Membership Transaction History

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When a user logs into a site and goes to their profile, they will see a Transaction History item in the left hand navigation on the profile page.  This link will display three tabs for Events, Donations and Memberships (if enable for your site). Expanding the Memberships tab shows a list of Active memberships and a list of Expired or Canceled memberships. If the member has no Active, Expired, or Canceled memberships then verbiage will display letting them know they have no memberships.

You can see the Active memberships in chronological order by expiration/renewal date with the lifetime memberships at the bottom sorted alphabetically among themselves. The active memberships include the membership name, the membership level, and the expiration or renewal date with scheduled payment amount and date if applicable or auto-renewal amount if applicable. Lifetime membership has Lifetime in place of the expiration or renewal date. 

If the member has inactive memberships, Members can see them under the Expired & Canceled header in reverse chronological order by expired or canceled date. These memberships include the membership name, the membership level, and the expiration or canceled date.

The membership name for the active and expired or canceled memberships links to a more detailed view of the memberships.

Membership Transaction History Details

The transaction details for memberships provide the member with more information about the payment information for the membership and give the member options to:

  • Cancel a membership
  • Change a membership level
  • Cancel a membership auto-renewal
  • Option to resend a confirmation email

Membership details on an active term membership with no scheduled payments or auto-renewal

If a member has an active membership with no scheduled payments or auto-renewal, and when they click membership name under the active header, this takes the members to a details page that shows membership details and payment history with the following:


  • A link back to the membership list that takes the member to the page shows their memberships into a list of active memberships and memberships that have expired or canceled.
  • The membership name with a link to cancel the membership.
  • The membership level with a link to change the membership level.
  • The membership expiration date.
  • A status of Active.

Payment History:

  • The payment date of the membership.
  • A note to give the member more information about the membership. In the initial purchase of the membership, the message says "Purchased Membership - Membership Level."
  • The amount paid for the membership.
  • The Credit Card type used for the payment with the last four digits of the card.
  • The authorization code for the payment
  • An option to resend the confirmation email. (Assuming, Encompass already sent a confirmation email in the first place.)

Membership details on an active term membership with no scheduled payments but scheduled to auto-renew

When a member clicks on the membership name under the active header for active membership with no scheduled payments scheduled to auto-renew, Encompass takes the member to a details page where it gives you details of membership details and payment history with the following:

Membership Details:

  • A link back to the membership list that will take the member to the page that breaks out their memberships into a list of active memberships and memberships that have expired or have been canceled.
  • The membership name with a link to cancel the membership.
  • The membership level with a link to change the membership level.
  • The membership fee which is the cost of the membership that the member will be charged when it auto-renews.  It is not necessarily the price that was paid for the membership initially, because promo codes are not applied.
  • The membership renewal date with a link to cancel the auto-renewal.
  • The credit card type and last four digits of the card that is on file to charge when the membership is renewed.
  • A status of Active.

Payment History:

  • The payment date of the membership.
  • A note to give the member more information about the membership.  In the initial purchase of the membership the note will say "Purchased Membership - Membership Level."
  • The amount paid for the membership.
  • The Credit Card type that was used for the payment with the last four digits of the card.
  • The authorization code for the payment
  • An option to resend the confirmation email.  (Assuming a confirmation email was sent in the first place.)

Membership details on an active term membership with scheduled payments and not scheduled to auto-renew

When a member clicks on the membership name under the active header for active membership with scheduled payments scheduled to auto-renew, Encompass takes them to a details page where it gives you the details of membership details and payment history with the following:


  • A link back to the membership list takes the member to the page that shows their memberships into a list of active memberships and memberships which are expired or canceled.
  • The membership name with a link to cancel the membership.
  • The membership level with no link to change the membership level.  Encompass does not allow a member to change the membership level when they have scheduled payments on the membership.
  • The membership fee. It is not necessarily the price paid for the membership initially, because promo codes are not applied.
  • The membership expiration date.
  • The next payment date and the next payment amount.
  • The payment frequency and the number of payments remaining.
  • The credit card type and last four digits of the card that is on file to charge for the next scheduled payment
  • A status of Active.

Payment History:

  • The payment date for each scheduled payment received for the membership in reverse chronological order by payment date.
  • A note to give the member more information about the membership. In the initial purchase of the membership, the note says "Purchased Membership - Membership Level."
  • The amount of the first scheduled payment for the membership.
  • The Credit Card type used for the payment with the last four digits of the card.
  • The authorization code for the payment
  • An option to resend the confirmation email. (Assuming Encompass sent a confirmation email in the first place.)

Membership details on an active term membership with scheduled payments remaining and scheduled to auto-renew

When a member clicks on the membership name under the active header for active membership with scheduled payments remaining and scheduled to auto-renew, Encompass takes the member to a details page where it gives you details of membership details and payment history with the following:


  • A link back to the membership list takes the member to the page that shows their memberships into a list of active memberships and memberships that expired or canceled.
  • The membership name with a link to cancel the membership.
  • The membership level with no link to change the membership level. Encompass does not allow a member to change the membership level when they have scheduled payments on the membership.
  • The membership fee which is the cost of the membership. It is not necessarily the price paid for the membership initially, because promo codes are not applied.
  • The membership renewal date with the option to cancel the auto-renewal.
  • The next payment date and the next payment amount.
  • The payment frequency and the number of payments remaining.
  • The credit card type and last four digits of the card that is on file to charge for the next scheduled payment
  • A status of Active.

Payment History:

  • The payment date for each scheduled payment received for the membership in reverse chronological order by payment date.
  • A note to give the member more information about the membership. In the initial purchase of the membership, the note says "Purchased Membership - Membership Level."
  • The amount of the first scheduled payment for the membership.
  • The Credit Card type used for the payment with the last four digits of the card.
  • The authorization code for the payment
  • An option to resend the confirmation email. (Assuming Encompass sent a confirmation email in the first place.)


Membership details on an active term membership with scheduled payments that are completed for the first year membership and scheduled to auto-renew with scheduled payments

When a member clicks on the active membership with scheduled payments name under the active header with completed first-year membership and scheduled to auto-renew, Encompass takes the member to a details page where it gives you details of membership details and payment history with the following:


  • A link back to the membership list takes the member to the page that shows their memberships into a list of active memberships and expired or canceled memberships.
  • The membership name with a link to cancel the membership.
  • The membership level with no link to change the membership level. Encompass does not allow a member to change the membership level when they have scheduled payments on the membership.
  • The membership fee which is the cost of the membership. It is not necessarily the price paid for the membership initially, because promo codes are not applied.
  • The membership renewal date with the option to cancel the auto-renewal.
  • The next payment date and the next payment amount for the scheduled payments that will be applied when the auto-renewal occurs.
  • The payment frequency and the number of payments remaining for the auto-renewal.
  • The credit card type and last four digits of the card that is on file to charge for the next scheduled payment
  • A status of Active.

Payment History:

  • The payment date for each scheduled payment received for the membership in reverse chronological order by payment date.
  • A note to give the member more information about the membership. In the initial purchase of the membership, the note says "Purchased Membership - Membership Level."
  • The amount of the first scheduled payment for the membership.
  • The Credit Card type used for the payment with the last four digits of the card.
  • The authorization code for the payment
  • An option to resend the confirmation email. (Assuming Encompass sent a confirmation email in the first place.)

Lifetime Memberships with no scheduled payments

When a member clicks on the membership name under the active header for an active lifetime membership with no scheduled payments, Encompass takes the member to a details page where it gives you details of membership details and payment history with the following:


  • A link back to the membership list that will take the member to the page that breaks out their memberships into a list of active memberships and memberships that have expired or have been canceled.
  • The membership name with a link to cancel the membership.
  • The membership level with a link to change the membership level.  
  • The membership fee which is the cost of the membership. It is not necessarily the price that was paid for the membership initially, because promo codes are not applied.
  • The membership expiration date with Lifetime listed.
  • A status of Active.

Payment History:

  • The payment date of the membership.
  • A note to give the member more information about the membership.  In the initial purchase of the membership, the note will say "Purchased Membership - Membership Level."
  • The amount paid for the membership.
  • The Credit Card type that was used for the payment with the last four digits of the card.
  • The authorization code for the payment
  • An option to resend the confirmation email.  (Assuming a confirmation email was sent in the first place.)

Lifetime Memberships with scheduled payments

When a member clicks on the membership name under the active header for an active lifetime membership with scheduled payments, Encompass takes the member to a details page where it gives you details of membership details and payment history with the following:


  • A link back to the membership list that will take the member to the page that breaks out their memberships into a list of active memberships and memberships that have expired or have been canceled.
  • The membership name with a link to cancel the membership.
  • The membership level with no link to change the membership level. Encompass does not allow a member to change the membership level when they have scheduled payments on the membership.
  • The membership fee which is the cost of the membership. It is not necessarily the price paid for the membership initially because promo codes are not applied.
  • The membership expiration date with Lifetime listed.
  • The next payment date and the next payment amount for the scheduled payments apply when the auto-renewal occurs.
  • The payment frequency and the number of payments remaining for the auto-renewal.
  • The credit card type and last four digits of the card that is on file to charge for the next scheduled payment
  • A status of Active.

Payment History:

  • The payment date for each scheduled payment that has been received for the membership in reverse chronological order by payment date.
  • A note to give the member more information about the membership. In the initial purchase of the membership, the note says, "Purchased Membership - Membership Level."
  • The amount of the first scheduled payment for the membership.
  • The Credit Card type used for the payment with the last four digits of the card.
  • The authorization code for the payment
  • An option to resend the confirmation email. (Assuming Encompass already sent the email in the first place.)

Free Memberships

Members can see the Free memberships in the membership transaction history list with the membership name as a link to the details, the membership level, and the expiration or renewal date. When the member clicks on the membership name, Encompass takes them to a details page that gives the membership details and the transaction history. The membership details show the same information as any other one-time payment or auto-renew membership. The payment history shows the transaction date, a note to give the member more information about the membership ("Purchased Membership - Membership Level."), the amount of $0 and an option to resend the confirmation email (Assuming Encompass already sent the email in the first place.). Members can not see credit card information as no credit card information is entered.

Skipped Billing

If a member gives a Cheque for the membership cost and the admin enters the information into the membership system and selects the Skip Billing option. You can see the membership in the member's active membership list. When they click on the membership name under the active header, Encompass takes them to a details page which shows the membership details that shows the details for the skipped billing membership purchase and the payment history that shows the purchase date, a note to give the member more information about the membership ("Purchased Membership - Membership Level."), the amount of the membership and an option to resend the confirmation email (Assuming Encompass already sent the email in the first place.). There is no credit card information since users have not entered any credit card information.

Membership purchased multiple times

In the system, we allow a member to purchase a membership via a one-time payment and then purchase the membership again via a one-time payment or scheduled payments. If the member does purchase a membership twice, we extend the length of the membership. When a member clicks on the membership name under the active header Encompass takes them to a details page that shows the membership details for the last membership purchase and the payment history with the first purchase date and the second purchase date.

Canceling a membership

A confirmation message gets displayed when a member clicks this link to confirm the membership cancellation. If they select OK, Encompass redirects the member to the membership details page, and the membership status changes to 'Canceled'. They can see a new link to 'renew your membership'.

If the member cancels the confirmation message, they get redirected to the membership details page, and the membership remains active.

Expired Memberships

When a membership expires, it is moved from the Active membership list to the Expired & Canceled membership list. The expired membership shows the Membership Name as a link to the detailed page, the membership level, and the expiration date. When a member clicks on the membership name, Encompass redirects them to a page where they can see the membership details, details for the expired membership with a status of 'Expired on ##/##/####' with the 'renew membership link' and the payment history that shows any payments made toward the expired membership.

Renewing a Membership

The option to Renew a membership is available on the membership details page for expired and canceled memberships. A link appears next to the status. Selecting the Renew your membership link takes the member to the form to allow them to purchase a new membership.

Changing a Membership Level

Selecting the change membership level next on the membership details page takes the member to the membership form. Members see all the possible levels on the form with a 'Current Member' note next to the level they currently purchased.  

Selecting another level and proceeding through the form requires the member to purchase another membership and extend the length of the membership. Encompass does not do any refunds for the first membership level.  

Canceling an Auto-Renewal

When the member views the membership details for any membership set to auto-renew, they can see a 'cancel auto renewal' link next to the renewal date. When a member selects this link, a message gets displayed confirming the member wants to cancel their auto-renewal for the membership. If a member selects 'OK' they gets redirected to the membership details page, and the renewal date changed to an expiration date. If the member cancels out of the confirmation message, they gets redirected to the membership details page, and the membership remains as auto-renew membership.

Visit Membership Page

If the site is configured to show the CMS center buttons for memberships, then an additional 'Visit Membership Page' link will be displayed on the membership transaction history details that takes the member to the membership details page for that specific membership.  If the site is not configured to show the CMS center buttons, then the link will not appear.


Imported Memberships

Imported memberships will display in the membership transaction list and show the membership details. The payment history for imported memberships will not show the amount and will not include credit card information.