Managing the Site Map
1. Click Site Map.
2. Site Map area in dark lettering on the left of the screen denotes you have access to work on the elements. Pages in yellow are non-active pages that members do not see. (Usually, they are the pages are not ready or not currently in use.) The remaining non-working part of the Site Map is grayed out. When you click Site Map, the page you were on gets selected by default in the left side of the screen. To enable page properties for the respective pages, left-click on the sitemap present left of the window.
3.Channels are the pages/parent pages with child/sub-pages. A plus sign (+) represents that there are sub-pages in the hierarchy. You can click on the + to expand.
Single pages will have a dash or minus sign (-). They are at the lowest level and have no child or sub-pages.
4. The Right Click Enabled statement on the left of the screen indicates you have options when you right-click on a channel or page.
5. The options available to you when you right-click at the top of a channel may be:
6. The options available when you right-click a single page may be:
7. You can also Move a Page, Edit a Page, and change Advanced Options (depending on access rights).
Create a Page
1. Right-click on a page. Click Create Page.
2. Enter a Page Name.
3. Use the Content Editor to enter text, images, etc., for the Content Body.
4. Click Create Page when all of the information has been entered. You will be taken back to the Site Map.
The New Page tool lets you create multiple child pages for one parent page, allowing you to quickly set up an outline of pages that you can go back to later to load with content. New Page also lets you choose which type of module to start your page off with while creating a new page in the Site Map has you start with a content block (although you can edit the page to add or change the order of any content modules on the page). Site Map is useful for setting up new pages for different parent pages throughout the site, and allows you to work with the properties of each page.
Sort Pages in a Channel
1. Right-click on a channel. Click Sort Channel.
2. The pages in the channel will be shown. Click each page and then use the Move buttons to sort the pages into the desired order.
3. Click Save when you have finished. You will be taken back to the Site Map.
Remove a Page
- Right-click on a page.
- Click Remove to delete the page. (If you're not sure if you want to delete the page completely, we recommend creating a hidden admin channel in the sitemap set to an admin role. Then, if you have a page that you do not want any longer, move it to that channel (instead of selecting to Remove it), and set the role for the page to admin and the role for the content on the page to admin as well.)
- A confirmation screen will appear. Click Confirm to remove the page.
Move Page – Drag and Drop
1. Click and hold down the mouse button on the page you want to move.
2. Drag it to the page or channel you want it moved to. When you see the page or channel underlined, release the mouse.
3. A confirmation screen will appear. Click OK to move the page.
Edit Page Properties
Page Title: Make any necessary changes.
Meta Keywords and Meta Description: Make any necessary changes.
- A Meta Keyword is a tag (that is, a coding statement) in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) that describes some aspect of the contents of a Web page. Well-written meta tags can help make the page rank higher in search results.
NOTE: Each Meta Keyword needs to be on its own line as opposed to being separated by commas. - Search engines use the information you provide in a meta keyword to index a page so that someone searching for the kind of information the page contains will find it. The meta keyword is placed near the top of the HTML in a Web page as part of the heading.
- There are several kinds of meta tags, but the most important for search engine indexing are the keyword meta tags and the description meta tag (meta description).
- The keywords meta tag lists the words or phrases that best describe the contents of the page.
- The meta description includes a brief one or two-sentence description of the page.
- Search engines use both the keywords and the description in adding a page to their index. Some search engines also use the description to show the searcher a summary of the page's contents.
- Although most search engines also use the contents of a page as a way to determine how to index it, the creator of a Web page should be sure to include meta tags with appropriate keywords and descriptions.
- Meta Page Type - (og:type) Choose the type of page/site (e.g., non-profit, school, university).
- Meta Image URL - (og:image) Upload an image for thumbnail display. (Images must be at least 50x50 pixels. Square images work best, but images up to 3 times as wide as they are tall are allowed. Be sure to test the image in the various social media sites to determine what works best for you.)
OpenGraph Tags in Encompass Content Management System Page Properties allow for an improved and more consistent posting of information from Encompass to social media arenas that use OpenGraph (Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest). Set OpenGraph tags for each page individually. Please contact your Encompass representative for assistance if you want these properties set at the template level for all your pages.
The OpenGraph (og) tags include:
Page Title - (og:title) Page Title that will display in social media.
Meta Description - (of: description) A brief one or two sentence description of the page.
Meta Page Type - (og:type) Choose the type of page/site (e.g., non-profit, school, university)
Meta Image URL - (og:image) Upload an image for thumbnail display. (Images must be at least 50x50 pixels. Square images work best, but images up to 3 times as wide as they are tall are allowed. Be sure to test the image in the various social media sites to determine what works best for you.)
Site Name - (og:site_name) Your community name. (Configured by iModules.)
Audience for the selected page is shown. Make changes if necessary. Select if you want Everyone to view the page, only those who are Logged In or who meet a certain role.
Click Save to save your changes.
- The Current Template will show the name of template being used. The
to the right of the dropdown will allow you to see what the template looks like.
- The Children Template dropdown provides you with the other options that can be selected. The
to the right of the dropdown will allow you to see what the template looks like.
- The Display Text allows you to enter alternate text for the Page Title. This is what will display in the navigation.
- The Redirect to box allows you to put in the URL address of where the page should redirect people.
- NOTE - in order for the redirect to work, the page must display in the site navigation.
- NOTE - in order for the redirect to work, the page must display in the site navigation.
- The Target dropdown allows you to select whether the page should open in the Same Window or a New Window.
- The Link Style will change the appearance of the link.
NOTE: You must have knowledge of the style sheets for the website to be able to know what to put in this area.
- Custom HTML Tag Attributes allow you to specify style attributes or any other attribute used by the navigation system.
- If you check the box for Make this a header only (not a link), the page will be a header instead of a link. Making a page a header only (not a link) provides organization to the site nav, and is helpful if you don’t want people to click on and go to a page. This option is ideal for parent pages that you don’t want people to link to but want to categorize the child pages beneath them.
- If you check the box to Exclude this Page from Navigation, it will hide the page. This can be used for seasonal pages, for a page under construction, or for system pages that you don't use.
- If you check the box to Exclude all Navigation from this Page, it will remove the navigation from the page. Use this to force action and restrict user navigation options. The navigation bar is not available, but the back button is still enabled. For example, you may want to provide links on the page to manage where constituents can go.
- Click Save when you have finished updating the Page Properties.
The system has been modified so that PGID's that do not exist in a sealed sub-community cannot be hit via a URL modification. If you select these page settings, users will see the following results when they attempt to link to the page:
- Page does not exist in communities
- Users will see the 404 error that says, "The web page you are attempting to reach does not exist. Please use your Back button to return to the previous page."
- Users will see the 404 error that says, "The web page you are attempting to reach does not exist. Please use your Back button to return to the previous page."
- The page exists in all communities > Hide from specific communities > select the sealed sub-community
- Users will see the 404 error that says, "The web page you are attempting to reach does not exist. Please use your Back button to return to the previous page."
- Users will see the 404 error that says, "The web page you are attempting to reach does not exist. Please use your Back button to return to the previous page."
- The page exists in specific communities, and you do not include the sealed sub-community in the list of included communities, and the GID= in the URL string is changed.
- Users will be taken to the home page.