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Designations allow givers to designate where (i.e., specific organization, department or cause) their donation will go.  Designations provide choices for members to split their donations into different areas. The Designations cannot exceed the total amount entered in the donation field.  To navigate to Designations, select  Donations > Designations. 

Note: When the designations are added, the given amount of the latest transaction is displayed according to the amount allocated for each selected designation. 

Add a Designation ID

Designation IDs allow you to associate an ID with a Designation for reporting purposes.  They should be added before you create your campaign designations.

  • On the Designation ID tab, click Add New Designation ID.
  • Enter the Designation ID Name.
  • Click the check mark to save your changes.  Click the X to cancel without saving.
Edit a Designation ID
  • On the Designation ID tab, click the pencil beside the Designation ID you want to edit.
  • Click the check mark to save your changes.  Click the X to cancel without saving.
Add a Designation
  • On the Manage Designations tab, click Add Designation.
  • Enter the Name, External Database Value (pre-populated with the Name, but this can be changed), and the Description
    • In Simple Display mode, the Designation description displays in the campaign form. 
    • In Advance Display mode, the description displays as a tool tip when the user hovers over the Designation name.
  • If you want to force donors to provide additional information if they select this designation, check the box to Include a required text box for this designation:
  • Select a Designation ID (optional) from the dropdown and enter a Designation ID value.  (For example, Designation ID = General Ledger Code, Designation ID value = F2010-678.)  Click Add.
  • Click Save.

Edit Designation

  • On the Designations tab, click  beside the designation.
  • Select Edit and edit the information as needed.
  • Click Save.
Import Offline Designations

You can import up to 500 designations using a .csv file.  

  • Create a .csv file with the following columns: Name, External_DB_Value, Description, Required_Textbox, Text_Box_Instructions, Designation_IDAccount #, and Designation_IDLedger ID.
  • Click the Donations tab, and then the Designations option under the Manage menu.
  • Click the Import button. The Import Offline Designation page opens.
  • Browse and upload the ..csv file or drag and drop the file. 



Enable/Disable a Designation

  • On the Designations tab, click  beside the designation.
  • Select Disable to disable a designation and prevent it from being used. Designations are enabled by default.
  • Select Enable to enable a designation. You have the options to Enable/Disable multiple Designations by selecting the check box next to the Designations. Selecting multiple Designations gives you additional options under the More Actions drop-down.

Note: You can select Active/Inactive from the Show drop-down to display Enabled/Disabled Designations in the grid.

Delete Designation

  • On the Designations tab, click  beside the designation.
  • Select Delete.  (You will NOT be able to delete a designation that has already been used, but you can disable it.)

    : You can delete multiple Designations at once. To delete multiple Designations, click the Delete under More Options; all selected designations with $0 attached will get deleted.

    When deleting, if one or more Designations have $ amount attached, a warning message gets displayed to disable the Designations with $ value. You can choose to Disable the active Designations. This disables the active Designations and deletes the Designations with $0 attached. Chose Cancel to cancel the deletion event.
  • Click OK in the confirmation box to delete.

Manage Designation Collections

Collections allow you to organize your designations.  You can group several designations together and just add the collection to your campaign.

Simple Display Mode for Designations

In simple mode, designations are presented to the user with text boxes for them to enter a monetary amount for the designation. Simple Display Mode is selected by default.

Create New Designation Collection
  • Click Manage Designation Collections.
  • Click Create New Designation Collection.
  • Enter a Collection Name and Description. The Collection Name and Description will not be displayed to the end-user. 
    • NOTE:  The Collections you create will be available for any campaign that is created.
  • Simple Display Mode is selected by default.
  • Select Designations from the left column to create your Designation Collection.  You can either select designations and use the arrow to move them into your collection, or you can drag and drop them into the right column.
  • Use the "Move" buttons to sort the Designations.
  • Click Save.
Advanced Display Mode for Designations

In advanced mode, designations are presented to the user as radio button options. Selecting a radio option will put 100% of the donation to that designation. There is an optional pop-up mode that can be enabled as well.  Video Tutorial: Designations - Advanced Display Mode

NOTE: In order to utilize designation URL customizations, you must use Advanced Display Mode and the pop up window.

Click Manage Designation Collections.

Create New Designation Collection
A Designation Collection is a group of Designation Sets that can be added to a Campaign.

1.  Click Create New Designation Collection. Enter a Collection Name and Description. The Collection Name and Description will not be displayed to the end-user.  Select the Advanced Display Mode option.
           NOTE:  The Collections you create will be available for any campaign that is created.

2.  Create Pop-up Options
In Advanced Display Mode, Designations will display to users in a pop-up window.

  • Click Pop-up Options in the left portion of the screen.
  • Designations Window Pop-up: Enable the pop-up window by checking the checkbox. You can configure the pop-up window without enabling it - allowing you to keep it off until the pop-up is ready.
  • Pop-up Radio Button: Enter the text you want to see in the radio button list for the pop-up in Pop-up Radio Button.
  • Pop-up Label:  Appears as the title/heading on the pop-up page.
  • Pop-up Instructions:  Appears under the pop-up label and gives users instructions on the designations.

3.  Click Add Designation Set. (Or right-click on Pop-up Options in the left column and select Add New Set.) The pop-up window is grouped by designation sets.

Designation Sets allow you to categorize/organize the Designations in the pop-up window.  For example, for the Charity Fund Drive, you could label the Designation Set "Youth Charities" and the Designations that might fall underneath it might be "Summer Camp for Kids" and "After School Sports Program".

  • Enter Designation Set Title.
  • Click the Add Designation button at the top of the page. (Or right-click on the Designation Set in the left column and select Add New Designation.)
  • Select the Designation from the dropdown list.
  • Click Save.
  • Add as many designations as needed.

Query String Anchor value: (&pdid=xx)  The Query String Anchor value can be applied to the end of your form URL to open the designation window to a specific Designation Set.  See Alternative Ways to Display Designations for more information.

Use custom sort order - Checking this box allows you to drag and drop the designations into the desired order.  Be sure to click Save to save your changes.  By default, the checkbox will remain unchecked and designations will be sorted alphabetically.

4.  Add Radio Button Options

  • Click Create New Radio Option. (Or click on Radio Button Options on the left.)
  • Enter the Radio Option Text. Radio Option Text is the text that will display in the radio option list to the user.
  • Select a Designation from the dropdown.
  • Click Save.
NOTE:  To sort Designations, just drag and drop the components in the left column into the desired order.  You can delete Designations Sets by clicking the Delete Set button or by Right Clicking on the container tree node and selecting the Delete menu item.  The maximum number of designations in a collection is 1500.

User View of Advance Designations Display

Alternative Ways to Display Designations
Designations Sort Order

By default, designations are displayed in alphabetical order.  To control the sort order, you must use the "dids" explained above - in the sort order you want to use - and then add &sort=1&bledit=1 to the URL.
NOTE:  &sort=1 is ignored if &bledit=1 is not included in the URL.

Delete a Designations Collection
  • Highlight the collection (in the left portion of the window) you wish to delete.
  • Click the Delete button on the right side of the window.
  • Click OK in the confirmation box to delete the collection.
Designation Reporting

Campaigns that contain Designations will have two files available to download:

  • Download Export File - this the normal Campaign report.
  • Download Designations File - this file will contain only the Designations information.  Each Designation will have its own row of data and will correlate to 1 row of date in the Campaign report file.
    • NOTE:  For recurring payments, the entire donation amount is in the designation report for the first transaction, then it is never in the designation report again.  In those cases there is not a one to one match of rows with the campaign report.  (Perpetual payments are always in both the campaign report and the designations report, but recurring payments are not.)

Related info

Alternative Ways to Display Designations