Create a Donations Campaign

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There are three ways to add a new campaign (based upon administrative rights).

  1. From the top-level navigation, under the Donations menu, select New Campaign.
  2. Click Add New Campaign on the Manage Campaigns page.
  3. Or, if you have a donation listing set up on your site, click  in the area where you want the campaign added.
Add New Donations Campaign - Accept Defaults

In Advanced Mode you will see all of the choices that are shown in Simple Mode plus many additional options. If you are in Simple Mode, the options shown will be very streamlined and several defaults are being chosen “behind the scenes”. The additional options for Advanced Mode will be shaded a different color so the “added items” will be obvious. These instructions will cover all of the steps you take in Advanced Mode. Items shaded in gray will only be visible when you toggle to Advanced Mode.

1. Campaign Name:  Enter a Campaign Name.

2. Campaign Listing:  Select the Campaign Listing the Donation is to be placed on.

NOTE:  Choose listings based on where the listings have been placed and where you want them to display.  Use the Control key to select multiple listings.

3. Custom URL:  Enter an extension to create a Custom URL for your campaign.  This lets users link directly to the Detail Page, allows you to use this link in messages to users, and show it on other web pages.  Use LinkBuilder from the user view of the campaign if you want a "friendly" URL that will link constituents to the campaign form.

4.  Enable Identity Checkpoint for the form:  Identity Checkpoint is designed for use on public-facing forms (no login required). When enabled on a public-facing form, Identity Checkpoint attempts to match the e-mail address entered on the form with an existing e-mail address associated with a constituent or non-member record that already exists in the Encompass database. Click here for more information on Identity Checkpoint. See also Keeping Forms with Identity Checkpoint from Timing-out for Users.

5. Do Not Save Form Data if the user does not complete the form: This option is checked by default.  If the donation form is not completed, the data will be purged in overnight processing for non-members (non-logged in users) .  Uncheck the box if you do not want data from incomplete forms to be purged for non-members.

6.  Display Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs allow users to keep track of their progress through the form. This option is enabled by default.  If you uncheck the box, the breadcrumb trail will not be shown to users.

7. Pre-populate user profile data from return link: Allows admins to send out email marketing communications that will pre-populate member data when recipients use links in the email to come back to a specific event, campaign or other form.  It allows the transaction to be associated with the recipient's constituent record in the iModules database without requiring the user to be authenticated.

8.  Audience:  Select the Audience for the Campaign. You can allow everyone or only certain members to view the information.

Display Audience: Allows you to set the Campaign Detail Page / Campaign Center audience separately from the form audience. This means, for example, that the Detail Page of your campaign could be displayed to “Everyone,” while the actual donation form is only accessible to “Logged In” constituents.

Form Audience:  Allows you to set the audience for the campaign form which determines who can make a donation.

    • Everyone - Audience does not need to be logged in to view this content. (For Form Audience, indicate if users are required to login / create a Non-Member account before proceeding or if a Non-Member will be created behind the scenes automatically.)
    • Logged In- Members must be logged in to view this content.
      • Role - Only members who fit the criteria for a certain role (i.e., Class of 1992, Current Students, or Female alumni) will be able to see this content.  Choose from the previously created list of roles in the dual list box and use the arrows to select.
      • Deny Access to the following: You may also exclude certain groups from the  Audience by using this checkbox. Then, choose from the previously created list of roles and use the arrows to select a group to exclude.

For example, you could include Everyone in the Audience except the Class of
- Select Everyone in the first list box.
- Click the checkbox to Deny Access to the following.
- Select Class of 2008 in the second list box

  • The system will not allow the Display Audience to be more restrictive than the Form Audience. For example, if the Display Audience is set to "Logged In," the Form Audience cannot be set to "Everyone." If "Logged In" is selected for the Display Audience, then "Logged in" or "Role" are the only options available to select for the Form Audience.
  • If Identity Checkpoint is enabled on an Event/Campaign, both the Display Audience and the Form Audience are disabled. The Display Audience is set to "Everyone" and the Form Audience is set to "Everyone - Allow unregistered users direct access to the form."

If you would like this campaign to be one that you can use as a template in the future, check the box for Include on the Template List for Reuse. You will be prompted for a description.

NOTE:  To customize content on steps for different types of members, fields and categories can be role-based.  For example, a form/campaign/event can be designed so only accountants would see information on an accounting seminar, only information technology people would see a software class, etc.  However, to create a good user experience, you need to make sure everyone sees something on every step (so some roles are not taken to a blank page).

9.  Allow users to comment: Select this option to allow constituents to comment on this content.   Users will see a comment box below the content for them to enter text.  The comment will be displayed on the page and the user can also choose to display the comment on Facebook.  Constituents will be asked to login to Facebook if they are not already logged in.

10. Show in Ambassador Portal: The checkbox option for Ambassador Portal is grayed out at this time since the functionality is still being developed.

10.  Designations:  Check the box to enable Designations.
Designations allow givers to designate where (i.e., specific organization, department or cause) their donation will go.  Designations provide choices for members to split their donations into different areas. The Designations cannot exceed the total amount entered in the donation field

NOTE:  When you select to Enable Designations for your campaign, as you will not see the options for Single Amount Input, Levels and Multiple Fixed Amounts.  Levels can be added to a campaign (including a campaign with designations) after it is created by selecting the Manage Category dropdown > Add New Field > Levels.  You will not be able to add Multiple Fixed Amounts to a campaign after it is created.

Choose Collection:  Select a group of Designations (that has previously been created) to add to your campaign.  If you choose to Create a New Designations Collections, you will be taken to the interface to create it after completing the creation of the campaign.  Learn More

Require Designations:  Checking this box will require users to select a designation.  If not required, users can enter a donation amount without specifying a designation.

NOTE:  If you want users to have the option to donate to an 'unrestricted' fund (e.g., to be used in the areas of greatest need), create an additional Designation to allow for this.

The following settings will be available if you chose an Advanced Display Designations Collection from the dropdown.  These settings will not be available with a Simple Display collection:
Whole Dollar Amounts Only (No Decimals):  Select this option to prevent constituents from entering decimals into the designation amount fields on the campaign form.  Only whole numbers will be accepted.  The default is unchecked and will allow donation amounts with dollars and cents.

Display Percentage Fields:  This option is selected by default. The percentage column will be displayed to the constituent. If unchecked, the percentage column will be hidden from user on the campaign form.

NOTE: The percentage column will also be hidden if you select the option to Allow Designation Amounts to Determine Total Amount of Donation.

Allow Designation Amounts to Determine Total Amount of Donation: Select this option to hide the "Donation Amount" field from the constituent. The amounts they enter into the various designations fields will be added to determine the total amount of their donation.  This field is unchecked by default.  When unchecked, the constituent will divide the total amount of their donation between the designations, and the system will automatically check to make sure that the designations sum to the total specified Donation amount.  This also makes designations a required field.

11. Time Zone: The Time Zone for the campaign will default to the setting on your computer.

12. Display Range: The Display Range allows you to control when people should begin seeing the campaign and when it should be removed from view.  (Begins at 12:01am on the start date and ends at 11:59pm on the end date.)

13. Thumbnail Image - this option may be utilized if the Listing you selected is set up to display thumbnail images. If it is, go ahead and add an image that is set to the correct dimensions.

14. Thumbnail Alt Text - If you add a Thumbnail Image, you will also need to add Thumbnail Alt Text. The Alt Text should be descriptive of what is occurring within the image, so that non-sighted users receive the same context as sighted users.

Campaign Transaction Date Range - By default the form transaction page for the campaign will be the same as the Display Date Range for the Campaign.  Use the Campaign Transaction Date Range to have the transaction form for the Campaign become available at a later date, and/or alternately, become unavailable to members at a time different than that set in the Display Range.

15. Campaign Type:  Select the type of Campaign you would like to create.

  • Campaign Announcement (no eCommerce) - Select this option if you only want to provide some basic information on the campaign.
  • eCommerce Campaign – Select this option to create a complete campaign to which people can donate money.

For this example, we will select eCommerce Campaign.

  • Create from new – Create a new campaign.
  • Create from template – Select a template from the list to create the campaign.

For this example, we will select Create from new.

  • Create Campaign with the default settings.
  • Proceed through wizard to edit advanced settings.

For this example, we will select Create Campaign with the default settings. (The instructions for using the wizard are below.)

  • Campaign eCommerce Field Label - Enter a name to customize the label for your donation field.  You must fill in the field label for the commerce area if you are using the Single Amount option (shown below). Some examples are “Giving Amount” or “Donation Amount”.
  • Campaign Transaction Date Range - Set a Start Date and an End Date for donation transactions. These date boxes control when the “Donate” button will appear to allow users to donate.

16. Enable Scheduled Payments - Allows givers to make a series of payments.  If you check this box, you can also set the Minimum Scheduled Payment Amount.
Scheduled Payments allow members to spread payments out. Admins can edit the number of payments allowed and their frequency in the admin view of the form with the “Edit Field” option.

NOTE:  Depending upon how your payment gateway has CVV2 codes configured, you may not want to enable scheduled payments for your campaigns. Recurring payments may not be successfully charged.

17. Enable Perpetual Giving- Select this option to allow donors to make a recurring gift with no end date. For example, they can select to give $500 annually on an ongoing basis. Their credit card will be charged in the amount and on the frequency they choose until they cancel, or the credit card expires.  You will set up the parameters for Perpetual Giving for the campaign by clicking the Edit Field icon on the campaign form.

18. Campaign Layout:  Choose the Campaign Layout you want to use.  Using a Campaign Layout allows you to customize the appearance of the detail page for your campaign event, and lets you use it for future campaigns/events (including font/size/color of header, location of buttons, what contact information is displayed, etc.)

19. Show donation amounts to Event Admins - This option is utilized for Events with a Donation category and is enabled (checked) by default. To hide donation amounts for this campaign from Event Admins, uncheck the box.

20.  Add Commerce Identifier (for commerce forms): Select a Commerce Identifier from the dropdown list.  Enter the Value for the Commerce Identifier field. Click Add.
Commerce IDs allow you to assign commerce identifier fields to Events, Campaigns and Commerce Forms for reporting. These IDs  will automatically be pulled in the Event, Campaign and Commerce Form reporting, and also Reconciliation Reporting. They can include Revenue Codes, multiple General Ledger codes, etc.  For example, Commerce Identifier Name = Department and the Value = 1247 (or "Accounting", however you track it internally).

NOTE:  The Commerce Identifiers for your system must be set up by iModules.  Please contact Application Support for assistance.

21. Click Create.

22. Campaign Preview:  Enter preview information in the Content Editor window.

23. Campaign Description:  Enter a description of the Campaign.  Use the Content Editor to add text, images, links etc.

24. There will be an area for Contact Information, but depending on your Layout, it may not be shown on the Detail Page.

NOTE:  Use only the contact/info fields you want, and then you can remove/edit any unwanted information from the detail page in layout edit mode.

25. Click Next.

26. Click Close and you will be moved into the donation campaign form.  Notice that you did not work with the Confirmation/Success Pages, the member confirmation email, or the admin confirmation email.  You can make updates to those items as needed from this page by selecting the Manage Form dropdown.


Add New Campaign - Using Wizard Mode (Advanced Mode)

In order to work in the Wizard Mode, you will need to toggle to Advanced Mode.  Wizard Mode is helpful to use (especially as a beginner) because it walks you through every step of creating the campaign so you can make sure each piece is exactly as you want it before it goes live.

Create your campaign using Advanced Mode.  In the Campaign Type area, select Proceed through Wizard to Edit Advanced Settings.  After all the campaign form is completed,  you will be taken directly to the following areas which you can update for your campaign:

  • Confirmation and Success Pages: Make the necessary changes (if any) on the tabs for each page and click Next.
  • Member Confirmation Email:  This is the email sent out to people when the campaign form is submitted. Make the necessary changes (if any) and click Next.
  • Admin Confirmation Email:  The final window allows you to edit the email sent out to administrators when a campaign form is submitted. Make the necessary changes (if any) and click Finish.

You will be moved out to the campaign form. From this screen, you can add fields, add categories, add steps, etc. See Manage the Campaign Form for more information.


Add New Campaign Using a Template (Clone)

In Advanced Mode you will see all of the choices that are shown in Simple Mode plus many additional options. If you are in Simple Mode, the options shown will be very streamlined and several defaults are being chosen “behind the scenes”. The additional options for Advanced Mode will be shaded a different color so the “added items” will be obvious. These instructions will cover all of the steps you take in Advanced Mode. Items shaded in gray will only be visible when you toggle to Advanced Mode.

1. Campaign Name:  Enter a Campaign Name.

2. Campaign Listing:  Select the Campaign Listing the Donation is to be placed on.

3. Custom URL:  Enter an extension to create a Custom URL for your campaign if needed.  This lets users link directly to the Detail Page, allows you to use this link in messages to users, and show it on other web pages.  Use LinkBuilder from the user view of the campaign if you want a "friendly" URL that will link constituents to the campaign form.

4.  Enable Identity Checkpoint for the form:  Identity Checkpoint is designed for use on public-facing forms (no login required). When enabled on a public-facing form, Identity Checkpoint attempts to match the e-mail address entered on the form with an existing e-mail address associated with a constituent or non-member record that already exists in the Encompass database. Click here for more information on Identity Checkpoint. See also Keeping Forms with Identity Checkpoint from Timing-out for Users.

5. Do Not Save Form Data if the user does not complete the form: This option is checked by default. If the form is not completed, the data will be purged in overnight processing.  Uncheck the box if you do not want data from incomplete forms to be purged.

6.  Display Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs allow users to keep track of their progress through the form. This option is enabled by default.  If you uncheck the box, the breadcrumb trail will not be shown to users.

7. Pre-populate user profile data from return link: Allows admins to send out email marketing communications that will pre-populate member data when recipients use links in the email to come back to a specific event, campaign or other form.  It allows the transaction to be associated with the recipient's constituent record in the iModules database without requiring the user to be authenticated.

8. Audience:  Select the Audience for the Campaign. You can allow everyone or only certain members to view the information.

Display Audience: Allows you to set the Campaign Detail Page / Campaign Center audience separately from the form audience. This means, for example, that the Detail Page of your campaign could be displayed to “Everyone,” while the actual donation form is only accessible to “Logged In” constituents.

Form Audience:  Allows you to set the audience for the campaign form which determines who can make a donation.

    • Everyone - Audience does not need to be logged in to view this content. (For Form Audience, indicate if users are required to login / create a Non-Member account before proceeding or if a Non-Member will be created behind the scenes automatically.)
    • Logged In- Members must be logged in to view this content.
      • Role - Only members who fit the criteria for a certain role (i.e., Class of 1992, Current Students, or Female alumni) will be able to see this content.  Choose from the previously created list of roles in the dual list box and use the arrows to select.
      • Deny Access to the following: You may also exclude certain groups from the  Audience by using this checkbox. Then, choose from the previously created list of roles and use the arrows to select a group to exclude.

For example, you could include Everyone in the Audience except the Class of
- Select Everyone in the first list box.
- Click the checkbox to Deny Access to the following.
- Select Class of 2008 in the second list box

9.  Allow users to comment:  Select this option to allow constituents to comment on this content.   Users will see a comment box below the content for them to enter text.  The comment will be displayed on the page and the user can also choose to display the comment on Facebook.  Constituents will be asked to login to Facebook if they are not already logged in.

10.  Designations:  Check the box to enable Designations.
Designations allow givers to designate where (i.e., specific organization, department or cause) their donation will go.  Designations provide choices for members to split their donations into different areas. The Designations cannot exceed the total amount entered in the donation field

NOTE:  When you select to Enable Designations for your campaign, you will not see the options for Single Amount Input, Levels and Multiple Fixed Amounts.  Levels can be added to a campaign (including a campaign with designations) after it is created by selecting the Manage Category dropdown > Add New Field > Levels.  You will not be able to add Multiple Fixed Amounts to a campaign after it is created.

Choose Collection:  Select a group of Designations (that has previously been created) to add to your campaign.  If you choose to Create a New Designations Collections, you will be taken to the interface to create it after completing the creation of the campaign.

Require Designations:  Checking this box will require users to select a designation.  If not required, users can enter a donation amount without specifying a designation.

NOTE:  If you want users to have the option to donate to an 'unrestricted' fund (e.g., to be used in the areas of greatest need), create an additional Designation to allow for this.

The following settings will be available if you chose an Advanced Display Designations Collection from the dropdown.  These settings will not be available with a Simple Display collection:
Whole Dollar Amounts Only (No Decimals):  Select this option to prevent constituents from entering decimals into the designation amount fields on the campaign form.  Only whole numbers will be accepted.  The default is unchecked and will allow donation amounts with dollars and cents.

Display Percentage Fields:  This option is selected by default. The percentage column will be displayed to the constituent. If unchecked, the percentage column will be hidden from user on the campaign form.
NOTE: The percentage column will also be hidden if you select the option to Allow Designation Amounts to Determine Total Amount of Donation.

Allow Designation Amounts to Determine Total Amount of Donation:
Select this option to hide the "Donation Amount" field from the constituent. The amounts they enter into the various designations fields will be added to determine the total amount of their donation.  This field is unchecked by default.  When unchecked, the constituent will divide the total amount of their donation between the designations, and the system will automatically check to make sure that the designations sum to the total specified Donation amount.

The system will automatically check to make sure that the designations sum to the total specified Donation amount.  If you want users to have the option to donate to an 'unrestricted' fund (e.g., to use in the areas of greatest need), create an additional Designation to allow for this.

If you would like this campaign to be one that you can use as a template in the future, check the box Include on the Template List for Reuse. You will be prompted for a description.

11. Time Zone: The Time Zone for the campaign will default to the setting on your computer.

12. Display Range: The Display Range allows you to control when people should begin seeing the campaign and when it should be removed from view. (Begins at 12:01am on the start date and ends at 11:59pm on the end date.)

13. Thumbnail Image - this option may be utilized if the Listing type you selected is set up to display thumbnail images. If it is, go ahead and add an image that is set to the correct dimensions.

14. Thumbnail Alt Text - If you add a Thumbnail Image, you will also need to add Thumbnail Alt Text. The Alt Text is required for accessibility and needs to be descriptive.

Campaign Transaction Date Range - By default the form transaction page for the campaign will be the same as the Display Date Range for the Campaign.  Use the Campaign Transaction Date Range to have the transaction form for the Campaign become available at a later date, and/or alternately, become unavailable to members at a time different than that set in the Display Range.

15. Campaign Type:  Select the type of Campaign you would like to create.

  • Campaign Announcement (no eCommerce) - Select this option if you only want to provide some basic information on the campaign.
  • eCommerce Campaign – Select this option to create a complete campaign to which people can donate money.

16. Choose Create from Template. A grid with all of the available templates will be shown.  Select the template you want to use.

17. Show donation amounts to Event Admins - This option is utilized for Events with a Donation category and is enabled (checked) by default. To hide donation amounts for this campaign from Event Admins, uncheck the box.

18.  Add Commerce Identifier (for commerce forms): Select a Commerce Identifier from the dropdown list.  Enter the Value for the Commerce Identifier field. Click Add .
Commerce IDs allow you to assign commerce identifier fields to Events, Campaigns and Commerce Forms for reporting. These IDs  will automatically be pulled in the Event, Campaign and Commerce Form reporting, and also Reconciliation Reporting. They can include Revenue Codes, multiple General Ledger codes, etc.  For example, Commerce Identifier Name = Department and the Value = 1247 (or "Accounting", however you track it internally).
NOTE:  The Commerce Identifiers for your system must be set up by iModules.  Please contact Application Support for assistance.

19. All of the items included in the campaign template you selected (cloned) will be placed into the campaign you are creating. You will be moved into the campaign form so you can edit any information you would like.

Creating a Donations Template

Creating a template allows you to reuse an existing Donations campaign. The template will be available in the grid when you select to Create from Template (clone a donations campaign).

  1. From the Campaigns grid, choose  beside the Donations campaign you want to make a template.
  2. Toggle to Advanced Mode and check the option to Include on the Template List for Reuse.
  3. Click Save.