Post-Build Training Tips

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Congratulations on completing your Build Session! This page will provide links to documentation and recordings for the areas you will likely work with the most leading up to your site launch.

How do I add and edit a News article?

Create and Manage News Articles - step-by-step documentation

How can I change the way the News module is formatted/patterned?

Edit a Listing Module Display Format - step by-step documentation
Using the News Listing Module for Patterned Content - step-by-step documentation

How can I change the site navigation or page properties?

Site Map / Page Properties - step-by-step documentation
Sort Page/Move Page - step-by-step documentation

How do I assign administrative rights?
There are two different areas to assign administrative rights. Depending on what you need the admins to do, you may need to work in only one of the areas or you may need to work in both.

Content Admins

Content Admin Rights Overview

Manage Content Admins - step-by-step documentation

Administrative Rights (gold key)

Assign Administrative Rights - step-by-step documentation

Explanation of Administrative Rights