Editing the Campaign Associated with the Donation Category

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Editing the Campaign Associated with the Donation Category

A campaign admin will still be able to make changes to a campaign that is tied to an event.  The changes that are made to the campaign will be applied to the event, so the campaign admin will be given a message letting them know that the campaign is tied to an active event. 


Clicking the "Show More" link will display the full list of links to each event that utilizes the selected campaign, as shown below.  Selecting a link in the list will navigate to the event's form.


When the following options are changed on the campaign, they will be changed on the donation category on the event:

  • Donation Driver
  • Designations
  • Designation Collections
  • Designations - Require Designations
  • Designations - Whole Dollar Amounts Only (No Decimals)
  • Designations - Display Percentage Fields
  • Designations - Allow Designations Amounts to Determine Total Amount of Donation
  • Pay Now Display Name
  • Scheduled Payments
  • Scheduled Payments Display Name
  • Minimum Scheduled Payment Amount
  • Payment Frequency Options
  • Minimum Number of Payments
  • Maximum Number of Payments
  • Perpetual Giving
  • Perpetual Giving Display Name
  • Suggested Amount Per Gift
  • Payment Frequency Options
  • HEP/Gift Matching

For example:  If a campaign admin disables scheduled payments on a campaign that is associated with an active event, the scheduled payments on the event donation category would be disabled.

Disabling or Deleting a Campaign

If a campaign admin attempts to disable or delete a campaign that is associated with an active event, the campaign admin will receive a warning message letting them know the campaign is tied to an event. 

If the campaign admin clicks OK, the donation category will be removed from the user's view of the event.

The admin's view of the event will display a message above the donation category.

Disabling or deleting the campaign will have no impact on the export or reporting.