Event with Activity-Driven Registration

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Activity-Driven Registration

The Activity-Driven Registration registers the user for the overall Event if the user registered for any associated Activities.  Activities can be both free and/or fee-based.

Selecting the Activity-Driven Registration option when creating the Event and 'Accept all registration form defaults' will not take the admin through the Event - Event Registration Fees & Commerce Items step.   The admincannoto add a field to the registrant step or the guest step that drives registration. The  Activity-Driven Registration model does not include a field on the main Event that drives registration and the admin will not be able to add a field that drives registration.  When the admin tries to add a field on the main registration or the guest category, the 'This field drives Registration/Attendee list' checkbox is hidden. 

Selecting the Activity-Driven Registration option when creating the Event and 'accepting all registration defaults' will take the admin through the flow of adding an activity to the Event.  The 'Create related activities'  option will be checked and disabled, meaning the admin will not be able to uncheck the option.  At least one activity is required.

Submissions on an Activity-Driven event for the primary registrant and their guests will appear in the submissions grid, in the event exports, on the attendee list if enabled, and in the member's event history.

The admin can do the following on an Activity-Driven event:

  •  Add new category
  • Add existing category
  • Add activity
  • Add steps
  • Edit step settings
  • Sort steps
  • Lock Form
  • Configure the Review / Finish Pages
  • Edit Billing Page Header
  • Configure the Member Confirmation Email
  • Configure the Admin Confirmation Email
  • Add/Manage Registration Fees and Commerce Items
  • Add/Manage the Donation Category
  • Attendee List
  • Form Reporting
  • Import Form Data

There is a check in place to ensure that an Activity-Driven event is configured with at least one activity.  If the Event has no activities, a message is displayed to the admin in the Build Form Mode and the Data Entry Mode, letting them know an activity is required.  In addition, the 'Save and Continue' button is disabled on the Data Entry Mode.

If the Activity-Driven Event doesn't have an activity, a user on the front end will not see a Registration button on the Event Center Page and if they do get to the Event form through an email link, the Save and Continue button is disabled.  The end result is that a user and/or Admin cannot register for the Event.

There is a check in place to ensure that a field that drives registration cannot be added to the main Event on an Activity-Driven Event. The 'This field drives registration' option is hidden on the admin side when adding a field at the main event level.

If an admin sets a role on every activity on an Activity-Driven event, a message will appear to the Admin in the Build Form Mode and the Data Entry Mode letting them know that assigning specific roles to all activities could cause a registrant to not see any activities and they would not be able to register for the Event.

Create New Event – Activity-Driven Registration

There are three ways to create a new Event (based upon administrative rights).

  1. From the top-level navigation, under Events, select New Event.
  2. Click Create New Event from the Manage Events grid.
  3. Or, click  by the calendar to which you want to add the item.
NOTE:  For a few sites with specific CSS files, wherever the Content Editor appears you will have the following Display Options:    Preview with site colors (displays the content using your site's style sheet and colors) and Preview without site colors (Displays the content in black text on a white background). This option makes it easier to work with your content if, for example, your site style has light text on a light background, or dark text on a dark background.

In Advanced Mode you will see all of the choices discussed below. The additional options will be shaded a different color so the “added items” will be obvious. These instructions will cover all of the steps you would take in Advanced Mode.

If you are in Simple Mode, the options shown will be very stream lined and several defaults are being chosen “behind the scenes”.  The default for the system is set to “Accept the Defaults”, so you won’t see this option in Simple Mode.  Items shaded in gray will only be visible when you toggle to Advanced Mode.

1. Event Name:  Enter an Event Name.  (The Event Name field has a 75 character limit.)

2. Event Listing/Calendar:  Select the Listing or Calendar where you want the Event to be displayed.  Use Control or Shift to select multiple items.

 Choose listings based on where the listings have been placed and where you want them to display.  Use the Control key to select multiple listings.

3. Custom URL:  Enter a Custom URL for the Event if desired.  This allows you to use this link in messages to users, show it on other web pages and lets users link directly to the Event Detail Page. 

4.  Enable Identity Checkpoint for the form:  Identity Checkpoint is designed for use on public-facing forms (no login required). When enabled on a public-facing form, Identity Checkpoint attempts to match the e-mail address entered on the form with an existing e-mail address associated with a constituent or non-member record that already exists in the Encompass database.  Click here for more information on Identity Checkpoint.

5. Do Not Save Form Data if the user does not complete the form: This option is checked by default. If the form is not completed, the data will be purged in overnight processing for non-members (non-logged in users) .  Uncheck the box if you do not want data from incomplete forms to be purged for non-members.

6. Display Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs allow users to keep track of their progress through the form. This option is enabled by default.  If you uncheck the box, the breadcrumb trail will not be shown to users.

7. Pre-populate user profile data from return link - Allows admins to send out email marketing communications that will pre-populate member data when recipients use links in the email to come back to a specific event, campaign or other form.  It allows the transaction to be associated with the recipient's constituent record in the iModules database without requiring the user to be authenticated.

8. Select the Audience  you want to see this content.  You can allow everyone or only certain members to view the information. 

Display Audience: Allows you to set the Event Detail Page audience separately from the form audience. This means, for example, that the Detail Page of your Event could be displayed to “Everyone,” while the actual registration form is only accessible to “Logged In” constituents.

Form Audience:  Allows you to set the audience for the event registration form which determines who can register for the Event.

    • Everyone - Audience does not need to be logged in to view this content. (For Form Audience on Events with RSVP/Registration, indicate if users are required to login / create a Non-Member account before proceeding or if a Non-Member will be created behind the scenes automatically.)
    • Logged In- Members must be logged in to view this content.
      • Role - Only members who fit the criteria for a certain role (i.e., Class of 1992, Current Students, or Female alumni) will be able to see this content.  Choose from the previously created list of roles in the dual list box and use the arrows to select. 
      • Deny Access to the following: You may also exclude certain groups from the  Audience by using this checkbox. Then, choose from the previously created list of roles and use the arrows to select a group to exclude.

For example, you could include Everyone in the Audience except the Class of
- Select Everyone in the first list box.
- Click the checkbox to Deny Access to the following.
- Select Class of 2008 in the second list box


  • For Events, "Calendar Announcement" and "Events with Detail Page only" event types will follow the Display Audience option. The Form Audience does not apply to these types of events.
  • The system will not allow the Display Audience to be more restrictive than the Form Audience. For example, if the Display Audience is set to "Logged In," the Form Audience cannot be set to "Everyone." If "Logged In" is selected for the Display Audience, then "Logged in" or "Role" are the only options available to select for the Form Audience.
  • If Identity Checkpoint is enabled on an Event/Campaign, both the Display Audience and the Form Audience are disabled. The Display Audience is set to "Everyone" and the Form Audience is set to "Everyone - Allow unregistered users direct access to the form."

9. If you would like this Event to be one that you can use as a template in the future, check the Include on the Template List for reuse box. You will be prompted for a description.

NOTE: If you decide in the future that this Event no longer needs to show in the Template List, uncheck the box to Include on the Template List for reuse.

10. Allow users to comment:  Select this option to allow constituents to comment on this content.   Users will see a comment box below the content for them to enter text.  The comment will be displayed on the page and the user can also choose to display the comment on Facebook.  Constituents will be asked to login to Facebook if they are not already logged in.

11. Set the Start Date and End Date for when the Event takes place. Times are optional depending on the Event.  

Time Zone:  The Time Zone for the Event will default to the setting on your computer.

12. The Display Range allows you to control when people should begin seeing the Event and when it should be removed from view. (Begins at 12:01am on the start date and ends at 11:59pm on the end date.)

13. Thumbnail Image - this option may be utilized if the Event Listing or Calendar type you selected is set up to display thumbnail images. If it is, go ahead and add an image that is set to the correct dimensions.

14. Thumbnail Alt Text - If you add a Thumbnail Image, you will also need to add Thumbnail Alt Text.The Alt Text should be descriptive of what is occurring within the image, so that non-sighted users receive the same context as sighted users.

15. Select Create a new event. For Event Registration Model:  Choose Activity-Driven.

16. Registration Date Range:  Select the time period you would like users to be able to register for the Event using the Registration Date Range  boxes. You will set a Start Date and an End Date for registration. (Use Display Range to select when the Event Detail Page will be displayed if you want different dates from the Registration Range.)  NOTE:  The Start date begins at 12:01am CENTRAL and the End date ends at 11:59 CENTRAL.  You will not be able to specify a time zone for the Start date and End date.

17. Guests:  Check the box to Allow registrants to bring guests.  Uncheck the box if you do not want to allow registrants to bring guests to the Event.

18. Registration Settings

Enable Registration Limits across all registrants:  This allows you to set a limit on the number of people who can register for the Event.  If you check the box, there will be option to set the Registration Limit across all registrants (enter a number).

Enable Registration Limit per registrant: This allows you to set a limit on the number of people an individual can register for the Event.  For example, if the limit is four, the member can only register himself and three guests for the Event. If you check the box, there is an option to set the Registration Limit per registrant (enter a number).

19. Features:  Select the Features you want to include for your Event. There are several Features that are marked by default.

  • Attendee List - Indicate here if you want to provide members an Attendee List for this Event.
    • Display as pop-up window - The attendee list will display in a separate pop-up window.
    • Display as in-page content - The attendee list will display on the page.
  • Create Related Activities This  option will be checked and disabled for an Activities-Driven event.  You will not be able to uncheck the option.  At least one activity is required. Activities can also be added at any time from the Manage Form area.
  • Message to Coordinator - Enable a text area for members to include a message to the Event coordinator(s).
  • Attendee List Opt-out - Indicate here if members will have the option to opt-out of appearing on the Event Attendee List.

20. For this example, select Accept all Registration Form Defaults.

21. Detail Page Layout:  Choose the Event Layout you want to use for the Detail Page.

22. Add Commerce Identifier (for commerce forms): Select a Commerce Identifier from the dropdown list.  Enter the Value for the Commerce Identifier field. Click Add.
Commerce IDs allow you to assign commerce identifier fields to Events, Campaigns and Commerce Forms for passing to your payment system. These IDs  will automatically be pulled in the Event, Campaign and Commerce Form reporting, and also Reconciliation Reporting. They can include Revenue Codes, multiple General Ledger codes, etc.  For example, Commerce Identifier Name = Department and the Value = 1247 (or "Accounting", however you track it internally).
  NOTE:  The Commerce Identifiers for your system must be set up by iModules.  Please contact Application Support for assistance.

23. Click Create.

24. Event Preview:  In the content editor enter summary text for your Event.  This is generally a teaser or summary of the Event.  It will appear under the event name (if the module is formatted to show it).

25. Event Description:  In the content editor enter body text, images, etc.

26. There will be an area for Contact Information, but depending on your Event Layout, it may not be shown on the Detail Page.

27. There will also be an area for Location and Directions, but depending on your Event Layout, it may not be shown on the Detail Page. (The Location name field has a 150 character limit.)

28. Click Next.

29.  Add Activities: See this page for more information  Activities - Creating and Managing

30.  Click Next when you’ve added all your activities.

31. You will be moved back into the event registration form you can add and edit fields, categories, steps.  From the Manage Form menu, you can edit the Review/Finish pages (possibly called Review/Success if a commerce item has been added), the member confirmation email, or the admin confirmation email.

Create New Event - Wizard Mode (Advanced Mode)

In order to work in the Wizard Mode, you will need to be in Advanced Mode.

Create your campaign using Advanced Mode.  In the Campaign Type area, select  Proceed through Wizard to Edit Advanced Settings.  After the event form is completed,  you will be taken directly to the following areas which you can update for your Event:

Review and Finish Pages:  The Confirm and Finish pages are accessible via tabs at the top of the page.

Review Page:  Users/members will see this page if commerce is added to the Event and their transaction is almost complete.  It displays the details of the transaction and allows them to confirm it by clicking on a Confirm button (the button name can be whatever you like).

Finish Page:  Users/members will see the Finish Page when their registration is complete.  Generally it would include text about printing the page for their records, etc. It will be called a Success Page if there is a commerce item involved.

Make the necessary changes (if any) and click Next.

Member Confirmation Email:  The next screen allows you to edit the emails sent out to users/members when the registration form is submitted. There are two message versions - Yes and No Confirmation options that you can access using the tabs. Make the necessary changes (if any) and click Next.

Admin Confirmation Email:  The final window allows you to edit the email sent out to administrators when the registration form is submitted. Make the necessary changes (if any) and click Finish. (Admins can also choose not to receive this email by unchecking the box Admin Confirmation Email Enabled.)

Add Activity:  From the Manage Forms dropdown, select Add Activity. This will include: Name, Audience, Dates, Options (RSVP, tickets, Registration Date Range, etc.), and the Layout. Click Create to proceed.

Enter the Preview and Description information for the Activity and click Next.

If you indicated that you want Fee-based Registration for the Activity, you will create those next.

When all of the information for an Activity is entered, select

  • Add another Activity to this Event
  • Add no more Activities at this time and move ahead in the Event process

If you choose to create another Activity, you will go through the steps above again.

Click Next when you’ve added all your activities.

You will be moved out to the registration form. From this screen, you can add fields, add categories, add steps, etc.

Create New Event – Using a Template (Clone)

For more information on Cloning from a Template, visit the Cloning Checklist.

Items shaded in gray will only be visible when you toggle to Advanced Mode.

NOTE:Creating from a template will follow all of the instructions above until step 14. Once you reach that point, pick up with the instructions below.

15. Select Create from Template. A grid with all of the available templates will be shown. Click  by the template you want to use.

16. Add Commerce Identifier (for commerce forms): Select a Commerce Identifier from the dropdown list.  Enter the Value for the Commerce Identifier field. Click Add .

Commerce IDs allow you to assign commerce identifier fields to Events, Campaigns and Commerce Forms for passing to your payment system. These IDs  will automatically be pulled in the Event, Campaign and Commerce Form reporting, and also Reconciliation Reporting. They can include Revenue Codes, multiple General Ledger codes, etc.  For example, Commerce Identifier Name = Department and the Value = 1247 (or "Accounting", however you track it internally).

  NOTE:  The Commerce Identifiers for your system must be set up by iModules.  Please contact Customer Support for assistance.

17. All of the items included in the event template you selected will be placed into the Event you are creating. You will be moved into the event registration form so you can make any changes you would like.

Creating an Event Template

Creating a template allows you to reuse an existing event.  The template will be available in the grid when you select to Create from Template (clone an event).

  1. From the Events grid, choose Edit Event beside the Event you want to make a template.

  2. Toggle to Advanced Mode and check the option to Include on the Template List for Reuse.
    NOTE: If you decide in the future that this Event no longer needs to show in the Template List, uncheck the box to Include on the Template List for reuse.

  3. Click Save.