Alternative Ways to Display Designations with URL Customization

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If you would like pre-selected designations to appear for your audience in your Donations campaigns, there are a few alternative ways to display Designations.

NOTE: you must use the Advanced Display Mode for the designation collection and have the pop up window enabled.


For example: You have a campaign with 100+ designations but three of them are Business School specific.  You can modify the campaign form query string so it links to only those three designations so Business School alumni don't have to sift through 100+ designations to find the ones they care about. The modified query string can be used in targeted emails sent from Email Marketing or by hyperlinking a button or navigation item in your site.

You will need to know the Encompass ID for each designation in order to limit what designations show up for your constituents. The Encompass ID for each designation can be found on the Manage Designations grid. 
NOTE:  When using an editable list, the designations you want to show must be part of the collection used for that campaign. When using a non-editable list, the designations can be from any campaign.

Additional information on URL Customization:

NOTE: The &amount=xxxx URL customization can be used in conjunction with the query string modifications listed on this page.

Editable list of pre-selected designations

You'll add &dids=x.x.x (the "X's") represent the Encompass IDs you want to use) to the end of the query string when looking at the form page from the user side (not the Detail Page).  You can add as many Encompass IDs as you want to the query string by putting a period (.) between each ID.  If the user wants to edit the designation selections, they can use the [edit] link. 

NOTE:  The &dids query string modification will work on an Event with Donation as long as the donation category is on the first step of the form and the link is to that first step, not the event center.

Non-editable list of pre-selected designations

If you do NOT want users to be able to edit the selected designations, then you would add &bledit=1&dids=x.x.x (the &bledit=1 is telling the system to remove [edit] and the X again represents the Encompass IDs). You can add as many Encompass IDs as you want to the query string by putting a period (.) between each ID.  The user will be unable to pick different designations and can only work with the ones you have defined for them.

Preset Designations Anchor Jump in URL

Admins who have access to campaign designation collections can set the URL on the donation form to open to a certain designation header in the popup window.  When the user clicks on the URL and selects the designation option that opens the popup window, the designation header that iModules specified will be what the user sees first in the popup.  The user will still be able to scroll up and down to see all of the designations.

This can be done by any admin who has access to the campaign designation collections and is done by adding a PDID (Pre-set Designation ID) to the end of the donation form URL. 

  1. From the admin's view of the form go to Edit Designations.
  2. Select the Designation Header that you would like to preset the URL to open to when selected. 
  3. A new Query String Anchor Value will be displayed in the information to the right of the the designation and new instructions will be added to the list of instructions on the page.

  4. This new PDID value should be added to the end of the form URL. 

When the user comes to the form with the PDID added at the end, the designation pop up will open to a preset location:

Business Rules

  • Adding the PDID can be done with a friendly URL by using the Hyperlink Manager in the editor when building content in an email.
  • When using an editable list, the designations you want to show must be part of the collection used for that campaign. When using a non-editable list, the designations can be from any campaign.

Branded URL

If you want a "branded" URL, you can use Link Builder when the query string is completely built out from the front view.

Please contact your Customer Experience Manager or Customer Support for additional assistance.