Because those of you who play a part in your institution’s fundraising probably have some sort of process for gathering pledges from your constituents – through phonathons or other opportunities – we wanted to show you a couple of creative and effective ways your peers are using the Encompass tools to ensure maximum returns from pledges.
First, Creighton University has used tokens to communicate valuable pieces of specific information in pledge reminder emails. By creating fields, then associating Tokens with those fields, Creighton can send a highly personalized email letting the recipient know how much they have paid, what they have left to pay, and even provide the recipient with their pledge number in order to facilitate the online payment form process. Sending this type of detailed information requires only a few additional steps on your end and can yield higher pledge fulfillment. The Token functionality can be applied to any form through each data field that is storing information to display. You could even acknowledge or remind recipients of past gifts when asking in a new year, or you could display specific to-date class totals in-class contest appeal emails. The possibilities are endless – the point is that Tokens are the gateway to personalization, and the more you can personalize your content and speak directly to each donor, the better your chances for a response.
- Last pledge amount
- Last pledge date
- Amount paid to-date
- Amount left
- Pledge number