Standard Member Export

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Run the Export Immediately

1. Choose Export Member Data.

2. Select Standard Report.

TIP: A Standard Member Export is useful if you need to pull specific name and address fields for a mailing or to get information you want to export to someone.

3. Select Run the export immediately.

4. Select one of the following options:

  • Include all members who submitted this form
  • Include all members who submitted this form between [start date] and [end date]

You can set the date range for the data you want to pull into the report. If you do not provide dates, the system will provide information since the form was created.

 For this example, Include all members who submitted this form was chosen.

5.  Customize Query is also available to allow you to set specific parameters for the search. This document assumes the item has not been selected.

6. Click Next.

7. Load a Saved Export Fields List: If you pull this report on a regular basis, you can save a list of fields to use in order to simplify the process. (When you've saved a list you like, you'll be able to select it from this list the next time you run a report.)

8. The fields from the form will be in the Selected box.  You may select as many fields as you like to create your query.

9. Select Additional Data Fields: Add additional data fields by using these two methods. 

  • Select from quick fields - Choose from an alphabetical list of fields to add to your form.
  • Select from a tree view - Select from a list of existing fields by searching the tree view of previously created forms to find the desired field.  Click on the plus signs (+) to drill down in the hierarchy. The information is displayed in the following order: 
                + Type of Form
                    + Form
                        + Step (Tab)
                           - Fields   (Click on the desired Field to select.)

10. Once you have all of the fields in the Selected box, click Next.

11. Sort items in the Export Fields List: Sort items in the list using the move buttons to put the report columns in the desired order.

12. Save the Export Fields List:  Here is your opportunity to save the Export Field List to reuse in the future. Saving the Export Field List is not the same as saving the actual export/report.

13. Click Next.

14. Report Preview:  A preview of the report will be shown with up to 10 rows of data. If there were no results for your form, a message will display instead of displaying a preview. Click Next.

15. Click Download File to access the report. By default, it will export to Excel as a CSV file. There are other options shown on the screen as well:

  • I do not want to Save this Export
  • Save this Export for future use
  • Save and Schedule this Export
    •  If you choose Save and Schedule this Export, you can save and schedule the report to be pulled and sent to you at regular intervals. With a scheduled report, you can set up who will receive the email notification so the report can be downloaded.
    • As a best practice, you should set an End Date for the scheduled report if you have an end date for the form so that you do not continue receiving reports after the form is closed.

16. Click Close.


Schedule for a Later Date

1. Choose Export Member Data.

2. Select Standard Report.

3. Select Schedule the Report for a Later Date.

4. Customize Query is also available to allow you to set specific parameters for the search. This document assumes the item has not been selected.

5. Click Next.

7. Export File Format:  Select either CSV or Fixed Data Length depending on your preference.

8. Load a Saved Export Fields List:  If you pull this report on a regular basis, you can save a list of fields to use in order to simplify the process. (When you've saved a list you like, you'll be able to select it from this list the next time you run a report.) 

9. The fields from the form will be in the Selected box.   You may select as many fields as you like to create your query.

10. Select Additional Data Fields: Add additional data fields by using these two methods. 

  • Select from quick fields - Choose from an alphabetical list of fields to add to your form.
  • Select from a tree view - Select from a list of existing fields by searching the tree view of previously created forms to find the desired field.  Click on the plus signs (+) to drill down in the hierarchy. The information is displayed in the following order: 
                + Type of Form
                    + Form
                       + Step (Tab)
                           - Fields   (Click on the desired Field to select.)

11. Once you have all of the fields in the Selected box, click Next.

12. Sort items in the Export Fields List: Sort items in the list using the “Move” buttons to put the report columns in the desired order.

13. Save the Export Fields List:  Here is your opportunity to save the Export Field List to reuse in the future. Saving the Export Field List is not the same as saving the actual export/report.

14. Click Next.

15. Report Preview:  A preview of the report will be shown with up to 10 rows of data. If there were no results for your form, a message will display instead of displaying a preview. Click Next.

16. Schedule Report:  You are now ready to save and schedule the report. Enter a report name, description, start date, a frequency for how often the report should run (i.e. daily, monthly, yearly), and select your Data Output.  An end date is optional. This is also where you can select "Updated Since Last Run" under Data Output to set up a recurring report of changed records. Click to save your information.

17. Email Notification:  The next screen prompts you for the admins who should receive the notification that the report has run.  Fill in the following data: admins, From Name, Subject, and body text. Click Save Email Notification.

  • You can include additional email addresses by using the Additional Emails function.
  • There is a standard email body already created, but you can make changes to it if you would like.  Click Save Email Notification..

18. Click Close.



Customize query

Indicate here if you would like to use the Data Viewer to further refine your report query based on member data fields.  Use this option to refine a particular report to include only certain types of members, or members from a particular region, etc.


Access Saved Exports

1. There are two ways to get to the Saved Report tab.

  • Choose Edit Members, then click the Saved Reports tab.

2. You will see a grid with all of the saved exports. There are icons to the left of each export that allow you to work with them. Hovering over the icon will display a tool tip indicating what each icon will allow you to do: Run Export, Modify Query, Modify Export Fields List, Edit Export Settings, and Delete Export.


Access Scheduled Exports

1. There are two ways to get to the Scheduled Report tab.

  • Choose Edit Members, the click the Scheduled Exports tab.

2. You will see a grid with all of the scheduled exports. There are icons to the left of each export that allow you to work with them. Hovering over the icon will display a tool tip indicating what each icon will allow you to do: Modify Query, Modify Export Fields List, Edit Export Settings, Edit Email, and Delete Export.

Large Exports

If your export is very large, you might receive this message after the Preview page:  Your file is being processed.  Please wait...

The system will time out after 60 seconds if your file is too large to be processed in that time and will give you this message and options:

Select Save and Schedule.

Enter the Export Name, select today's date for the Start Date, and select One Time for the Frequency. (End Date is not applicable.) Your export will be run in overnight processing, and you will receive an email notifying you when it is ready.

Set File Retrieval via Secure FTP

File Naming Convention for SFTP Export/Reports 
The file naming convention for SFTP Export/Reports is [Date_Processed]_[Export_Report_Name].csv

The date will be an 8 digit number (YYYYMMDD) and any spaces in your file name will be replaced with an underscore.  For example, a report processed on May 5, 2010 would be named as follows: 20100505_Updated_Fields_Export.csv

Your file will be placed in the "scheduled_exports" subfolder of your SFTP directory for retrieval.

Email Confirmation 
If you would like to receive an email confirming that the Export/Report has run successfully, enter the email address(es).