field will have the option to associate a role with a field. Only fields set to Normal data storage mode provide the option to associate a role with a field.

3. Choose Role:  After you confirm field values, add the Role. From the Choose Role dropdown, choose --Add New Role--.

4. Role Name:  Enter a name for the Role. For this example, the role names might be “Seminar – Investing”, “Seminar – Day Trips”, and “Seminar – Volunteer”. You need to create the roles one at a time.

5. There may be a Role requires all values checkbox. This option won't display all the time due to the field type. There are only certain instances when you should utilize this. The following information helps understand why you would use it.

Example: You can create a role on multiple fields by using the "Role requires all values" checkbox. For example, if you wanted to create a role for the class of 2000 in the state of Kansas, the Role gets generated from the class year field = 2000, AND the state field = Kansas by enabling the "Role requires all values" setting on the Role.

NOTE: It is important to understand that if you use this setting on a Role, then ALL of the values you select for that Role would be required for a user to fall into that Role.  You would never want to create a Role using this setting that required two different values in the same single value field. You could not select state = Kansas AND state = Missouri for a role using this setting since a record would never have two values in the same state field.

6. Role Field Operator:  Set the field role operator.  Options are:  Contains, Equals, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal to, Less Than, Less Than or Equal to, Not Equal.

7. Role Value:  Set the value that members need to select to meet the Role. For this example, the value for “Seminar – Investing” would be Investing for Dummies.


8. Click Add Role.  If you have multiple roles to create, you will go through steps 3-7 again.

9. Once you create all the roles, you can see a grid with the Roles for this field.


10. When you are finished creating the roles for the field, click Close.

11. Now that you have created the roles, you may proceed to the step (tab) where you want to display the role-based categories or fields.

12. Set the Audience for the category or field (depending on how you decide to set it up) to one of the roles created earlier.

For example, you would set the Role for one of the categories or fields to “Seminar – Investing”, another to “Seminar – Day Trips”, and another to “Seminar – Volunteer.”

NOTE:  When using role-based categories or fields, make sure to see something on the page for everyone who will land on that step. You don’t want people moving to a step and seeing a blank page since they do not meet the criteria for the Role for any of the items you created on that step.


Adding a Role-based Option for the Commerce Item Field