- Approve Job Postings
- Manage Categories
- Manage Locations
- Manage Summary Display (Career Center)
- Export Job Postings
- Import Job Postings
Approve Job Postings
1. If there are job postings waiting to be approved, you will see the following: Approve Job Postings (1 awaiting approval)
2. Click Approve Job Postings.
3. You will now see the Job Postings that have been submitted and are awaiting approval.
4. If you need to edit a Job Posting, click . Make the change(s) you need to and click Preview and then Submit.
5. Select the appropriate radio button for each Job Posting. (Approve is selected by default.) The choices are:
- Approve
- Delete
- Skip
NOTE: The Skip option will skip over that Job Posting, but leave it in the “awaiting approval” area. You may want to use Skip if you want time to think about the Job Posting text or image that was submitted.
6. Click Approve/Delete.
7. Click Manage Job Postings to go back to the Manage Job Postings Homepage and continue working.
Manage Categories
1. Choose Job Postings.
2. Click Manage Categories.
Create a New Category
1. Click Create New Category.
2. Enter a name for the category.
3. Click Create Category.
Edit an Existing Category
1. Select the category you want to edit from the Available Categories.
2. Click Edit.
3. Edit the name in the Category Name area and click Update Name.
Delete a Category
1. Select the category you want to delete from the Available Categories.
2. Click Edit.
3. Delete this category and move any Postings to: Select a category where you want to move the deleted category’s notes. For example, if you want to delete the Banking category, you could select Finance as the category where you want to move the Banking Job Postings.
4. Click Delete and Move Category.
Make a Category Active
1. Select the category from the Available Categories column.
NOTE: Members do not see Available Categories. In order for members to be able to post Job Postings to a category, the category must be in the Active column.
2. Click --->> to move the category to the Active Categories column.
3. If you would like to rearrange the order, use the direction keys to the right of the Active Categories column.
4. Click Save Changes.
Make a Category Inactive
1. Select the category from the Active Category column.
2. Click <<---- to take the category out of the Active Categories column. Click OK in the confirmation box.
NOTE: Members will no longer see the Job Postings under a category that was in the Active Categories column but is now only in the Available Categories column. The Job Postings are not deleted, but are just not visible.
3. Click Save Changes.
4. Click Manage Job Postings to go back to the Manage Job Postings Homepage and continue working.
Manage Locations
1. Choose Job Postings.
2. Click Manage Locations.
3. Enable "All U.S. and "Not in the U.S." location options should be checked if you want to be able to search those locations for Job Postings.
Create a New Location
1. Click Add New Location.
2. Enter the name of the location(s). If you are creating more than one location, use the Enter key after each one to put each on a separate row.
NOTE: If the location is to be included in a search on the basis of “In the U.S.”, then Define location as "In the U.S." must be selected.
3. Click Add Location.
Edit an Existing Location
1. Select the location you want to edit from the Current Locations.
2. Click Edit.
3. Edit the name in the Location Name area and click Update Location.
Delete a Location
1. Select the location you want to delete from the Current Locations.
2. If the location does NOT contain Job Postings, click Delete and then Confirm Delete to delete the location.
3. If the location contains Job Postings, click Edit.
- Delete Location and move existing Job Postings to: Select a location where you want the deleted location’s Job Postings to be moved. For example, if you want to delete the Albany, New York location, you could select New York-All as the category where you want to move the Albany, NY Job Postings.
- Click Delete Location.
Arrange/Sort Locations
1. Arrange the Locations in the order you want using the direction buttons to the right of the list and then click Save Changes.
2. Click Manage Job Postings to go back to the Manage Job Postings Homepage and continue working with Job Postings.
Manage Summary Display (Career Center)
1. Choose Job Postings.
2. Click Manage Summary Display (varies by community).
3. Place checkmarks in front of the categories that you want to appear on the Career Center homepage.
4. Click Update.
5. Click Manage Job Postings to go back to the Manage Job Postings Homepage and continue working.
Export Job Postings
1. From the Community menu, under Job Postings. select Export.
2. There are two different types of files you can export out.
- CSV File Export (no photos) will be in a spreadsheet format viewable in Excel. The images will not appear. This method is used if you intend to import the exported data into an offline data store or simply want to review the date for statistical/reference purposes.
- HTML File Export (with photos) will be in an HTML/Web document viewable in FrontPage or Word. Images will be shown. This method is used if you intend to utilize the Job Postings in some form of printed media such as a newsletter or newspaper.
3. Select Export Filters: Select the appropriate filters to apply to the data. Some examples are by Category, Location or Date. If you do not want to apply filters, use the “Find All Job Postings” option at the top.
4. Click Next once the filters are set.
If you select the CSV file option:
1. The next screen presents you with the option to include additional member fields in the export. The default fields are: First Name, Last Name, Member ID, and Job Posting fields.
- To add additional fields click on the name of the field and click >> to move it to the box on the right. Add as many fields as you like.
- When you are finished, or if you are NOT including additional fields, click Next.
2. A preview of the export will be shown. Up to 10 rows of member data will be displayed in the preview. Click Export.
3. Click Download File. You can either open the file in Excel or save the file for future reference, offline data import, or printed distribution.
If you select the HTML file option:
Click Download File. You can either open the file or save the file for future reference, offline data import, or printed distribution.
Import Job Postings
1. Review your Job Postings data. There are seven fields that MUST be included in the information to be imported:
- Member_id
- Job title
- Company name
- Category name
- Description
- Contact name
- Contact email
NOTE: If an entry in the import is missing data for any of the columns listed above, that entry will be ignored and will not be included in the import.
There are twelve optional fields that can be included:
- Location
- Country
- Salary
- Instructions to apply
- Contact URL
- Contact phone
- Contact fax
- Contact address
- Anonymous
- Publish consent
- Start date
- End date
NOTE: Job Postings that are imported without a Start Date and End Date will automatically be assigned a Start Date of the import date, and an expiration date of 30 days from that date. To import a Start Date and End Date, the date format must be mm/dd/yy.
2. Save the Job Postings data as a .csv file.
3. From the Community tab, under Job Postings, choose Import.
4. Click Browse to search for the .csv file you created. Click on the file.
5. Click Upload and Continue.
6. A preview of the first 10 rows of data will be displayed. Click Import Job Postings.
7. Click Manage Job Postings to continue working with Job Postings.