Admin & Member Email Notifications

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Admin Notifications

TASK MANAGER: Email sent to notify creation of a task or changes to a task.

Recipients: Optionally sent to creator and assignee.

Delivery: Immediate.


FORM/CAMPAIGN/EVENT NOTIFICATION: Email sent to notify administrators that a member has completed a form.

Recipients: Any address added to the administrator confirmation recipient list during form creation.

Delivery: Immediate.


FORM/CAMPAIGN/EVENT MEMBER NOTIFICATION: Email sent to administrators that is a copy of the member confirmation email.

Recipients: Any address added to the member confirmation CC list during form creation.

Delivery: Immediate.

INCOMPLETE NON-MEMBER RECORD PURGING: Email sent to administrators of all incomplete records/transactions deleted from the Encompass database. 

Recipients: Super Admins as well as specific admins (Forms, Events, Campaigns) for the incomplete records/transactions deleted from their area.

Delivery: Once nightly.

EMAIL MARKETING PREVIEW: Preview of an email to be sent through email marketing which is sent to an administrator for review.

Recipients: The administrator that requests it.

Delivery: Immediate upon request of the administrator, or can be sent a set amount of time before mass email.

CONTENT WRITER APPROVAL: Notification that a Content Management System Writer administrator has submitted content that must be approved.

Recipients: Super Admins and admin groups with the right to receive Content Notifications.

Delivery: Immediate.

CLASS NOTE APPROVAL: Email notification sent to notify administrators when a new class note needs approval.

Recipients: Super Admins, Class Note Admins.

Delivery: Once nightly.


PHOTO APPROVAL: Email notification sent requesting approval of a photo.

Recipients: Super Admins, Photo Admins.

Delivery: Once nightly.


CLASSIFIED APPROVAL: Email notification sent requesting approval of new classifieds.

Recipients: Super Admins, Classified Admins.

Delivery: Once nightly.


JOB POSTING APPROVAL: Email notification sent requesting approval of new job postings.

Recipients: Super Admins, Job Posting Admins.

Delivery: Once nightly.


MEMBER FIELD APPROVAL: Email Notification sent requesting approval of changes to a member’s information.

Recipients: Super Admins, Member Admins.

Delivery: Immediate.


SCHEDULED REPORTS: Email notification that a scheduled report has run and is ready to be reviewed.

Recipients: Admin who requested the report or who was selected to receive it.

Delivery: Once nightly.


REQUEST TO JOIN PRIVATE, SECRET OR CLOSED GROUP/SUB-COMMUNITY: Email notification that a member has requested to join a private group or sub-community.

Recipients: Super Admins, Groups Admin, Specific Sub-community Admins.

Delivery: Immediate.


REPORT AS OBJECTIONABLE: Email notification that a member has objected to website content.

Recipients: Super Admins, possibly the admin of the area that the content is in.

Delivery: Immediate.


COMPLETED SCHEDULED PAYMENT/AUTO RENEWAL NOTIFICATION: Email notification that a payment has been charged.

Recipients: Campaign Admins, Super Admins.

Delivery: Immediate.


FAILED SCHEDULED PAYMENT/AUTO RENEWAL NOTIFICATION : Email notification that a payment has failed.

Recipients: Campaign Admins, Recurring Payment Admins, Super Admins.

Delivery: Immediate.

ACCOUNT LOCKED: Email notification that a member account has been locked out as a result of unsuccessful login attempts that have met the maximum number allowed in the community.

Recipients: Super Admins and Member Admins

Delivery: Once nightly.


Member Notifications


VERIFY INFORMATION: Email notification that member information has been verified by an administrator.

Recipients: Member whose information has been verified.

Delivery: Immediate.


PASSWORD RESET: Email sent with link to reset password.

Recipients: Member who requested password to be reset.

Delivery: Immediate.


ACCOUNT UNLOCKED: Email notification that a locked member account has been unlocked by a administrator.

Recipients: Member whose account was unlocked.

Delivery: Immediate.


FORM/EVENT/CAMPAIGN/MEMBERSHIP CONFIRMATION: Email confirmation that a member has completed a form.

Recipients: Member who completed the form. Email will be sent to the email address entered into the Primary Email Field for Forms/Events/Campaigns/Memberships.

Delivery: Immediate.


APPROACHING SCHEDULED PAYMENT NOTIFICATION: Email notification (if requested) that a payment will be charged. 

Recipients: Member who will be charged for scheduled payment. Email will be sent to the email address entered into the optional notification textbox.

Delivery: Sent a certain period of time before payment is charged.


COMPLETED SCHEDULED PAYMENT/AUTO RENEWAL NOTIFICATION: Email notification that a payment has been charged.

Recipients: Member who was charged for scheduled payment. Email will be sent to the email address entered into the Primary Email Field for the Campaign/Membership.

Delivery: Immediate.


RECURRING BILLING EMAIL NOTIFICATION: Email notification that a payment has failed, if enabled.

Recipients: Member whose scheduled payment failed.

Delivery: Immediate.


CONTENT APPROVAL: Email notification sent when an administrator has approved content submitted by a member.

Recipients: Member whose content has been approved.

Delivery: Immediate.


PROFILE EMAILS: Email message sent from one member to another via the profile.

Recipients: Members can opt out of these email messages.

Delivery: Immediate.


PRIVATE, SECRET OR CLOSED SUB-COMMUNITY/GROUP: Email notification that the member’s sub-community request has been accepted or declined.

Recipients: Member accepted to/declined from the group or sub-community.

Delivery: Option of Immediate or send no notification at all.


SUPPORT AUTO-REPLY: Email notification sent when a member completes the Contact Support form.

Recipients: Member who submitted the form.

Delivery: Immediate.