AOL/Yahoo Email Policy Changes affecting the From Email

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Recently, Yahoo and AOL made policy changes to address increases in spam sent from fake email accounts made to look like accounts served by their domains ( or

As a result, email service providers who use DMARC authentication — which includes many popular ISPs such as Gmail, Comcast, Hotmail, Roadrunner, etc. — could reject any email with a “From Email” address that claims to come from Yahoo or AOL domains, regardless of the platform from which they were sent.

This means if your team sends an email out of the Encompass platform with a “From Email” address ending in or, it could be rejected by your recipients.

Encompass recommends that your organization use your institution’s email domain, or other private domains, as the “From Email” address when sending emails from the Encompass platform. This information is found in the Email Details section of the Email Marketing tool. The “Reply To” email address can continue to be an AOL, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, Comcast, etc. email domain.

We may continue to see policy changes from email service providers as they fight against spam. Using your own domain is the best way to prevent future email deliverability issues caused by these types of sudden changes.

If you have questions or need assistance setting your "From Email" address within the Encompass platform, please contact Application Support at or (913) 685-5242.