- Ongoing Donations
- Donation History
- Recurring Payments - Scheduled or Perpetual
- One-time Payments
- Donation on an Event
The Donation Transaction History on the Profile Page displays
- A simplified and mobile-optimized view of the constituent’s history of donations
- Provides an easy to use means for seeing upcoming recurring commitments in addition to past donation payments
- Includes the ability to resend confirmation email or view the confirmation on all past donations (since Fall 2012)
- If you have not enabled the Transaction History in your admin settings for the profile display then the history will remain hidden
Donation transactions are broken out into Ongoing Donations and Donation History. If there are no active/ongoing donation payments, a sub-header displays with a verbiage item letting users know they have no ongoing donation payments at this time. If there are no past donations transactions,, a sub-header displays with a verbiage item letting users know they have no past donation payment history at this time.
Ongoing Donations
Ongoing donations section displays the following for all upcoming donations:
- Date of the next payment
- Campaign name which links to the payment schedule
- Amount of next scheduled payment
- Frequency of recurring payment schedule (monthly, quarterly, etc.)
- Scheduled payments remaining if it is a scheduled payment
- Perpetual status if it is a perpetual payment.
The results are displayed in chronological order by date of next payment.
Only the first ongoing donation payment date will be included with the campaign. For example, if a member has monthly scheduled payments on the OSU General Campaign for $25 scheduled for 9/25/2014, 10/25/2014 and 11/25/2014, only the 9/25/2014 upcoming payment date will be shown (with the campaign name next to it).
Donation History
Past donations section displays a list of all campaigns with past donation payments. It will included the following:
- Date the last payment was received on the campaign. For example if a member has multiple archived payments on the OSU General Campaign, only one payment date with the campaign name next to it will be shown.
- Campaign name which links to a more detailed view of the payment
- The amount of the last payment received on the campaign.
- Payment Type (Scheduled or Perpetual)
The results are displayed in reverse chronological order by payment date. All campaigns with archived payments are displayed.
Recurring Payments - Scheduled or Perpetual
Clicking the campaign name on an ongoing donation payment or a past donation payment with scheduled payments or perpetual payments will display the payment schedule for that commitment with the following information:
- Campaign Name
- Next Payment Date
- Next Payment Amount
- Last 4 digits of credit card
- Payment Type
- Payment Frequency
- Payments Remaining
- Payment History
- Payment Date
- Payment Amount
- Payment Type
- Authorization Code
- Next to each payment will be a resend confirmation email button
- Next to each payment will be a link to view the PDF receipt (if enabled on the site)
NOTE: Since we are displaying credit card information, this information will be on a secure URL.
One-time Payments
Clicking the campaign name on an upcoming payment or a donation payment archived for a one time payment will display the following information:
- Campaign Name
- Payment Amount
- Payment Date
- Payment Type
- Authorization Code
- Next to payment will be a resend confirmation email button
- Next to payment will be a link view the PDF receipt (if enabled on the site)
NOTE: Since we are displaying credit card information, this information will be on a secure URL.
Donation on an Event
If the donation was made through a donation category on an event, then the event name will be listed under the Campaign Name on the payment details. The event name will link to the details of the event. The event name will appear on all donations that are tied to an event in the upcoming donation payments details and the past payments details.