Donation Category Options

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  • Deleting a feature from the campaign automatically removes it from all linked Event Donation Categories
  • Adding a feature to the campaign makes the feature available to linked Event Donation Categories, but does not enable them automatically.


Is this field
displayed on the
donation category?


If enabled on the
campaign, is this field
editable on the donation


If this option is changed on
the Campaign, will it be
changed on the donation


Donation Driver Yes No Yes
Display Audience No N/A N/A
Form Audience Yes Yes No
Designations Yes Yes Yes
Designation Collection Yes No Yes
Designations - Require Designations Yes Yes Yes
Designations - Whole Dollar Amounts Only (No Decimals) Yes No Yes
Designations - Display Percentage Fields Yes No Yes
Designations - Allow Designation Amounts to Determine Total Amount of Donation Yes No Yes
Display Range Dates No No N/A
Pay Now Display Name Yes - field settings Yes Yes
Scheduled Payments Yes Yes Yes
Scheduled Payments Display Name Yes - field settings Yes Yes
Minimum Scheduled Payment Amount Applied if enabled on Campaign No Yes
Payment frequency options Yes - field settings No Yes
Minimum number of payment Applied if enabled on Campaign No Yes
Maximum number of payments Applied if enabled on Campaign No Yes
Perpetual Giving Yes Yes Yes
Perpetual Giving display name Yes - field settings Yes Yes
Suggested amount per gift Applied if enabled on Campaign No Yes
Payment frequency options Yes - field settings No Yes
Agent Fundraising No No N/A
Category Header Yes - Category Setting Yes No
Make the header collapsible Yes - Category Setting Yes No
Include help text AND category data fields in collapsible panel Yes - Category Setting Yes No
Set the collapsible help header to "closed" by default Yes - Category Setting Yes No
Enable category instructions Yes - Category Setting Yes No
Map category fields to address validation service No No No
HEP/Gift Matching Yes Yes Yes