Membership Tab
The various child tabs available to you from the Membership tab are outlined below.
Manage Memberships Child Tab
Create New Membership Campaign allows you to create a new Membership Campaign. The steps involved with this are covered in Create a Membership Campaign.
Saved Report Child Tab
The Saved Reports area provides quick access to the Membership Campaign Reports that have been saved. You can use the icons in front of each report to run the report at any time.
Scheduled Report Child Tab
The Scheduled Reports area provides quick access to the Membership Campaign Reports that are scheduled to run at set frequencies. You can use the icons in front of each report to make modifications if necessary.
Reconciliation Report Child Tab
The Reconciliation Report area provides quick access to Saved and Scheduled Reconciliation Reports. You can use the icons in front of each report to run the report or to make modifications if necessary.
- Admin Only – Membership Tab on the Profile Form
- Remove Cancel Membership Button
- Importing Data into a Membership Campaign
Admin Only – Membership Tab on the Profile Form
This tab will provide a look at Memberships for the person whose name is at the top of the window.
1. To view information on another person, click Find Member Record. This will allow you to do a quick search for a member.
2. Enter the name or constituent ID of the person you want to view and click Enter to search the database.
3. Click to select a person from the search results.
4. You will now be viewing that person’s Membership History.
For a person's Membership status you will see the following:
- Active - Membership is current.
- Lapsed (Expired) - Membership is in a lapsed state if the expiration date passes without the membership being auto renewed or the constituent repurchasing a membership.
- Canceled - Membership has been canceled.
5. Make changes as needed and click Save.
Remove Cancel Membership Button
Clients now have the option to disable the "Cancel Membership" button from displaying to constituents.
For current clients, the option for constituents to cancel Memberships is enabled by default. If you would like to disable the option for members to cancel a membership online, please contact your Account Manager or Application Support.
After online cancellation is disabled, admins will follow these steps to cancel a Membership for a constituent :
1. Login as an admin.
2. Navigate to Members > Edit Members.
3. Use Find Member Record to pull up the constituent's record.
4. Select the Admin Only - Membership tab.
5. Select the membership that is being canceled.
6. Select Status: Canceled.
7. Select Save and the membership is canceled.
Importing Data into a Membership Campaign
You can import into a Membership campaign by using the following fields which will put values into the areas on the Admin Only – Membership Tab on the Profile Form:
- [Membership campaign name] - Membership Level
- [Membership campaign name] - Purchase Date
- [Membership campaign name] - Expiration Date
The Expiration Date column is a required column, but for Lifetime memberships the value in the column should be left blank.
The system stores the Expiration Date as mm/dd/yyyy X:XX where this is the Date and Time the membership was originally purchased online. When you import memberships, the Expiration Date column is populated with mm/dd/yyyy and the system inserts 0:00 for the time. It is possible to get an error message. For example, you could break auto-renewals and scheduled payments for a membership because the system thinks you are shortening the term of the membership (via the Expiration Date). You might be importing the Expiration Date as 03/15/2013 0:00 and the system has 3/15/2013 12:00, and because the time is earlier, it sees this as shortening the term even though you really are not. Shortening memberships manually will also break auto-renewals and scheduled payments (but you will not see an error message).
- [Membership campaign name] - Status - Valid statuses for Lifetime memberships are current and cancelled; lapsed cannot be imported for lifetime memberships.
On the Membership Transaction History on a member's profile, imported memberships will display in the membership transaction list and will show the details for the membership. The payment history for imported memberships will not show the amount and will not include credit card information.